On Tuesday June 30th at 1:46 A.M. EDT this very significant and powerful aspect will complete now for the 2nd of three passes. The last will occur in November just a few days after the election, and what occurs now will come to fruition in the fall. In November 2016 these two planets were about to square each other just as the presidential election took place. This is the following combination of these two planetary energies that will test what took place on that square in 2016. The first pass of this conjunct occurred in April 2020, and we saw the results of what the coronavirus did to our society and out economy. The political ramifications of that pandemic are becoming clearer with each passing week. Now on this 2nd conjunct we will have a chance to examine what has taken place in preparation for the last pass that occurs right on the coming elections. There are no coincidences and astrology often gives us very clear and obvious signals about what we are going through. This next presidential election will be a completion of the circle that began on the square four years ago.
Jupiter is the planet of unbridled expansion. Its energy doesn’t acknowledge boundaries or limitations of any sort. It’s the ruler of Sagittarius a sign well-known for stepping outside of the norm. It rules long journeys, education and the higher mind of philosophy, religion and big concepts. There is nothing small about this planet or the sign it rules. Wherever it falls in a chart or by transit its goal is to enlarge the situation as big as possible. Pluto rules many things. It controls the underworld (or subconscious), anything hidden beneath the surface. It has much to do with the elimination of waste, and as such will often bring things to the surface that have been unseen, such as an infection or buried agenda. We are seeing the results of this aspect with the pandemic that has increased in size and influence as this hidden contagion continues to wreak havoc on our culture and on the health of our must fragile citizens. But there are other issues also being brought to the surface now.
The “infection” of racism, a long known problem that has been pushed time and again into the shadows is being brought out into the light in a huge Jupitarian fashion. Circumstances have created an environment of opportunity for our nation and the world to express its disgust at the way some of our fellow mankind has been treated for centuries. This combination of Jupiter’s need to expand and Pluto’s tendency to reveal what is festering in the underworld has made it impossible to ignore the truth. The fact that so many people are out of work and thus have the freedom to protest has certainly enlarged (Jupiter) the movement and pushed it to the limit. What happens once our economy reopens is another question. Because the last pass of this aspect competes near the coming election it will certainly play a big part in how that contest is resolved. I have been saying for some time that there will be a Big Blue Wave in November and Joe Biden will be our next president. One again I must say – this is not an endorsement of one candidate or political party. It is the interpretation of all of my astrological studies. I’m doing a webinar on July 12th about the coming election and its aftermath. Please let me know if you’re interested in attending. I’ll be sending out an announcement in a day or so.
This conjunct falls in the midst of a month filled with important astrological events. There are two prominently placed eclipses, Mars is in Aries for an extended period of time, Mercury is in retrograde and Saturn is about to reenter Capricorn the sign of its rulership tomorrow for its last hurrah for another 28 years. This is certainly going to be a period of intensity, so stay alert. There will be battles of will and retribution, Pluto’s domain. And legal issues, Jupiter’s influence will be highlighted to great magnitude. If you choose to go into a fight now you can expect it to be waged without restraint and you must be prepared to do whatever it takes to win. Aren’t you glad you’re not running for president? 😀