On Thursday April 30th at 11:40 P.M. EDT nervousness will be prevalent as the lower and higher octave of the mental energy conjoin. Because thought, ideas & communications will come at an accelerated pace it may be difficult to keep up with things. Luckily this aspect occurs in Taurus, so there will be less mutability. This can be a very positive or a difficult aspect depending on how it is handled. If you stay busy and aim your attention at projects that can absorb any excessive mental force you will get a lot done and should be able to keep things in perspective. But if you ignore this and pretend that things aren’t a bit erratic you may get into some difficulty. Conversations will be unpredictable and quite excitable. Try to stay on track and be aware of what you need to express. If you don’t, you may find that things move in a very unexpected way. Arguments are common as there is so much electricity. Accidents are also possible, so awareness is vital. Don’t take this energy for granted. If you can control it, it will be very useful and productive. But if you aren’t paying attention there is the chance that it may reap havoc and upset the apple cart. Even the simplest communication can be misread and lead to a dispute. Don’t let that happen.