JULY 2020
Note: All aspects are most powerful and effective as they apply. Once the transit has completed, its force is lessened. The further it separates the weaker it becomes.
We are riding through uncharted waters in a leaky boat. Between the ongoing, escalating pandemic, the racial tension and the collapsed economy there’s little of substance to hold on to. This is 2020, a year I and other astrologers have predicted for many years would be a very difficult and challenging time, and it certainly has lived up to its potential. On Coast to Coast in 2016 I had made this forecast and repeated it on most appearances since. So here we are. Now what do we do to get through this?
The first thing to do is not to lose faith. We’ve been through tough times before and facing challenges is how we grow as individuals and as a collective. Because we are in an eclipse period with back to back solar-lunar aspects hitting very precarious points in the zodiac we all need to take a deep breath. This New Moon Solar Eclipse falls at zero degrees Cancer, on what is called the Aries or World Point. On July 5th we have a Lunar Eclipse at 13 degrees Capricorn exactly on America’s Sun. These two aspects imply basically that the human race will experience a moment of shock and change that may have long term affects and could represent a crisis of some sort. Awareness is all, and if you keep your balance and walk steady and sure-footed all will be fine.
This month we will see the 2nd conjunct of Jupiter and Pluto. Both of these planets have a strong interest in uncovering the truth. And with John Bolton and Donald Trump’s niece, Mary Trump preparing to publish tell-all books about the president I believe we are about to see the full fury of this planetary combination. The backlash from this president against these publications will be frantic and erratic and we are going to see some very harsh and unethical attempts at retribution.
I have said for some time in my writings, lectures and on Coast to Coast and other media outlets that Trump will lose this election by a very wide majority. They will try everything possible, legal or illegal to thwart it. But I don’t believe there is anything that can be done to prevent that. The nation has grown tired of his shenanigans and there is a deep desire for a calm and reassuring voice in the White House. While Joe Biden isn’t the perfect candidate and many would prefer to see someone else in the office, barring some unforeseen catastrophe, if the choice remains between these two men, the scales are tipping seriously in favor of Mr. Biden. No, this is not an indorsement of one candidate over the other. It is simply an interpretation of what the astrology is telling me. I will be posting a webinar on the election very soon and I hope some of you can tune in and be a part of the event, or download it once it’s been posted on my website.
For now, take a deep breath, meditate and have confidence that there is a purpose for all things on earth. We are being given a rare and wonderful opportunity to examine our values and to see clearly (now that the smog has lifted) exactly what our society is based on. This is a chance to change direction in some fundamental ways. Will we rebuild the road most traveled, repair it and level it out to allow a smoother ride for all, or just slap another layer of tar on top and return to the same drive ignoring the warning signs as we wait until the highway buckles and collapses once again? I have the belief that we will do more. Do you? Mitch.
The New Moon falls on Sunday June 21st at 2:41 A.M. EDT at 0 degrees Cancer 21 minutes & it’s a Solar Eclipse. This is the 2nd Eclipse in this cycle and it falls exactly on the Aries or World Point at zero degrees cardinal. This is the summer solstice and the beginning of the new season. This is rare for a New Moon, and especially for an eclipse. This implies that the events we will see unfolding this month will have long term effects on the collective and their influence will be greater than usual. This will certainly include the political landscape, the ongoing pandemic and the economic situation – all of which have us on the edge of our seats. So what can we expect? Trump has decided to hold his first rally one day after Juneteenth in Tulsa, the sight of the worst racial attack in America’s history. This was not an unconscious decision on his part. He is purposely stirring up the waters and, with this eclipse at such a precarious place I’m concerned that there will be some violence or at the very least a serious confrontation.
So what else can we look out for? Well, for one thing we have seen a big spike in the number of Covid-19 cases over the past few weeks as states reopen and many citizens ignore all the advice about masks, social distancing etc. The Trump rally will expose thousands of people to the virus and with secondary exposure tens of thousands. We are by nature a very social species and don’t like isolation too much (leaving the water signs out of the mix). So when we are cooped up for any length of time we tend to rebel. Look at what happens every spring, especially following a brutal winter. Once the weather permits we run out into the streets like teenagers after the end of school. Now with most of us feeling the restrictions of the past few months we are bound to throw caution to the wind and do what we will. That’s sort of what happened in 1918, and I think by now most of you know what the result of that was. Will we see a mutated virus decimate our population as it did back then? Or will we get lucky and dodge the bullet this time?
Politically we are seeing the results of what I have been predicting for many months based on the astrological interpretations. Biden’s chart looks pretty good. Trump’s chart looks horrible, and how it falls on America’s is a strong indicator that he and his party are heading for a rout in November. Do the polls matter in June? Not really. We’ve all seen them change radically in a short time, and 5 months is a lifetime in politics. But it’s deeper than any one issue. America has become exhausted with Trump’s antics and his lack of leadership, and many who backed him are no longer enthralled with his reality TV persona. We need to get our nation back on its feet and to at least stabilize things or it will all fall to crap. And that is what this Solar Eclipse on the World’s axis is telling the collective. The Full Moon on July 5th is also an eclipse and it falls at 13 degrees Capricorn exactly on America’s Sun. We can expect some intense and powerful results that will be in effect throughout the summer and into the autumn. Pluto and Jupiter are minutes away from an opposition to America’s Mercury and Venus is close to our Uranus. All of this adds up to a time when there could be an explosive and very powerful event. Hold your breath and hope for the best. In any event don’t be surprised by anything you see or hear over the coming few weeks.
If either of these eclipses sets off your chart in a significant way you may find that there are some issues that you will have to contend with. Where it falls by house placement and what aspects it creates will decide just what areas of your life are being effected and how best to handle them. Stay alert and be prepared for what the universe will give us. It’s through our trials and tribulations that we grow as individuals and as a species. So embrace it all. And stay safe.
On Tuesday June 23rd at 12:31 A.M. EDT this most confusing planet begins its yearly backward run. This is the beginning of a period of time when many of us will seek solace from the trials and tribulations of the material world. Because our species is having such difficulties at the moment (to the delight and salvation of many of earth’s other inhabitants) we are being forced in some ways to reestablish our priorities and to view things from the more spiritual perspective in ways that would normally be ignored or given lip-service at best. Financial issues are not Neptune’s concern. Now with the forced shutdown of so much of our material values we are being called upon to look at the world from a very old – and very new perspective: New to our generations, and old to the spirit of the Earth. When this planet is moving backwards each year we tend to be more interested in our spirit than our bankbook. But now with the economy in such bad shape and with no real recovery in sight the challenges we face just keeping things in balance will be difficult, and so we reach out to the ethereal plane. And that is where we may find our true solace.
On Thursday June 25th at 2:48 A.M. EDT Venus finally turns back around. This is probably good news for financial matters in some ways. We will see the continuation of a letup in the lockdown most of us have experienced for the past months and while we are far away from a return to normalcy, there will be some movement in our personal finances. Many will return to work. As to whether that will be full-time or not remains to be seen. And stores, barbershops, restaurants and other small commercial ventures will at least begin to see some movement. But this isn’t a sudden reversal in our economic woes. It’s just the very tip of the change we have been waiting for these many months. We are still facing a very long and arduous period of financial malaise. Don’t be fooled by a rising DOW or mild recovery in the unemployment numbers. We haven’t been put into this situation so we can just shrug our shoulders and return to what was. Our nation and the world must change or we will just slip back into the quicksand we have just been pulled out of.
In our personal lives you may find it’s easier to interact with each other. Venus has much to do with our mingling and people will feel more social and outgoing. Of course just how much things return to the pre-pandemic state will have to do with how we are handling the virus, how many new cases pop up and whether or not our society can reincorporate the changes that will be demanded. I don’t believe we are going to go back to “what was”. Rather we need to invent “what will be” in our brave new world and as each planet reverses direction in the coming months those astrological events will direct us and offer opportunities and challenges. The better we take advantage of each and learn how to adjust the quicker and more complete will be our recovery.
On Saturday June 27th at 9:45 P.M. EDT until January 6th 2021 Mars enters the sign of its rulership and enters a place where it certainly feels more at home than it did in Pisces. Because of the retrograde of Mars, which occurs every 2 years it will remain in this sign for more than 6 months, an extremely long period of time. While this is the sign of its rulership, many astrology students make a common mistake by assuming that any planet in its rulership will result in a positive or easy-going period of time. I have not found that to be the case. Many people with the Moon in Cancer are overly emotional and find it difficult to keep a good balance between their feelings and their intellect. Some with Jupiter in Sagittarius can be too optimistic and not terribly realistic, etc. So while Mars is in this cardinal fire sign it will tend to be quite aggressive and ego-centric. The result may very well be an escalation of tension and even outright violence or military intervention. There are several hot-spots in the world that could easily explode. North – South Korea, the Chinese – India border, Israel, or even the Divided States of America. Since there isn’t a hell of a lot we as individuals can do to change world politics, it would be wise to take these things into account if you’re planned a long vacation and thought that it would be a good time to visit the Himalayas.
As with all aspects this will affect us on a personal level depending upon where in your chart Mars is traveling. The house that it will transit over the coming months will be the place where much activity will ensue. Because of Mars’ normal tendency to not wish to yield and with it in Aries for such a long time it would be wise to sidestep any direct confrontations when possible. If you do decide that an issue is worth the battle, be prepared to follow through with all of your strength. Otherwise you could be on the receiving end of someone else’s unbending force. We can get a lot accomplished during this 6 month period and there will be a strong undercurrent of will and ego. So try to use this energy to your advantage and stay active and productive.
On Sunday June 28th at 6:59 A.M. EDT this very useful sextile will give us all a day or so when we can work hard and focus our attention on what’s most important. Mars is only energy, unrestrained and Saturn is the force of direction and focus. If used in tandem they can do much and give us control of the force within. This is a quick moving transit that lasts only a day or so, but it herald’s Mars’ entrance into Aries and will give us all a kick-start and an opportunity to see just what we can accomplish over the coming months.
On Tuesday June 30th at 1:46 A.M. EDT this very significant and powerful aspect will complete now for the 2nd of three passes. The last will occur in November just a few days after the election, and what occurs now will come to fruition in the fall. In November 2016 these two planets were about to square each other just as the presidential election took place. The first pass of this conjunct occurred in April 2020. Now on this 2nd conjunct we will have a chance to examine what has taken place in preparation for the last pass right on the coming elections. There are no coincidences and astrology often gives us very clear and obvious signals about what we are going through. This next presidential election will be a completion of the circle that began on the square four years ago.
Jupiter is the planet of unbridled expansion. Its energy doesn’t acknowledge boundaries or limitations of any sort. It’s the ruler of Sagittarius a sign well-known for stepping outside of the norm. It rules long journeys, education and the higher mind of philosophy, religion and big concepts. There is nothing small about this planet or the sign it rules. Wherever it falls in a chart or by transit its goal is to enlarge the situation as big as possible. Pluto rules many things. It controls the underworld (or subconscious), anything hidden beneath the surface. It has much to do with the elimination of waste, and as such will often bring things to the surface that have been unseen, such as an infection or buried agenda. We are seeing the results of this aspect with the pandemic that has increased in size and influence as this hidden contagion continues to wreak havoc on our culture and on the health of our must fragile citizens. But there are other issues also being brought to the surface now.
The “infection” of racism, a long known problem that has been pushed time and again into the shadows is being brought out into the light in a huge Jupitarian fashion. Circumstances have created an environment of opportunity for our nation and the world to express its disgust of the way some of our fellow mankind have been treated for centuries. This combination of Jupiter’s need to expand and Pluto’s tendency to reveal what is festering in the underworld has made it impossible to ignore the truth. The fact that so many people are out of work and thus have the freedom to protest has certainly enlarged (Jupiter) the movement and pushed it to the limit. What happens once our economy reopens is another question. Because the last pass of this aspect competes near the coming election it will certainly play a big part in how that contest is resolved.
This conjunct falls in the midst of a month filled with important astrological events. There are two prominently placed eclipses, Mercury is in retrograde and Saturn is about to reenter Capricorn the sign of its rulership tomorrow for its last hurray for another 28 years. This is certainly going to be a period of intensity, so stay alert. There will be battles of will and retribution, Pluto’s domain. And legal issues, Jupiter’s influence will be highlighted to great magnitude. If you choose to go into a fight now you can expect it to be waged without restraint and you must be prepared to do whatever it takes to win.
On Tuesday June 30th at 6:12 P.M. EDT & at 10:53 P.M. EDT Then On Wednesday July 1st at 2:07 A.M. EDT the Sun Sextiles Uranus. For the next 2 days we will experience a short burst of mental energy and a desire to think outside the box. These aspects will stimulate our thoughts and speech and offer us new ways of looking at old problems. Ideas and communications of all sorts will be fast and furious, and it may be difficult to keep up with them all. But sextiles are more user-friendly so if you take a deep breath you can stay on top of things. This is few days to reach out to others and to express yourself. There’s a lot to say so get to it. This is a good day for important discussions or for planning and organizing. You have the mental capacity to get it done, it’s just up to you to stay busy and move forward. This coincides with the Sun conjunct Mercury and is followed closely by the Sun sextile Uranus. Don’t separate these aspects. They are part of a two-day event that will be very stimulating and exciting.
On Wednesday July 1st at 7:37 P.M. EDT until December 17th at 12:04 A.M. EST Saturn will retrograde back into the sign of its rulership. Over the past few months since March 21st we had a chance to get a taste of what Saturn’s transit through Aquarius would produce. Having fun yet? But to be fair, this pandemic and shut-in was a result of astrological events that occurred prior to that date. Now Saturn is returning to Capricorn to complete what it has been doing for the past 2 ½ years. As with any transit the last pass tends to show us the final lesson and give us one more opportunity to complete, fix or rearrange things so we are better prepared for what is to come. Here we are about to see the culmination of events that have been building up all this time. There will be a reckoning of sorts as we prepare for the all-important Jupiter-Saturn conjunct that is imminent. The state of our nation, health and economy will become very obvious over the coming 6 months and I can’t express more clearly that this is a time to face reality. Both Saturn and the sign it rules – Capricorn demands just that.
We are changing governments in November. Whatever is in store for us we have completed this period and now must move on. Trump will not be reelected, as I have been saying for almost a year. His true purpose for having been in office will be revealed through time, and as his influence wanes through this summer and autumn much will be exposed. John Bolton’s book is one example. It is a bombastic attack on this administration and will have a ripple effect. But just as powerful is the book Mary Trump, the president’s niece has written. It will be released on July 28th and is already sending shock waves through the Trump camp. It is apparently filled with personal reflections on the man and seems to be a rather vicious attack on his character. I have not read it – it’s not available yet. So let’s see what it says at then of this month when it is finally unleashed. The fact that both of these tomes are being released when Saturn has returned to Capricorn implies that they will have an effect on the foundation of our society and government and will test the stability and structure we are standing upon.
On Sunday July 5th at 12:44 A.M. EDT at 13 degrees Capricorn 38 minutes we will have the third eclipse in this package deal. We are still in the throes of this intense Capricorn era with Jupiter, Saturn & Pluto all riding through this earth sign. What better event to magnify the intensity of this energy than this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. And to add to the comedy this eclipse falls exactly on America’s Sun and it will have an exceptionally strong effect on our nation. Remember, events do not have to take place exactly when a transit completes, so while I do recommend caution during any Full Moon, especially an eclipse, an event could occur anytime over the coming few weeks. That’s always been difficult to explain to students of astrology who like to have things neatly tied up and easy to predict.
But because this and the previous New Moon Solar Eclipse are so precariously placed we are in a moment of great magnitude that will be extremely active. As I’m sure you’ve seen in the media there is a good chance that Trump is having a major health issue. His chart looks terrible and I have predicted for some time that he was going to have serious health problems. Certainly the nation is in a precarious situation, and the explosion in new cases of Covdi-19 has already had a big impact on our attempt to reopen the economy. Capricorn is all about material issues and the stability of our foundation, and it is certainly on shaky ground. This aspect could represent the beginning of another bear market, or should I say a resurgence of the ongoing bear market. I have never believed that we are in a bull market. We have seen severe manipulation by the FEDS and a large number of individuals reinvesting in the stocks. Some because there is no other place to invest, and others because they wish to gamble and with the casinos, race tracks and other venues closed there’s nowhere to place a bet but on Wall Street. In any case, we are heading toward the 2nd crash that I have predicted for a long time. Will it happen now, in October, or after the first of the year? I can’t be sure, though the astrology points towards early 2021. But my advice is to be extremely careful. As Trump’s numbers fall (and they will) we may experience a violent reaction in the markets based on the realization that we are in a crumbling government and the lack of support by the FEDS to continue to puff up the equities.
On Wednesday July 8th at 6:42 A.M. EDT we all must be careful how we speak to each other. Our minds will be moving very quickly and you can get a lot of mental work done in a short time if you use this energy to your advantage. But it comes with a warning. This is an argument waiting to happen. Tongues will flail and tempers will explode. Don’t take the bait. Most of what you hear and feel will be a passing mood but if you give in to the temptation to defend what could be a frivolous fight you could easily turn it into a major battle. Stay busy and focus your attention on the most important issues. Don’t allow yourself to be distracted by someone’s pushiness. Mars has no patience and it will often be brusque and even nasty. If someone wants to cut in front of you at Starbucks, be the big kid and let them. And if you see someone obviously looking for a fight (and there will be quite a few who respond to this square in that fashion) run like hell the other way. You won’t win. This isn’t a dispute that will be intellectual or will change anyone’s mind. It’s anger and temperamental ego being displayed, not a philosophical discussion. Once you get into it you may not see a way out. Also, be very careful when traveling. This can be accident prone and often when someone is behind the wheel of a car they don’t think things through, they just respond to their mood. But, as I said above, if you use this properly it can be a very productive day.
On Sunday July 12th at 4:26 A.M. EDT at 5 degrees Cancer Mercury begins its forward motion. Although I’m writing this as Mercury just begins its backward motion I’m sure that we will see that this has been one doozy of a retrograde. For one thing it took place in emotional Cancer and many personal relationships have felt the brunt of this transit. The interesting thing about Rx Mercury is that while it’s difficult to get in touch with someone, once the conversation begins it usually reaches a deeper place and exposes a lot of the underlying issues that usually aren’t expressed. Matters involving family and the past will have been revealed and how you have dealt with them will decide just what the results will be. Did you face your demons and look deeply within to see what changes you can make to your character, or did you turn away from the light and tiptoe back into the shadows in hopes of avoiding the uncomfortable truth?
As with any reversal of direction of Mercury some secrets will be revealed and discord will undoubtedly be a result. Barring some intervention from the courts, John Bolton’s book should be in stores by now. And Trump’s niece’s book is about to be released. Both will send waves of conscious infraction into our collective thoughts. In our personal lives this reversal can have an equally powerful effect. Any secrets that are revealed now will demand our attention. For a few days be careful what you write on Facebook or you email at 3 AM after a few glasses of wine. You may be sorry later on and unable to retract what you said. But more important – this is a time when we need to face up to our true desires and goals and to push them forward. While Mercury was Rx it was hard to get the word out, but if you spent that time examining just what you wanted to say, once this planet gets up to speed in a day or two, this is the time to say it.
On Tuesday July 14th at 3:58 A.M. EDT this positive aspect will bring us all a desire for expansion and a chance for some much needed optimism. Because of the Jupiter – Pluto conjunct that completed on June 30th the Sun will oppose both of those heavenly bodies in short order. Tomorrow we will see the opposition to Pluto, so we really can’t separate the two. This is a complex transit that will combine the energies of both Jupiter and Pluto and effectively set off that conjunct that we discussed a week ago. So what does this mean?
Well, for one thing when you add up the various transits we are experiencing this month including Mars in Aries, the Full Moon Eclipse in Capricorn on America’s Sun and the Jupiter – Pluto conjunct they each represent a powerful force that will be effective on the material plane. I believe that we are in for some rather serious events that may be unexpected and demanding. For one thing as we approach the coming election all eyes are on the two parties and their candidates. The importance of this election on both the national and the local level will have a forceful motion for a long time to come.
On Wednesday July 15th at 3:13 P.M. EDT this powerful opposition completes (on my birthday! Won’t this be a wonderful solar return? LOL). This is a very powerful and demanding aspect that completes as this lunar cycle is ending. The underlying struggles that are happening both in our personal lives and in the collective will be brought to the surface. It will be very difficult to avoid confronting some issues and it’s vital that you look them directly in the eye and figure out how to resolve the most pressing, or you will carry this energy into the next lunar month. We are rapidly approaching the election and have been seeing the unbridled attacks from both sides. Obviously we can expect more. Don’t be shocked by anything you hear. This is a no-hold-barred battle that will turn uglier as the weeks progressed. The ongoing pandemic and the financial effect it has taken on our economy may hit a peak this week and we could see some very negative numbers come out.
The next New Moon falls on Monday July 20th at 1:33 P.M. EDT at 28 degrees Cancer 27 minutes. The day or two leading up to it will be a particularly low energy period. If you tend to be emotional this may be a very trying time each month. I have found that people with prominent moons or a Cancer Sun, Moon or ascendant respond to the lunar cycles more intensely than others. Spend this time finishing up anything that is incomplete, don’t try to initiate new projects on a waning moon, it just won’t work out. Once the New Moon hits you begin new projects or attempt a new approach to an existing problem. If you have been living in a situation or involved in a relationship that is intolerable or has outlived its usefulness this would be the proper time to move on with your life. If you have been working on a project that is almost complete but you seem to lack the energy for the finality, you must push during these low energy days to end the matter once and for all. If you don’t, when the New Moon arrives it will bring this “dead” energy along with it and conflict with the newer force being presented. Each month we are offered a chance to clean house, so to speak.
For information regarding personal readings please contact me at: mitchastro@aol.com.
Below is a list of times this month when the Moon is Void of Course and neither important decisions nor purchases should be made during these periods. The Void of Course Moon is a time when we should try to center ourselves and deal with spiritual matters not materialistic ones. Any decisions made on the VC Moon will not turn out the way we had expected.
The Moon is Void of Course from the time it makes its last major aspect in a sign until it enters the next sign. For example, if the Moon squares Mars at 27 degrees Aries and then has no more aspects until it enters Taurus it will be Void of Course for three degrees or about 6 hours. The aspects used are the conjunction, sextile, square, trine, and opposition. All times are Eastern Daylight Time:
June 23rd 3:20 A.M. – 8:33 A.M.
June 24th 1:34 A.M. – June 25th 1:05 P.M. ***Moon is void 36 hours
June 27th 4:02 A.M. – 4:16 P.M.
June 29th 9:02 A.M. – 6:48 P.M. ***Moon is void 9 hours
July 1st 9:20 P.M. – 9:21 P.M.
July 3rd 9:06 A.M. – July 4th 12:48 A.M. ***Moon is void 15 hours
July 6th 5:35 A.M. – 6:08 A.M.
July 7th 12:37 A.M. – July 8th 2:13 P.M. Moon is void 38 hours
July 10th 11:49 P.M. – July 11th 9:06 A.M.***Moon is void 9 hours
July 13th 11:54 A.M. – 1:34 P.M.
July 15th 11:21 P.M. – July 16th 1:19 A.M.
July 17th 5:14 P.M. – July 18th 10:24 A.M. *Moon is void 17 hours
July 20th 1:55 P.M. – 4:16 P.M.
July 21st 8:27 P.M. – July 22nd 7:40 P.M. ***Moon is void 23 hours
July 24th 7:08 P.M. – 9:54 P.M.
July 26th 9:09 P.M. – July 27th 12:11 A.M.
June 2020
New York City
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All Rights Reserved
Tags: 2020 Election, corona virus, Mercury Retrograde, Trump health
im in the health nutrition biz, i worked for a very famous pres john kennedy pysician.i like
president trump,but his health does not look good to me.he is mentally tough,but no one
can drink all that diet coke,its not the sugar but all that carbonation is zapping ALL his
minerals,people die , this causes all kinds of conditions, the famed dr wallach has much info on
this subject.his type does not live old age.i hope im wrong,i agree with you mitchell on trumps
health forcast.