On Wednesday May 20th at 9:49 A.M. EDT we enter the mutable part of spring when the atmosphere changes in preparation of the coming season. Geminis do best in intellectual pursuits and that is where we should put much of our attention. This is the chattiest of signs and a very gregarious, social energy. The Sun joins Mercury & Venus already transiting here and this buildup of the personal planets in Gemini creates an atmosphere of communal energy that may be difficult to quell, especially as we attempt to break free from lockdown mode. Find ways of interacting that are safe and fulfilling. Zoom, Skype and other technological advancements give us some choices that didn’t exist until recently. It’s more important what you have to say to each other than how you go about getting the message across. Of course with the weather changing and spring having sprung the teenager in us all wants to frolic and play in the great outdoors. Take advantage of the pleasant temperatures and get some fresh air. But be careful. The possibility of a relapse in coronavirus cases is very real and not to be taken lightly, despite all of the conspiracy theories being touted. Covid-19 is a very nasty bug with a long and difficult recovery period. I have friends still exhausted and having some breathing issues after 6 weeks fighting its effects. The best way to deal with this Gemini month is to stay busy physically and mentally. The worst thing you can do is be stationary. That would lead to frustration and inner tension. Remember the laws of inertia. A body at rest tends to remain at rest, a body in motion tends to remain in motion.