The New Moon falls on Sunday June 21st at 2:41 A.M. EDT at 0 degrees Cancer 21 minutes & it’s a Solar Eclipse. This is the 2nd Eclipse in this cycle and it falls exactly on the Aries or World Point at zero degrees cardinal. This is the summer solstice and the beginning of the new season. This is rare for a New Moon, and especially for an eclipse. This implies that the events we will see unfolding this month will have long term effects on the collective and their influence will be greater than usual. This will certainly include the political landscape, the ongoing pandemic and the economic situation – all of which have us on the edge of our seats. So what can we expect? Trump has decided to hold his first rally one day after Juneteenth in Tulsa, the sight of the worst racial attack in America’s history. This was not an unconscious decision on his part. He is purposely stirring up the waters and, with this eclipse at such a precarious place I’m concerned that there will be some violence or at the very least a serious confrontation.
So what else can we look out for? Well, for one thing we have seen a big spike in the number of Corvid-19 cases over the past few weeks as states reopen and many citizens ignore all the advice about masks, social distancing etc. The Trump rally will expose thousands of people to the virus and with secondary exposure tens of thousands. We are by nature a very social species and don’t like isolation too much (leaving the water signs out of the mix). So when we are cooped up for any length of time we tend to rebel. Look at what happens every spring, especially following a brutal winter. Once the weather permits we run out into the streets like teenagers after the end of school. Now with most of us feeling the restrictions of the past few months we are bound to throw caution to the wind and do what we will. That’s sort of what happened in 1918, and I think by now most of you know what the result of that was. Will we see a mutated virus decimate our population as it did back then? Or will we get lucky and dodge the bullet this time?
Politically we are seeing the results of what I have been predicting for many months based on the astrological interpretations. Biden’s chart looks pretty good. Trump’s chart looks horrible, and how it falls on America’s is a strong indicator that he and his party are heading for a rout in November. Do the polls matter in June? Not really. We’ve all seen them change radically in a short time, and 5 months is a lifetime in politics. But it’s deeper than any one issue. America has become exhausted with Trump’s antics and his lack of leadership, and many who backed him are no longer enthralled with his reality TV persona. We need to get our nation back on its feet and to at least stabilize things or it will all fall to crap. And that is what this Solar Eclipse on the World’s axis is telling the collective. The Full Moon on July 5th is also an eclipse and it falls at 13 degrees Capricorn exactly on America’s Sun. We can expect some intense and powerful results that will be in effect throughout the summer and into the autumn. Pluto and Jupiter are minutes away from an opposition to America’s Mercury and Venus is close to our Uranus. All of this adds up to a time when there could be an explosive and very powerful event. Hold your breath and hope for the best. In any event don’t be surprised by anything you see or hear over the coming few weeks.
If either of these eclipses sets off your chart in a significant way you may find that there are some issues that you will have to contend with. Where it falls by house placement and what aspects it creates will decide just what areas of your life are being effected and how best to handle them. Stay alert and be prepared for what the universe will give us. It’s through our trials and tribulations that we grow as individuals and as a species. So embrace it all. And stay safe.