On Friday May 22nd at 11:43 A.M. EDT we will experience a few days of confusion and misdirection. This square will create a fog around all mental activity and can easily lead to misunderstandings and problems in communications. This is usually a low energy aspect that can make us feel lazy or non-committal. Because this falls on the Dark of the Moon, also very low energy few days, I wouldn’t be surprised if we all feel a bit under the weather today. It doesn’t mean we are sick, only that we don’t have our usual spunk. If you’re tired, rest. Obvious advice I know, but we often ignore the apparent choices. Don’t swim against the stream. Go with the energy around you and you will find it much easier to navigate. Don’t push yourself too hard or take on too many commitments. You may not have the strength to complete them. Once the New Moon hits at 1:39 P.M. EDT today the energy will begin to change and we should all feel this malaise begin to lift.