When will the 2nd eclipse at the end of the year occur?
JUNE 2020
This month we begin with 4 planets in retrograde, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn & Pluto. They will be joined by Mercury entering Cancer and retrograding in that sensitive, demonstrative water sign on June 18th. It will stay in Cancer from May 28th until August 4th, a very long time for the winged god to spend in one sign. Through much of the summer we will be dealing with this overtly emotional energy as we begin to deal with the aftermath of our months of lockdown. Feelings are very heightened and tempers are raw. Once Mercury leaves intellectual Gemini and enters emotional Cancer people may be even more on edge, so keep that in mind when you interact. You don’t know what the other person is going through, so try to be sensitive and compassionate.
The presidential campaigns will rev up as we head full speed towards that all important contest that will determine the path our nation and much of the world will take for the coming 4 years. While Mercury is in retrograde it’s vital that we demand transparency regrading many matters including voting rights, financial decisions and personal issues, and do our best to express what is real and true. While the planet of thought and communication is in retrograde it’s easy to be distracted or miss the details in both personal and collective problems. This is no time to let our guard down. The stakes are too high to allow any misdirection to open the window of opportunity for dishonest hyperbole.
On my recent appearance on Coast to Coast AM and in my lectures and webinars I have been predicting for some time that Biden will win the presidency. I know 6 months is a lifetime in politics, and anything can happen in the interim. Remember 2016 and James Comey’s announcement about Hillary’s emails? As my brother likes to say: “Ask me a week before the election and I’ll tell you who will win”. Still, the astrology seems quite clear to me as I have explained it in my Powerpoint presentations and in my writings these past months. I also believe that we will see another blue wave similar to the 2018 mid-terms, and there is a high probability that the Democrats will win the senate. Could I be wrong? Heaven forbid, but there is always that possibility. As an astrologer my goal is to examine the information and report its most likely outcome. I hope to have my Zoom lecture ready and posted on my website www.mitchastro.com in a few weeks.
On June 5th we have a Lunar Eclipse at 15 degrees Sagittarius. This will be followed a few weeks later by a Solar Eclipse on June 20th at zero degrees Cancer. Whenever we are in an eclipse season extra care is called for. These heavenly aspects have a well-earned reputation for upsetting the status quo and redirecting our collective path in ways that are difficult to predict. The effects of a pair of eclipses can last for a long time. There are different ways of looking at its impact. On a day-to-day basis there will be issues that will be worked through on the next eclipse, but there are longer patterns that astrologers view when working with these complex indications that can last years or even decades. It’s a fascinating study for those inclined to do the work. And there are several wonderful books about the eclipses and their long term effects.
The New Moon falls on Friday May 22nd at 1:39 P.M. EDT at 2 degrees Gemini 05 minutes. This month begins with 4 planets in retrograde, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn & Pluto. On June 18th Mercury will join them in their backward dance creating a rare atmosphere with a multitude of energies being internalized. In contrast the Gemini New Moon sets up a month that is normally filled with activity and interaction between people. So we’re entering a period when the desire for socializing will be countered by the equal need to explore your inner self and delve into some serious scrutiny about who you are and what your values are truly about. Finding the balance between the two is the key to a productive time. We are often faced with several conflicting energies at the same time and finding a way to juggle them all is the most fruitful solution. Try to find time for both social activities and your internal conversation. This will be a time when we examine things closely and try to find some logic in what is certainly an illogical time in our lives. Where do we go? What can we do under the current circumstances? With the virus still poking its nose into our affairs and the economy in such disarray how can we find solid footing and move forward in our plans and projects? Do we boldly venture out and embrace the world as if nothing unusual has happened, or do we tiptoe around the unspoken villain still lurking in the shadows? Caution is called for, that’s for sure. This virus is real and nasty. But it isn’t humankind’s nature to stay in our caves afraid because there are dangers outside. Common sense is the answer, though as the old saying goes: Common sense is not that common. If you’re not happy with a scenario, avoid it. You can make many plans that will allow you to enjoy the world and still keep you safe. Gemini is all about the brain and making plans that are logical. Make use of that energy and you will be able to expand your perspective as the world opens up to us once more.
On Monday May 25th at 2:48 A.M. EDT this positive and powerful sextile will give us all a jolt of energy and assertiveness. The combination of Mars & Uranus is a force that requires close attention. While it is more difficult to control when in a “hard aspect”, a conjunct, opposition or square, even the “soft aspects”, sextile and trine imply a great deal of dynamism and vigor, and if you aren’t careful you could overreact to something and create a difficult situation. This sextile is more malleable and can be used to your advantage with less concern about a backlash. Just pay attention to what you’re doing. You may find that you or someone else is aggressive and unfettered without regard for the normal boundaries. But if you are alert and conscious of that possibility you can avoid most pitfalls and get a lot done in a short period of time. This is a chance to push your projects and ideas forward and to assert yourself in ways that you may not be prone to do otherwise.
On Thursday May 28th at 2:09 P.M. EDT until August 4th at 11:32 P.M. EDT you will find that many people are more sensitive and emotional. Because of the retrograde of Mercury that begins June 18th it will stay in Cancer for a very long time. As with most astrological events this can have several results. For one thing Mercury in this water sign tends not to be as intellectual as usual. There is a better chance of reaching someone through their feelings and unconscious than through reasoning and rationality. This can make it hard to follow a logical path and you may have to rely more on your instincts than common sense. This will be particularly troubling in an era when misinformation and conspiracy theories run rampant. There will be an ever-increasing atmosphere of mistrust and unfounded ideas gain attention. This summer will be an all-important time for the pre-election season as the parties and candidates decide how best to address the public with the lingering effects of Corvid-19 still around. I don’t know if either Trump or Biden works with an astrologer (foolish not to, in my opinion lol) but directing their energy correctly would include keeping this aspect in mind. We are all confused, many are frightened and angry, and the collective needs a calming, sober voice to help lead us out of the wilderness.
This transit will affect the stock markets, making them even more unsteady and volatile. Irrational thinking will result in illogical reactions to the news. We have already seen the markets respond to the worst numbers in history by rallying thousands of points. You probably have thought: WFT? Expect to see more of those days when logic is not the prevailing force.
You will also see an unusually high number of creative projects based more on human and emotional perspectives. We have grown so used to being awed by the Marvel-Disney-Star Wars type spectacles that films of the heart now seem so outdated and mundane they barely play in the theatres any longer. That is about to change. This pandemic and the resulting collapse of our economy will give rise to the inner voice and smaller more personal works will be in greater demand.
On Tuesday June 2nd at 8:41 P.M. EDT the male and female planets are in conflict and we will see a few days of tension between the sexes. If there is stress between a couple (friends or lovers) it may come out now. Of course we don’t always have the power to time our reactions, but if possible it would be wise to wait a day until the Sun – Venus conjunct kicks in tomorrow before discussing difficult issues. If circumstances demand that you deal with something you would be better off bringing it out into the light and facing the truth than letting it fester. But if something isn’t really that important and you’re just responding to the underlying energy, try to sidestep it and see if it fades on its own. You will find that many people around you seem to be a bit on edge. If you pay attention you can avoid much of the fray.
On Wednesday June 3rd at 1:44 P.M. EDT this very pleasant and easy-going aspect will give us a day or so when we can all take a short break from our troubles. This isn’t a powerful or active energy, but rather a passive and gentle moment when most of us simply won’t want to fight. It’s a good day to spend with friends or just enjoying nature. I wouldn’t plan too strenuous a schedule. You may not feel like doing too much and your normal obligations might feel quite weighty. Relax; take a moment to remember the things that mean the most to you. And reach out to your closest people. If there’s someone you haven’t contacted in a while, or if there’s a relationship that seems a bit shaky this would be a good time to smooth things over. You will also enjoy all of the arts. Listen to some music, view some paintings or experience any form of creativity.
On Friday June 5th at 7:05 A.M. EDT our communications and thoughts will come at an accelerated pace. This is a moment when the lower and higher octaves of the mental process are working well together. Your mind will be sharp and you can handle more information than usual. Express yourself any way that you can. Your ideas are unusual and you may find that you can more readily convince others that your plans have validity. Just keep in mind that once this aspect wanes you probably won’t have that extra layer of intellectual verve so don’t take on more than you can handle or you may not be able to complete something once this passes.
This month’s Full Moon occurs on Friday June 5th at 3:12 P.M. EDT at 15 degrees Sagittarius 34 minutes and it’s a Lunar Eclipse. Sagittarius is the sign more than any other that likes to blow things out of proportion. When this Full Moon hits each June it can present us with a few days of outlandish events and complications. When it’s also an Eclipse we can expect that in spades. Eclipses come in pairs. (I’ve always believed that they’re afraid to travel alone. J) The Solar Eclipse falls on Sunday June 21st at 2:41 AM EDT at zero degrees Cancer 21 minute right on the Aries or World point. The effects of an eclipse last much longer than a normal Full Moon, often until the next eclipse. There are also much longer cycles that are measured in years and even decades. But for our purposes we will deal with this as a starting point that will come to some fruition in two phases – on the Solar Eclipse in 2 weeks. But we will also see a pair of eclipses November 30th at 8 degrees Gemini 38 minutes and December 14th at 23 degrees Sagittarius 08 minutes. That is when the events that begin now will finally come to a completion. Because we are in the middle of an all-important election cycle there will be some upsetting events with underlying repercussions that may not be obvious at the moment but will be revealed shortly.
Sagittarius likes to expand most things, often blowing them out of proportion. With our nerves frayed and our economy in a state of collapse most of us are sensitive now and could respond to the slightest action in an unexpected and overtly aggressive or defensive way. It would be wise to keep that in mind so you don’t overreact and make a minor problem into a war. Because of this sign’s need for growth and uninhibited expansion the desire to go whole hog into reopening our society and pushing things beyond normal boundaries could backfire, especially on one of the next eclipses later in June, or more likely at the end of the year. I can easily see actions taken now having a forceful effect in November – December.
On Saturday June 6th at 3:11 P.M. EDT this potentially explosive square will comes along. Coming right after the Full Moon eclipse in Scorpio this will be a very high energy few days. As with most aspects if you can handle it well and direct the excessive force it entails into positive and productive goals you will find that it is a very useful and proactive time. But you need to be careful. Mars is the ego, and the Sun is the will. When these two are at odds tempers will flair and the more aggressive side of us will emerge. You should step lightly, but you may find that difficult to do. Even if you have control over you temper someone else may not, or may choose to aim their anger in your direction.
On Thursday June 11th at 5:37 A.M. EDT this strange aspect will create some confusion around many issues. Because of the recent Sun-Mars square this will be followed shortly by Mars conjunct Neptune. Where Mars and the Sun are all about energy, action and getting things done, Neptune couldn’t care less. It’s concerned with the unconscious and the ethereal or spiritual side of life. Often when these energies are in conflict there is a period of low energy, misunderstandings and even out and out lies. It is most important that you clarify things and make certain you understand the underlying premise and the purpose for what is being said and done.
On Saturday June 13th at 10:13 A.M. EDT this low energy aspect will continue the effects of the Sun square Neptune we had on Thursday. Don’t push yourself too hard or you could easily become overwhelmed and unable to juggle all the issues you are faced with. This isn’t a time to act overly assertive or to allow your ego to control you. Neptune isn’t interested in that level of relating, and since Mars rules the ego and the basic energy of the body and mind you could find that there is a lack of oomph behind your actions. The best way to handle this aspect is to relax into it and let your spirit lead you, not your personality.
On Wednesday June 18th at 12:59 A.M. EDT at 14 degrees Cancer until Sunday July 12th at 4:26 A.M. EDT at 5 degrees Cancer our favorite imp will screw up anything he can get his hands on. This is renowned as a period of trouble with communications, travel and thinking. It’s not a good time to buy a new cell phone, computer, radio, TV, car or jet plane. But sometimes during a retrograde Mercury one of those devices may break down or get lost or stolen. If you must purchase a new item do your very best to make certain it’s the kind you want, it has a good warranty and you know that the store where you buy it is reputable.
Since this retrograde takes place in Cancer you can expect some difficulty in personal and emotional relationships. Communication may be unclear, so make certain to clarify things especially in your most intimate connections. Also expect some problems in the home. You may find that anyone who plays a mother figure in your life is particularly difficult to deal with. And intimate relationships including close friendships and business partnerships will be under a great deal of stress. Don’t overreact or say something you will regret. Once that gumball has leaped off of your tongue you cannot retrieve it.
Also, during this retrograde period we will see a barrage of lies, misconceptions and nasty attacks in the media aimed at the electorate. It’s vital that you do your homework before believing everything that shows up on FB or Instagram. It’s too easy to be swayed on an emotional level with Mercury in Cancer and you must use your intellect to counterbalance what is being spewed. It won’t be easy, and many will choose to go with their first gut instincts. But pay attention to the source and try to be logical. Is there really any proof that a candidate is from another planet or is it possible that the photo was altered? You get the point.
On Thursday June 18th at 7:08 P.M. EDT & on Saturday June 20th at 3:56 A.M. EDT respectively Mars will sextile these two planets. This is a few days when you can use your energy and your ego to positive productive ends. The sextiles must be used proactively or you won’t get the full effect. So don’t be afraid to move things forward and explore the possibilities offered to you. If you focus your energy and attention you can accomplish much in a short time. Your self-image is in good shape and you are ready to express your individuality.
On Saturday June 20th at 5:44 P.M. EDT we finally enter summer just before the lunar cycle ends. For many of us (me included – I am a summer baby after all) this is the season we wait for all year. The brief three months that the child in us embraces the peak of personal freedom, adventure and romance. I remember all my summer love affairs and the excitement and tingling I felt when that person would appear on the horizon for our date. A walk on the beach, a drive through the country or just sitting on the porch as the summer day slowly faded into evening and the fireflies would begin their electric dance. I don’t know what it is. There’s just something special about a summer kiss. That feeling of freedom and excitement can still stir the teenager in me, and after being locked up in karmic jail for so long I think we will all be more in tune with our youth and sense of wonder that may have faded over the years. There’s always a silver lining to the worst of times, and maybe our current troubles will help to readjust our values and remind us that while a month may seem very long, life is very short and it’s so important to always find that miraculous sensation that stirs our loins and strips away the dust and weight we have carried for so many years. So go out with an open heart and child’s awe and see what the universe has in store for you. Remember, you’re only as old as you feel.
The next New Moon falls on Sunday June 21st at 2:41 A.M. EDT at 0 degrees Cancer 21 minutes. The day or two leading up to it will be a particularly low energy period. If you tend to be emotional this may be a very trying time each month. I have found that people with prominent moons or a Cancer Sun, Moon or ascendant respond to the lunar cycles more intensely than others. Spend this time finishing up anything that is incomplete, don’t try to initiate new projects on a waning moon, it just won’t work out. Once the New Moon hits you begin new projects or attempt a new approach to an existing problem. If you have been living in a situation or involved in a relationship that is intolerable or has outlived its usefulness this would be the proper time to move on with your life. If you have been working on a project that is almost complete but you seem to lack the energy for the finality, you must push during these low energy days to end the matter once and for all. If you don’t, when the New Moon arrives it will bring this “dead” energy along with it and conflict with the newer force being presented. Each month we are offered a chance to clean house, so to speak.
Below is a list of times this month when the Moon is Void of Course and neither important decisions nor purchases should be made during these periods. The Void of Course Moon is a time when we should try to center ourselves and deal with spiritual matters not materialistic ones. Any decisions made on the VC Moon will not turn out the way we had expected.
The Moon is Void of Course from the time it makes its last major aspect in a sign until it enters the next sign. For example, if the Moon squares Mars at 27 degrees Aries and then has no more aspects until it enters Taurus it will be Void of Course for three degrees or about 6 hours. The aspects used are the conjunction, sextile, square, trine, and opposition. All times are Eastern Daylight Time:
May 24th 7:09 A.M. – 7:09 P.M. ***Moon is void 12 hours
May 26th 9:06 P.M. – May 27th 2:33 A.M.
May 28th 9:30 A.M. – May 29th 7:40 A.M. ***Moon is void 22 hours
May 31st 5:17 A.M. – 10:38 A.M.
June 2nd 6:40 A.M. – 12:06 P.M.
June 4th 7:36 A.M. – 1:17 P.M.
June 6th 12:10 A.M. – 3:44 P.M.
June 8th 2:06 P.M. – 8:54 P.M.
June 10th 10:35 A.M. – June 11th 5:32 A.M.***Moon is void 19 hours
June 13th 8:45 A.M. – 5:03 P.M. ***Moon is void 8 hours
June 15th 8:49 P.M. – June 16th 5:35 A.M.
June 18th 8:02 A.M. – 5:00 P.M. ***Moon is void 9 hours
June 20th 5:48 P.M. – June 21st 2:02 A.M.
June 23rd 3:20 A.M. – 8:33 A.M.
June 24th 1:34 A.M. – June 25th 1:05 P.M. ***Moon is void 12 hours
June 27th 4:02 P.M. – 4:16 P.M.
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When will the 2nd eclipse at the end of the year occur?
When will the 2nd eclipse at the end of the year occur?