The New Moon falls on Friday May 22nd at 1:39 P.M. EDT at 2 degrees Gemini 05 minutes. This month begins with 4 planets in retrograde, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn & Pluto. On June 18th Mercury will join them in their backward dance creating a rare atmosphere with a multitude of energies being internalized. In contrast the Gemini New Moon sets up a month that is normally filled with activity and interaction between people. So we’re entering a period when the desire for socializing will be countered by the equal need to explore your inner self and delve into some serious scrutiny about who you are and what your values are truly about. Finding the balance between the two is the key to a productive time. We are often faced with several conflicting energies at the same time and finding a way to juggle them all is the most fruitful solution. Try to find time for both social activities and your internal conversation.

This will be a time when we examine things closely and try to find some logic in what is certainly an illogical time in our lives. Where do we go? What can we do under the current circumstances? With the virus still poking its nose into our affairs and the economy in such disarray how can we find solid footing and move forward in our plans and projects? Do we boldly venture out and embrace the world as if nothing unusual has happened, or do we tiptoe around the unspoken villain still lurking in the shadows? Caution is called for, that’s for sure. This virus is real and nasty. But it isn’t humankind’s nature to stay in our caves afraid because there are dangers outside. Common sense is the answer, though as the old saying goes: Common sense is not that common. If you’re not happy with a scenario, avoid it. You can make many plans that will allow you to enjoy the world and still keep you safe. Gemini is all about the brain and making plans that are logical. Make use of that energy and you will be able to expand your perspective as the world opens up to us once more.