On Thursday May 14th at 10:32 A.M. EDT until September 12th at 8:41 P.M. EDT the largest planet also goes retrograde. This is the heavenly body we say rules growth, enthusiasm and optimism. Normally the retrograde of Jupiter is historically a bearish sign for the equities. It can mean a change of direction in the stock markets, most often to the downside. With the markets on a recent bear-market rally with little real reason, what will that mean? I don’t expect the markets to suddenly stabilize or for our economy to rebound quickly. I believe that we are seeing a vicious bear-market rally that will peter out and this is the top. I think we will see a downtrend for some time. I expect the DOW to drop at least 1,000 points in the coming weeks; and maybe much more. In any case use caution when handling your finances. It’s easy to overspend or to become too optimistic, expecting a windfall that never appears, and putting yourself at risk for the future. If the infection numbers rise we will see another shutdown, and that will not only put a strain on our economy but on our patience as well. Things could get very iffy this summer with these two planets running backwards.


In our personal lives we are all looking within to find our enthusiasm and growth. This isn’t a time when we normally will expand in the outside world. Most progress will take place in our own inner space. And with the world still mostly on lockdown it’s vital that we all find ways of expressing our hopes and dreams and continuing to connect with others. This can be a very positive and growth-oriented few months if you view it as such. It can stimulate your creativity and you may find that you are reaching a new and better understanding within yourself and with those close to you. Capitalism has our world by the throat and is choking off our ability to see the spiritual side. If we allow it to continue there will be no turning back. This is an opportunity, as difficult as it is to see it that way; a chance to change our perspective and to envision a world of different values and objectives. That will never happen when we are all obsessed with accruing as much money, power and possessions as possible. It will only happen when we are forced to see the world through different eyes. If the Great Depression hadn’t happened we wouldn’t have social security, strong unions, unemployment benefits or any banking oversight today. All of those things are currently being threatened. Perhaps this is the universe’s way of reminding us just how fragile we are. Stay safe, stay wise and stay close to those who love you. In the end that’s really all we take with us when we leave. Mitch.

It is amazing that around 10:30 market turned but upside. Is this transient and overall trend will be down for markets? interesting to understand what happened to markets today compared to yesterday.