On Tuesday June 23rd at 12:31 A.M. EDT this most confusing planet begins its yearly backward run. This is the beginning of a period of time when many of us will seek solace from the trials and tribulations of the material world. Because our species is having such difficulties at the moment (to the delight and salvation of many of earth’s other inhabitants) we are being forced in some ways to reestablish our priorities and to view things from the more spiritual perspective in ways that would normally be ignored or given lip-service at best. Financial issues are not Neptune’s concern. Now with the forced shutdown of so much of our material values we are being called upon to look at the world from a very old – and very new perspective: New to our generations, and old to the spirit of the Earth. When this planet is moving backwards each year we tend to be more interested in our spirit than our bankbook. But now with the economy in such bad shape and with no real recovery in sight the challenges we face just keeping things in balance will be difficult, and so we reach out to the ethereal plane. And that is where we may find our true consolation.


Neptune rules music, photography, movies and fine art. This can be a very productive time for creative spirit and it may be easier to tap into your muse. If possible I do recommend waiting until this planet is going forward before releasing a major piece of artistic work so the world will be more conscious of it. But we don’t always have that choice, so do the best you can.