On Sunday July 5th at 12:44 A.M. EDT at 13 degrees Capricorn 38 minutes we will have the third eclipse in this package deal. We are still in the throes of this intense Capricorn era with Jupiter, Saturn & Pluto all riding through this earth sign. What better event to magnify the intensity of this energy than this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn. And to add to the comedy this eclipse falls exactly on America’s Sun and will have an exceptionally strong effect on our nation. Remember, events do not have to take place exactly when a transit completes, so while I do recommend caution during any Full Moon, especially an eclipse, an event could occur anytime over the coming few weeks or months as planets transit the point there the eclipse occurred. That’s always been difficult to explain to students of astrology who like to have things neatly tied up and easy to predict. Eclipses block out the light, literally. And when that happens, things that are in the shadows are more visible. Secrets are often revealed and hidden agendas may come to light. Donald Trump’s niece is releasing her tell-all book later this month. Let’s see what effect, if any it will have on our political circus.


But because this and the previous New Moon Solar Eclipse are so precariously placed we are in a moment of great magnitude that will be extremely active. As I’m sure you’ve seen in the media Trump is not doing well in the polls. It’s becoming more difficult to hide the problems we are facing and there’s a good change he’s having a major health issue. His chart looks terrible and I have predicted for some time that he was going to have serious problems. Certainly the nation is in a risky situation, and the explosion in new cases of Covdi-19 has already had a big impact on our attempt to reopen the economy. Capricorn is all about material issues and the stability of our foundation, which is certainly on shaky ground. This aspect could represent a long-term sideways stock market. I have never believed that we are in a true bull market. We have seen severe manipulation by the FEDS supporting it and puffing up the numbers, and a large number of individuals reinvesting in the stocks, some because there is no other place to invest, and others because they wish to gamble and with the casinos, race tracks and other venues closed there’s nowhere to place a bet but on Wall Street. In any case, we are heading toward the 2nd crash that I have predicted for a long time after the first of the year? I can’t be exactly sure when, though the astrology points towards early 2021. But my advice is to be extremely careful. As Trump’s numbers continue to fall (and they will) we may experience a violent reaction in the markets based on the realization that we are in a crumbling government with the lack of support by the FEDS to continue to puff up the equities.


Where this Eclipse falls in your chart and the aspects it makes will show you what its potential results may be. Eclipses are powerful and should be respected. If this hits your natal chart it’s worth examining and making preparations for what might be. We will all see some results of this, including the uncovering of some truths, especially when Mercury goes direct on July 12th. Stay alert and keep an eye on your health. If you don’t respect this virus and take precautions you have a good chance of catching it. And despite the nonsense on social media, this isn’t something you have to deal with. It’s a nasty bug and appears to have some very long lasting secondary effects. Stay safe. And Happy holiday! We are celebrating the birth of a great experimental concept in human history and what should be a great nation. Happy birthday America. Mitch

I study astrology at https://horo.io/ and I think that the lunar eclipse falling on the birthday of the USA seems to indicate dark times, however this reading shows that the American experiment could have a rebirth. Americans might decide to become a family again, to ignore that which divided us, and to work toward a more inclusive future. I will be rooting for that.