On Thursday June 11th at 5:37 A.M. EDT this strange aspect will create some confusion around many issues. Because of the recent Sun-Mars square this will be followed shortly by Mars conjunct Neptune. Where Mars and the Sun are all about energy, action and getting things done, Neptune couldn’t care less. It’s concerned with the unconscious and the ethereal or spiritual side of life. Neptune isn’t a very energetic planet, and when it is in conflict with the Sun and Mars, the two most forceful of luminaries, there is a weakening of the ego and a lessening of the life force. Often when these energies are in conflict there is a period of low energy, misunderstandings and even out and out lies. It is most important that you clarify things and make certain you understand the underlying premise and the purpose for what is being said and done. You can’t accept things at face value when Neptune is involved. You must be vigilant and seek clarity or you may find yourself lost in the fog and misunderstanding that Neptune is known for. Don’t push yourself too strenuously or you could easily become exhausted.


The chance of misdirection, lying and cheating is very real. Look at what happened on Election Day in Georgia on Tuesday. There was systematic fraud preventing large segments of the population from casting their votes. Brand new voting machines “didn’t work”, polling places were shut, and thousands of citizens, mostly minorities who tend to vote Democrat had to wait on line for as long as 6 hours or more for their constitutional right to cast a ballot. This was not an accident or a slight glitch in the system. It was a planned misdirection of voter suppression and a clear example of what we can expect in certain battleground states this November.


On another note, Neptune rules infectious diseases. With it in conflict to the Sun and Mars one would expect to see a resurgence in the ongoing pandemic we are experiencing. And what do you know? There is a huge increase in the number of Covid-19 patience in several states. If we don’t take this disease seriously we will have a wave of infections this coming winter similar to what occurred in 1918 when, after a fairly mild but dangerous first wave in March followed by complacency during the summer, the influenza ran roughshod over humanity in the fall and winter of that year and killed between 50-100 million people. So to those who deny that this is a serious illness, or even claim that there is no pandemic, all I can say is: You should have been here in New York City between February and April when people waited on line outside of hospitals in the pouring rain for 8 hours, only to gain entrance where there were no more beds and they were laid on the floor in the hallways. Or taken to the field hospitals set up in Central Park or the Javit’s Center.


This is usually a bad few days for the equities. The stocks don’t work well under Neptune’s influence, especially if it’s in hard aspect to Mars or the Sun, both of which, as I said will happen over the next few days. While this won’t be a stock market crash or correction, it will be a few days of confusion and weakness in the stocks. If you’re in it for the long haul don’t worry. If you’re day trading you may be better off sitting out or diminishing your position until next week. It’s not a major concern, but with Mercury about to retrograde on June 18th it will be more difficult to reason through the issues presented and make intelligent decisions. So use care and try our best to clear your head before making important decisions.