On Monday April 27th at 3:53 P.M. EDT until May 11th at 5:58 P.M. EDT the planet of thought and communication enters this fixed sign. People will be more stubborn and unyielding while this planet transits here. But they will also tend to be less flaky and more consistent. As with all transits the results have much to do with how you approach them. You need to have some patience with Mercury in the fixed earth sign. Minds will be moving slower and taking more time to come to a decision, so don’t rush things. If you push a bull it tends to retreat – right before it attacks. Give the other person time to mull things over and expect come delays in your projects and answers to your questions, emails, etc. Because this rules the 2nd house of money and values, we are all focused on our financial issues and seeking ways to improve them. This is true every year as Mercury transits this sign. But because of the current situation it is amplified greatly and you may find that many are scrutinizing their expenses more than usual.