On Saturday June 13th at 10:13 A.M. EDT this low energy aspect will continue the effects of the Sun square Neptune we had on Thursday. Don’t push yourself too hard or you could easily become overwhelmed and unable to juggle all the issues you are faced with. This isn’t a time to act overly assertive or to allow your ego to control you. Neptune isn’t interested in that level of relating, and since Mars rules the ego and the basic energy of the body and mind you could find that there is a lack of oomph behind your actions. The best way to handle this aspect is to relax into it and let your spirit lead you, not your personality. Some things that you are attempting to fix or understand simply will not become clear for a while. Trying to fix a computer, find a lost receipt or uncover the truth about an issue may not be resolvable at the moment. I would suggest that you leave it for the time being and reexamine the situation in a few days. With Mercury about to retrograde we are in the “shadow phase” and confusion is already apparent.


Expect more misunderstandings and deception both on a personal and a collective level. The insane problems in Georgia’s recent primary elections are a good example of what we could see in November with Mercury going direct on Election Day. If this is a sign of things to come I have serious doubts that we are going to have anything resembling an honest and clear outcome to the national elections this year.


Neptune rules infectious diseases and Mars will often create flair ups in health issues. We are seeing a huge spike in Covid-19 cases and deaths throughout the U.S. This was to be expected as states rescinded their lock-downs and the ongoing protests exposed large numbers of people. It’s human nature to become complacent after dealing with something for an extended period of time. But it would be wise to take this virus seriously and continue to use caution. This week was a warning about some very serious issues we have to contend with in the coming months. I pray we see it as a cautionary statement and take steps to deal with it.