On Thursday June 25th at 2:48 A.M. EDT Venus finally turns back around. This is probably good news for financial matters in some ways. We will see the continuation of a letup in the lockdown most of us have experienced for the past months and while we are far away from a return to normalcy, there will be some movement in our personal finances. Many will return to work. As to whether that will be full-time or not remains to be seen. And stores, barbershops, restaurants and other small commercial ventures will at least begin to see some movement. But this isn’t a sudden reversal in our economic woes. It’s just the very tip of the change we have been waiting for these many months. We are still facing a very long and arduous period of financial malaise. Don’t be fooled by a rising DOW or mild recovery in the unemployment numbers. We haven’t been put into this situation so we can just shrug our shoulders and return to what was. Our nation and the world must change or we will slip back into the quicksand we have just been pulled out of.


Of course just how much things return to the pre-pandemic state will have to do with how we are handling the virus, how many new cases pop up and whether or not our society can reincorporate the changes that will be demanded. We still have Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto going backwards, so this remains a heavy retrograde period. I don’t believe we are going to go back to “what was”. Rather we need to invent “what will be” in our brave new world and as each of the retrograding planets reverses direction in the coming months those astrological events will direct us and offer opportunities and challenges. The better we take advantage of each and learn how to adjust the quicker and more complete will be our recovery.


In our personal lives you may now find it’s easier to interact with each other. Venus has much to do with our mingling, and people will feel more social and outgoing. It’s time to tell someone how you feel and to strengthen your bonds. Friendships, just like love affairs need to be nurtured and stroked, so make sure you take the time expressing your love. Don’t take each other for granted. Sartre was only half right. Heaven can also be defined as other people.