On Thursday May 28th at 2:09 P.M. EDT until August 4th at 11:32 P.M. EDT you will find that many people are more sensitive and emotional. Because of the retrograde of Mercury that begins June 18th it will stay in Cancer for a very long time. As with most astrological events this can have several results. For one thing Mercury in this water sign tends not to be as intellectual as usual. There is a better chance of reaching someone through their feelings and unconscious than through reasoning and rationality. This can make it hard to follow a logical path and you may have to rely more on your instincts than common sense. This will be particularly troubling in an era when misinformation and conspiracy theories run rampant. There will be an ever-increasing atmosphere of mistrust as unfounded ideas gain attention. This summer will be an all-important time for the pre-election season as the parties and candidates decide how best to address the public with the lingering effects of Corvid-19 still around. I don’t know if either Trump or Biden works with an astrologer (foolish not to, in my opinion lol) but directing their energy correctly would include keeping this aspect in mind. We are all confused, many are frightened and angry, and the collective needs a calming, sober voice to help lead us out of the wilderness.
This transit will affect the stock markets, making them even more unsteady and volatile. Irrational thinking will result in illogical reactions to the news. We have already seen the markets respond to the worst numbers in history by rallying thousands of points. You probably have thought: WFT? Expect to see more of those days when logic is not the prevailing force.
You will also see an unusually high number of creative projects based more on human and emotional perspectives. We have grown so used to being awed by the Marvel-Disney-Star Wars type spectacles that films of the heart now seem so outdated and mundane they barely play in the theaters any longer. That is about to change. It will also affect the music business as we embrace more emotional songs that express our collective inner angst. This pandemic and the resulting collapse of our economy will give rise to the inner voice and smaller more personal works will be in greater demand.

This is beautiful, Mitch. I feel we will step into a new golden age, a renaissance of conscious creative activity. It may take a few years, but long term I am very optimistic!!

I enjoy your synopsical renderings of the future. Please keep up the good work. You are sorely needed at this time. Thanks.