AMERICA’S PLUTO RETURN: What happened in Minneapolis?:

AMERICA’S PLUTO RETURN: What happened in Minneapolis?:


What happened in Minneapolis?:


The planet Pluto rules the elimination of waste. In medical astrology it rules the colon, the urethra, the sweat glands and even the tear ducts – anything that removes waste from the body. It also has much to do with hidden and undiagnosed infections. America has begun the era astrologers know as its Pluto Return, the time when the planet returns to the place in the zodiac it was at during our nation’s inception. Most astrologers knew that this would be a time of great stress and challenges and we all assumed that because of this aspect in some ways America would be in the epicenter of the world events this new decade would hold. So while we are distressed, frightened, angry and sitting on the edge, I would say that through the study of astrology many of us were at least in some ways prepared and acceptant of the difficult situation. Of course that knowledge doesn’t do much to curtail the events or our reaction to them. It only made us aware of what’s going on.

Pluto transits uncover what has been going on in the undercurrent, or the underworld, if you will. They are times when our most embarrassing secrets can be revealed and ongoing psychological issues will be brought from the unconscious to the surface. What we are seeing now is the ripping off of a bandage and exposure of the oozing pus-filled wound beneath. This country has a virus that has existed long before Covid-19. It began in August 1619 when the first slave ship landed at Port Comfort in the Virginia Colony and its human cargo was taken to Jamestown to be sold. That was 400 years ago and is a legacy American can never truly live down. It must be faced, addressed and corrected or our nation is ultimately doomed to crumble as all empires do, from the inside. I hear so many well-meaning people say things like: “You don’t want to rock the boat”. Rock the fucking boat, tip it over! It’s sinking anyway. Are you just going to sit on it with your martini and wait until it does, or are you going to get off your fat, lazy asses, grab an oar and try to make it to shore before we all drown?

What did you expect would happen when you elected a known racist to sit in the White House? Fred Trump and his son Donald were sued in 1973 by the Justice Department for discrimination. Are you still so concerned with your 401K and where the DOW is trading that you’ll give up your humanity, your soul, your nation for a pocket full of cash?

America, wake the fuck up. Your country is being flushed down the toilet.
You don’t like everything Joe Biden has done? When have you ever seen a politician that you always agreed with?
You think Biden is too old, not radical enough, not Bernie Sanders, not God? Then vote Trump back in and say goodbye to it all.

As we approach this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on Friday June 5th followed closely by the Sun square Mars on June 6th we are about to see even more escalation to the tensions already in play. Please use caution and stay out of harm’s way. But this is not a time to hold your breath and hope for the best. This is a moment in history when the people will either speak up and demand change in Washington or sit by quietly as the bottom falls out.

When I was lecturing last year and again on my most recent appearance on Coast to Coast I predicted that Joe Biden would win the election by a large majority. Long before the events we are experiencing now, I interpreted the astrology and came to that conclusion. I have repeated that prediction in all of my interviews, podcasts and articles. Nothing has changed my mind. The pandemic, the crumbling economy and the riots are a terrible price to have to pay to repair a horrible mistake made 4 years ago. But even with all the voter suppression, Russian assistance and threats, there will be a Big Blue Wave. The Democrats will win the White House, keep the House of Representatives and likely win the Senate, as well as many local elections.

We will get through this – all of it. The pandemic will eventually fade, the economy will open and thrive once again, the streets will calm down, and the inequalities and racial divide will hopefully be addressed and challenged, hopefully in new and appropriate ways.

It’s not enough to say: Look I won!
The question that must be asked is:
What Will The Democrats Do With The Power Once They Get It? Will they just settle into complacency and go about business as usual, or will they move our nation and the world to a place of growth and optimism? Will they build a coalition of nations and peoples and take on the massively difficult issues of economic inequality, climate change and balance on our planet?
Those are the real questions.
Peace and love to you all. Mitch

Very well said and I also appreciate the healthy anger expressed in this analysis, Mitchell.
Thanks for putting it out there for all to see who bother with the US karmic undercurrents
and are not shocked by the array of exposed, un-addressed wounds. The USA strikes me as
an aging adolescent, not a wise elder, so we have a LOT of accounting and growing up to do as we
approach the USA’s 244th Solar Return…

Consumerism and attempting to fill the hole with food & entertainment will not cut it. Overfed & undernourished is a bad combination. This Covid-19 virus has assigned many people an opportunity for a “vision quest”. SOME are noticing and taking it on as such, renewing their moral compass, juggling priorities, noticing the shadows exposed…but the majority are just anxious and coping…and hoping Biden makes it through the birth canal. He’s already pledged to veto a Medicare for All bill, even in Congress passes it. Not a good sign…Who is he working for? He’s always been a corporate schmo. But, I will hold my nose and pull the lever for the lesser of two entitled groper-guy assholes in this election.

Thank you for being caring and so honest, for sharing your professional expertise, and for the tough love wake up call that I definitely needed to hear today.

I look forward to all of your articles. If you feel up to it 🙂 I and probably many others would be interested he an article about how/why you predicted a win for Biden, when most of us assumed, in the early days of the campaign season, that he was ‘toast’.

I agree 100%. I have been appalled by my associates who want to keep trump in the White House because they believe he’s good for our economy and retirement. I say that’s bullsh*t! Trump has artificially primed the stock market. I believe it won’t matter who is re-elected, we are headed for a bigger hit to the stock market and our economy regardless. I just hope that trump isn’t successful at fixing the 2020 election as he and his cronies did in 2016. I have much more to say but not enough time today. I’ll be back.