Okay, so most of you know that we are about to experience this month’s Full Moon on Friday June 5th at 3:12 P.M. EDT at 15 degrees Sagittarius 34 minutes and it’s a Lunar Eclipse. Mars will square that Full Moon on Saturday June 6th adding even more force to this powerful event. Sagittarius is the sign more than any other that likes to blow things out of proportion. But it’s also the most optimistic and far-sighted of the 12 signs. When it’s also an Eclipse we can expect that in spades.
Eclipses come in pairs. (I’ve always believed that they’re afraid to travel alone. ) The following Solar Eclipse falls on Sunday June 21st at 2:41 AM EDT at zero degrees Cancer 21 minute right on the Aries or World point, a place of strong karma that often involves the collective. The effects of an eclipse can last much longer than a normal Full Moon, often until the next eclipse. There are also much longer cycles that are measured in years and even decades. But for our purposes we will deal with this as a starting point that will come to some fruition in two phases – first on the Solar Eclipse in 2 weeks. But we will also see a pair of eclipses November 30th at 8 degrees Gemini 38 minutes and December 14th at 23 degrees Sagittarius 08 minutes. That is when the events that begin now will finally come to a completion. Because we are in the middle of our all-important election cycle the underlying repercussions of this eclipse may not be obvious at the moment but will be revealed in the fall.
As we approach this eclipse it’s so very important to stay alert and out of harm’s way. The explosiveness that has been building in our collective consciousness for the past few months (really for generations) has now exploded after the murder of George Floyd. The long pandemic shut-down has put many on edge, but the underlying frustration and rage that has long been a problem in America won’t be fixed easily or quickly. While I do believe this is a time to use caution and show restraint I also think this weekend could be the peak of the current unrest and that once this Eclipse passes things will settle down a bit for a while. But it is far from the end of the matter.
It takes ongoing, serious and continued commitment to accomplish anything of lasting value. The first anti-war protest against the Vietnam War took place at Berkeley (where else?!) in the early 60’s organized by the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS). For the next 5 years the movement grew to a peak at the War Moratoriums in late 1969 when protesters marched on Washington in crowds some estimate to have been almost a million people. Even that wasn’t enough to suddenly end the conflict, but it awakened many otherwise complacent Americans of all political persuasions until the rage and determination finally ended the war in April 1975. There were thousands of marches throughout the world and people from many nations, most states and all walks of life gathered to make their presence felt. That was an ongoing movement and it had strength of morality and numbers that could no longer be ignored. That is what we need now in order to make a change in the underbelly of our society.
Sagittarius likes to expand most things, often blowing them out of proportion. With our nerves frayed and with Trump threatening military action against the mostly peaceful protesters, it would be wise to keep that in mind this weekend so you don’t get caught up in something you can’t control. Because of this sign’s need for growth and uninhibited expansion the desire to go whole hog into reopening our society and pushing things beyond normal boundaries could backfire, so while I’m very optimistic that this may be a turning point, use caution.
This eclipse falls about 2 degrees off Trump’s Uranus, ruler of his 7th house of partnerships and open enemies. No matter what happens this weekend, and whether this explodes or, as I pray, settles into a controlled and focused force for change, this represents the end of Trump’s power. He won’t suddenly pack up and go, as you know. He’ll pull out all stops to try and win this election, even to the point of illegal unconstitutional actions. But in the end it will be to no avail. Trump will leave the White House in 2021 sulking that he “wez robbed” and will probably spend the rest of his life ranting about the deep state, the phony news, and the horrible democrats (not to mention the scores of Republicans turning against him). But like all vanquished demagogues he will lose in the end. And like all eclipses, this one represents a radical change in direction; the end of one period and the start of another. What that new era will look like we can only guess. But just maybe it’s the end of the small-minded, assumed privilege of a few lucky enough to be born a certain color and in the upper percentage financially, and the start of a time when our nation may find its voice and move towards a more equitable society when the American Dream is within reach of all who dare to struggle for a better life.

Thank you, Mitch. Inspiring. As is said in the Civil Rights Movement, “Keep your eyes on the prize.”

Mitch, thank you for all of your insightful wisdom and weighing all of the motions of the heavens. Your explanations ring loud and clear and offer a sense of solace. I applaud your very social-spiritual awareness – it is truly a gift that you are sharing with us in this “turbulent” world. Light is shining through your words!

I like that you are not afraid to speak of President Trump’s unlikelihood of winning a second term. I voted for him in 2016 but am disappointed in his behavior in office and the lies he tells when they are so apparent to so many. His base must be burying their heads in the sand. However, VP Biden is not a good alternative choice. I believe he has symptoms of dementia. We are not voting for a VP to run the county. The VP comes along with the winner. Who is really going to lead the country? The Government and the 1% want to make us dependent upon them for our welfare and raise the taxes so high we will never be free or solvent as a Country again. Is there an answer in the ⭐️ stars? Is the USA 🇺🇸 About to bite the dust?