Mitchell, Thank you for all your insight and important information. I look forward to hearing your music.
Marty Wereski
MAY 2020
This is a sad time; a time of reflection and reevaluation as we try to find our footing while we stand on quicksand floundering in the muck of a dissolving reality. My deepest condolences go out to all who have lost a loved one to this pandemic. A silent, invisible enemy stealing our most precious commodity – those we love, with no remorse and no compassion. And my prayers for the rest of us who are living through the beginning of what may be a great recession, or depression, as we enter a period of instability that is exposing the weakness in our foundation and the blatantly terrible inequities that we have allowed to infect our way of life. Most Americans didn’t have $500 in the bank when this started. Now they are behind in their rent, bills, and throughout our great country thousands wait on line for ten hours to get food to feed their children, often to find once they reach the front of the line that there is nothing left. How could we let this happen in the richest, most powerful country on the planet? When did our priorities become so jaded that we allowed a class distinction of such magnitude to infect how capitalism is practiced? We have enough resources to ensure that no Americans lose their homes, their health insurance or starve during this disaster. But one half of our Senate has rejected any attempts to do little more than put a band aid on a gushing enormous wound. How bad could it get? A lot depends on how this is handled by those in power. In this country we are seeing a massive redirection occurring that is allowing the handoff of a trillion dollars once again to the corporations and the richest among us, while the neediest and the hard working middle class are left with crumbs. This cannot continue much longer. We are going to see a vivid change in leadership and philosophy that has long been needed. But what a price to pay!
THERE’S A BIG, GUSHING, BLUE WAVE A COMIN’… Can’t you just feel it?
I have made this prediction in my lectures, in interviews and on my recent appearance on Coast to Coast Trump will not be reelected. Barring some unforeseen event that will change the participants, Joe Biden will be the next president of the United States. This is based on the astrology surrounding the election, not on my personal opinion. There are many charts I have used to come to this conclusion.
The combination of transits we will see over the coming year include Saturn’s entrance into Aquarius, its square to Uranus, the conjunct of Jupiter and Saturn, the beginning of our Pluto Return, and the reflection of those transits on the charts of America, the stock market and the candidates. On a bigger scale they represent a paradigm shift in the energy the world is experiencing and the direction we are heading.
As I said above, I’m putting together a webinar to explain all of the charts I use to make this prediction. It will be available on my website soon. I’ll send out an announcement when it’s completed. It will be followed by videos on the economy, the pandemic and the depression.
This month we will see a number of planets change direction. Pluto, Saturn, Venus and Jupiter will begin their retrograde period. Each will have an effect on our society, but the combination of 4 heavenly bodies reversing may be quite profound. We’re in the middle of a very strange time, as you all know. But what this massive amount of retrograde energy will entail may still surprise some of my more cynical readers. There are going to be reversals in many areas in the coming months. Some will be positive. We will begin to see the slow lifting of our mutual quarantine with mixed results. But we may also see the dreaded 2nd wave later this year when the resulting facts are displayed.
More on this and other pressing issues in my upcoming video reports. In the meantime I wish you all good physical and mental health. Try not to freak out and find things to occupy your mind. You may be pleasantly surprised at what you can accomplish once you let go of your fears and anger. Shakespeare apparently wrote some of his greatest plays while in quarantine for the Black Plague. Let’s see what you and I can come up with.
The New Moon falls on Wednesday April 22nd at 10:26 P.M. EDT at 3 degrees Taurus 24 minutes. What is real and what is an illusion? That’s the question for this month, and how you answer that question will have a lot to do with how well your projects work out. This is an opportunity to lay down a strong foundation beneath your plans. Taurus is the fixed earth sign, and as such represents the most stable and secure energy of the zodiac. Capricorn is a close second. This sign is all about worldly security. Taurus tends to be materialistic and always prefers a financially sound existence. While it can be as spiritual as any of the signs it tends to focus more on the world and less on the ethereal. The issues we are seeing come to the surface in our society are very much of a material source: A crashing economy; Protests over the shut-in, a powerful desire to get the economy moving forward again, and how to balance that with the ongoing concerns about the virus. Those are all subjects that have a deeply Taurus-like sense and require nuts and bolts answers, not illusions or wish fulfillments. Practical and sensible decisions must be made to ensure our survival both physically and economically. Taurus is nothing if not realistic, but with two sides so diametrically opposed in their thinking the stubbornness of this sign will also most likely lead to more confrontations. This is truly a moment of an immovable object meeting an irresistible force. In nature that creates tension and often the destruction of both. Let’s hope that we can avoid that result. But if it occurs I believe it will lead to a tremendous shift in our society that will embolden the type of changes we have needed for a generation, and it has the potential to rebalance the levers of power and finances. Now just having a New Moon in Taurus is not sufficient to alter our universe. But coming as it does in the midst of our current situation it is a moment in time when we are being forced to see the truth about many things. And this is the point at which our reality becomes obvious and the path we must choose becomes clear. We are just entering a massive recession that will not go away quickly. Values and objectives will be scrutinized and some changes must be made or we will keep falling back into the quicksand from which we are trying to extricate ourselves.
In our personal lives it’s very important to try and remain flexible. We will all feel this unbending energy and tend to embrace a willful pigheadedness, which can limit growth and not allow for the changes that the moment demands. Keep an open mind and try to listen to the other guy’s opinion. You can still disagree but if you reject it out of hand you aren’t learning anything. This period is a test of our patience and fortitude and how well we handle it will say much about our character. Be as strong as the bull and as gentle as the lamb and you will encompass the best of human nature.
On Saturday Aries 25th at 3:34 A.M. EDT we will all be prone to tell it like it is. This is a quick moving aspect that won’t last long, but it can be a powerful moment that will demand the truth no matter how hard it may be to hear. If you aren’t willing to face facts you may be wise to delay any conversation that has some underlying tension or unresolved problems. They will come up now and you will not be able to sidestep a resolution. But if you’re willing to confront whatever is going on in the undercurrent then this is the time to address it. You have an opportunity to clear the air and to resolve some issues that have been lurking in the shadows for some time. Just be careful how you present your ideas. You may be overly aggressive without realizing it and could push away someone that you are trying to reach.
On Saturday April 25th at 2:51 P.M. EDT until October 4th at 9:32 A.M. EDT the first of our wayward children begins its backward motion and sets the scene for what it to come. Pluto has much to do with power struggles and in its retrograde motion it will push some issues into the background. But don’t be fooled. They haven’t gone away. Rather they are taking a rest in preparation for a new coming clash. On the political scene we are entering a period when the two sides in American partisanship will be sharpening their swords and planning the pre-election attacks that will bombard us from every angle. The struggle for power has never been more obvious, and there will be little common ground. As Pluto moves backwards we will uncover hidden agendas and a lot of buried tension. As it comes to the surface you must be prepared to look at it with an open and receptive mind. This is true in the collective and in our personal lives. This is a chance to reevaluate what’s most important and decide just what battles are worth fighting and which should be avoided. Not every little spiff is worth your attention, so pick and choose carefully. You won’t be able to shrug off the knowledge that is presented. You must examine it and decide what’s worth your effort and what isn’t. Once Pluto goes direct in October the issues that are going to come up now will finally be resolved.
On Monday April 27th at 3:53 P.M. EDT until May 11th at 5:58 P.M. EDT the planet of thought and communication enters this fixed sign. People will be more stubborn and unyielding while this planet transits here. But they will also tend to be less flaky and more consistent. As with all transits the results have much to do with how you approach them. You need to have some patience with Mercury in the fixed earth sign. Minds will be moving slower and taking more time to come to a decision, so don’t rush things. If you push a bull it tends to retreat – right before it attacks. Give the other person time to mull things over and expect come delays in your projects and answers to your questions, emails, etc. Because this rules the 2nd house of money and values, we are all focused on our financial issues and seeking ways to improve them. This is true every year as Mercury transits this sign. But because of the current situation it is amplified greatly and you may find that many are scrutinizing their expenses more than usual.
On Thursday April 30th at 11:40 P.M. EDT nervousness will be prevalent as the lower and higher octave of the mental energy conjoin. Because thought, ideas & communications will come at an accelerated pace it may be difficult to keep up with things. Luckily this aspect occurs in Taurus, so there will be less mutability. This can be a very positive or a difficult aspect depending on how it is handled. If you stay busy and aim your attention at projects that can absorb any excessive mental force you will get a lot done and should be able to keep things in perspective. But if you ignore this and pretend that things aren’t a bit erratic you may get into some difficulty. Conversations will be unpredictable and quite excitable. Try to stay on track and be aware of what you need to express. If you don’t, you may find that things move in a very unexpected way. Arguments are common as there is so much electricity. Accidents are also possible, so awareness is vital. Don’t take this energy for granted. If you can control it, it will be very useful and productive. But if you aren’t paying attention there is the chance that it may reap havoc and upset the apple cart. Even the simplest communication can be misread and lead to a dispute. Don’t let that happen.
On Sunday May 3rd at 11:52 P.M. EDT we experience this confusing aspect. Relationships may be cloudy and it might not be easy to make decisions about another person. This passes quickly so my advice is to wait until this moves out of orb before making a permanent judgment. You aren’t seeing things clearly and remember that once something is said it cannot be un-said. Because this occurs a few days before the Scorpio Full Moon it may have more power than usual and that makes it even more important that you pick and choose your words carefully. The Sun conjuncts Mercury tomorrow, which is a willful and, at times, overly direct transit. This Venus-Neptune square set up the energy that will continue through the next few days until the Full Moon wanes, so stay vigilant.
This month’s Full Moon occurs on Thursday May 7th 6:45 A.M. EDT at 17 degrees Scorpio 20 minutes. Scorpio energy demands a deep examination of issues. Anything that is brewing in the unconscious will rise to the surface now and we will be called upon to pass judgment. As I said earlier in this newsletter this month has much to do with values and with decisions about the material world. The New Moon in Taurus focused our attention on the economic issues we are facing. Taurus rules the 2nd house of your values and your possessions. Scorpio, where this Full Moon falls, rules the 8th house of resources held jointly and the common pot we all put our assets into. This is why I give Scorpio and its ruler Pluto rulership over the trading markets. You are putting your money into a situation made up of pooled resources. Now we are faced with difficult questions about how to reopen our society and stimulate the economy. While these are important questions and have consumed much of our attention, there are other questions equally demanding that go to the very depth of our conundrum. Is our capitalistic system working? Or should we heading in a new direction? If it isn’t working to the benefit of most Americans what can we do to change it? We may never have another opportunity like this one where our economy has been frozen and we are all trapped in the moment trying just to get through each day. While our financial and emotional survival is very much the focus of our attention there is a lot of time on our hands when we could be making some very difficult choices without the noise we usually must contend with.
Our system is broken. I believe many of you will agree with that. Health care is ridiculously underserved; corporate greed and control are beyond anything ever seen before on planet Earth; the inequities of modern capitalism have created a culture of the have-it-all’s and the have-nothings. It’s almost impossible to achieve the American dream unless you are born to it or you spend all of your time pursuing wealth at the cost of creativity and quality human interaction. As we ground to a halt with shuttered stores, restaurants and communal activities the reality of how we live day-to-day is stark and naked to our stare. Just like in the 1930s when the Great Depression forced the American people to examine their system of shared wealth, we are now in a position to do the same.
We won’t be able to answers these question in a few days or weeks. They are fundamental issues of conscience and philosophy that will require years to alter sufficiently to make any sort of mark on humanity. But we are at a pivotal point economically and politically when we have the opportunity to move the world profoundly. And that begins with a simple decision to make changes. We have an election in November (maybe you heard about it?). And the results of that election will have a long-term effect on what path we choose. And that is what I believe this lunar cycle between Taurus and Scorpio has much to do with where we are heading.
On Saturday May 9th at 9:17 A.M. & Sunday May 10th at 10:36 A.M. EDT these two positive proactive trines will allow us all to express ourselves in an optimistic and productive way. After the recent difficult transits and that Scorpio Full Moon this is a chance to clarify things and to set the pace for future growth. There is still a desire to get to the bottom of things and the Pluto influence will prod us to uncover whatever is buried in the unconscious. But the trines are more easily used and Jupiter’s presence will add an outgoing and affirmative layer to the energy. This weekend offers us an opportunity to enjoy each other’s company and to sift through any difficulties in a relationship that may have recently come to the surface.
On Monday May 11th at 12:09 A.M. EDT until Tuesday September 29th at 1:11 A.M. EDT this most powerful of planets begins its backward motion. This will be a period of deep self-examination on a personal and a collective level. Because of the ongoing circumstance created by Covid-19, the economic collapse and the upcoming election, our evaluations and the choices we make over the coming months will be more profound and have a lasting affect that will be felt in our lives for a long time to come. While Saturn is in retrograde certain areas of life will be stilted. One is business, and as we see it may take a lot longer to get back on track than we would wish. Real estate is ruled by Saturn, and I expect further erosion in that market as the financial crisis continues to take its toll on cash flow and credit. It will be harder to acquire a mortgage or credit line. Some who are trying to start or save a small business will also find that funds are limited and difficult to get. But that doesn’t mean you should try. Just be prepared for the potential rejection and try to have a backup plan.
One thing I have found about retrogrades is that they tend to bring a lot of things to light that had been hidden in the shadows. Sometimes it happens during the retrograde and other times as that planet is reversing direction at the end of the retrograde period. Saturn rules the very foundation and structure of our society, including banks, real estate and the underpinning of our governments. As such this will be the time when many will choose who they plan to back in the coming elections. I believe that we will see a further erosion of support for the current president as the continuing malaise takes its toll.
On a personal level you should use this time to honestly examine your plans and project and admit to those that are no longer valid. Saturn takes its time in evaluating things and so should you. There is no hurry to suddenly drop a project, relationship or other issue. You have 4 months to come to a conclusion. But by the end of this transit if you handle it properly you should be heading a different direction. Whether that is a radical change from your present course or just a moderate adjustment will depend upon how well your current path is serving you.
On Monday May 11th at 5:58 P.M. EDT until May 28th at 2:09 P.M. EDT Mercury comes home to roost. For a few weeks our thought and interactions will be fast paced and exciting. Communications will be at the forefront and people will be very chatty and outgoing. While Mercury rules this sign and feels at home here, that doesn’t mean that everything will work out well. This placement can produce some nervousness as our minds will be moving quickly and information will come at a fast speed. There is a tendency to act first and think later. While it may be tempting to react suddenly and impulsively you’d be better off taking a few moments to think things through. Remember, Gemini is the sign of the twins and is well-known for its mutability. I’ve know some born under this sign who can change their minds before completing a sentence. Be open-minded and outspoken, two qualities attached to Mercury and Gemini, but look before you leap and make sure you are happy with your decision before committing to it and you will have much success using this energy to your advantage.
On Tuesday May 12th at 4:14 P.M. EDT we have a day when our thoughts and ideas will be well structured and better suited for planning. This is a time to look over your projects and to view them in an honest and direct fashion. You will find that your mind is focused and you can think things through in a realistic and steady fashion. This isn’t a very exciting or adventurous transit, but it is a positive and very useful one. It’s better suited to organizing, stabilizing and completing projects than for instigating new ones.
On Wednesday May 13th at 12:17 A.M. EDT until June 27th at 9:45 P.M. EDT the god of war enters this mutable water sign. Mars doesn’t do that well when aspected to Pisces of its ruler, Neptune. Mars is all about energy, ego and the force of our being. It is what drives us and lends a hand in our ability to face confrontation and to defend our position. Neptune and Pisces don’t care about those issues. This sign is about the spirit and the ethereal side of life, where Mars is about the material. Mars wants direct and honest answers, but Pisces tends to deceive and misdirect its answers based more on an unconscious motivation than on a clear and concise one. Over the next 6 weeks or so as this transit progresses we will find that we cannot rely on our usual strength to combat the falsehoods and misdirection that has become a central part of our culture.
On Wednesday May 13th at 2:45 P.M. EDT until June 25th at 2:48 A.M. EDT the planet of love and money begins its backward run. Because this retrograde takes place entirely in Gemini Venus will spend an extraordinary amount of time in the sign of the twins. This gives us all an extended opportunity to examine our relationships with important people and with our attitude towards our finances. Venus entered Gemini on April 4th and it doesn’t leave until August 7th, an extraordinarily long time in one sign. This placement creates a more cerebral attitude towards romance and friendship, and it allows us to think these issues through. If you are in any type of relationship that seems shaky or that you question, you have some time to make up your mind. There’s no reason to rush to judgment. This will also produce the duality Gemini is known for and you may find that you change your mind several times before this transit completes. Romance will be better served with mental stimulation than with candy and roses. You may also find that you are more interested in your finances than usual and wish to learn more about how to handle your money. That is always good advice and a class in financial planning or how to trade stocks wouldn’t be a bad idea.
On Thursday May 14th at 10:32 A.M. EDT until September 12th at 8:41 P.M. EDT the largest planet also goes retrograde. This is the heavenly body we say rules growth, enthusiasm and optimism. Normally the retrograde of Jupiter is a bearish sign for the equities. It can mean a change of direction in the stock markets, more often than not to the downside. With the markets basically riding in a no-mans-land of violent ups and downs what will that mean? I don’t expect the markets to suddenly stabilize or for our economy to rebound quickly. It may be that we are in a vicious bear-market rally and this is the top. In any case use caution when handling your finances. It’s easy to overspend or to become too optimistic, expecting a windfall that never appears, and putting yourself at risk for the future.
In our personal lives we are all looking within to find our enthusiasm and growth. This isn’t a time when we normally will expand in the outside world. Most progress will take place in our own inner space. And with the world still mostly on lockdown it’s vital that we all find ways of expressing our hopes and dreams and continuing to connect with others.
On Friday May 15th at 2:49 A.M. EDT & on Sunday May 17th at 12:40 P.M. EDT these two positive trines give us a few days during which we can more readily make changes and expand our consciousness without the usual pushback from the world. This weekend is about looking beyond our limitations and finding ways of expanding our chances. These trines aren’t powerful enough to alter your life too much, so don’t expect radical changes. But they are sufficient to begin a new project or to redirect an ongoing one into a new path. With Pluto & Jupiter in retrograde now much of this will occur in the unconscious and it’s with us that we should be looking for change. If something has been amiss in an important relationship this may be a good time to hash it out.
On Wednesday May 20th at 9:49 A.M. EDT we enter the mutable part of spring when the atmosphere changes in preparation of the coming season. This is the chattiest of signs and a very gregarious, social energy. The Sun joins Mercury & Venus already transiting here and this buildup of the personal planets in Gemini create an atmosphere of social energy that may be difficult to quell, especially if we are all still in lockdown mode. Find ways of interacting that are safe and fulfilling. Zoom, Skype and other technological advancements give us some choices that didn’t exist until recently. It’s more important what you have to say to each other than how you go about getting the message across.
On Wednesday May 20th at 7:03 P.M. EDT the square returns. We experienced this on May 3rd and because of the retrograde motion of Venus it comes back now. You may find that you have been in a complicated situation with someone for the past few weeks ever since this square first completed. Now you have an opportunity to review your ideas and to try and focus your attention towards finding a solution. This is a confusing aspect, but like all recurring transits on each pass there is another chance to resolve it. The last pass will occur on July 27th giving us all a 3rd and final opportunity to figure it out. The issue may be resolved on any of the 3 passes, so you don’t have to wait until then. But if you still aren’t sure about things you don’t have to rush now.
On Friday May 22nd at 11:43 A.M. EDT we will experience a day of confusion and misdirection. This square will create a fog around all mental activity and is usually a low energy aspect that can make us feel lazy or non-committal. Because this falls on the Dark of the Moon, also very low energy few days, I wouldn’t be surprised if we all feel a bit under the weather today. It doesn’t mean we are sick, only that we don’t have our usual spunk. If you’re tired, rest. Obvious advice I know, but we often ignore the apparent choices. Don’t swim against the stream. Go with the energy around you and you will find it much easier to navigate.
The next New Moon falls on Friday May 22nd at 1:39 P.M. EDT at 2 degrees Gemini 05 minutes. The day or two leading up to it will be a particularly low energy period. If you tend to be emotional this may be a very trying time each month. I have found that people with prominent moons or a Cancer Sun, Moon or ascendant respond to the lunar cycles more intensely than others. Spend this time finishing up anything that is incomplete, don’t try to initiate new projects on a waning moon, it just won’t work out. Once the New Moon hits you begin new projects or attempt a new approach to an existing problem. If you have been living in a situation or involved in a relationship that is intolerable or has outlived its usefulness this would be the proper time to move on with your life. If you have been working on a project that is almost complete but you seem to lack the energy for the finality, you must push during these low energy days to end the matter once and for all. If you don’t, when the New Moon arrives it will bring this “dead” energy along with it and conflict with the newer force being presented. Each month we are offered a chance to clean house, so to speak.
Note: All aspects are most powerful and effective as they apply. Once the transit has completed, its force is lessened. The further it separates the weaker it becomes.
Below is a list of times this month when the Moon is Void of Course and neither important decisions nor purchases should be made during these periods. The Void of Course Moon is a time when we should try to center ourselves and deal with spiritual matters not materialistic ones. Any decisions made on the VC Moon will not turn out the way we had expected.
The Moon is Void of Course from the time it makes its last major aspect in a sign until it enters the next sign. For example, if the Moon squares Mars at 27 degrees Aries and then has no more aspects until it enters Taurus it will be Void of Course for three degrees or about 6 hours. The aspects used are the conjunction, sextile, square, trine, and opposition. All times are Eastern Daylight Time:
April 24th 8:43 P.M. – April 25th 3:20 A.M.
April 27th 1:00 P.M. – 1:28 P.M.
April 29th 3:29 P.M. – 9:06 P.M.
May 1st 12:04 P.M. – May 2nd 1:35 A.M. ***Moon is void 13 hours
May 3rd 10:25 P.M. – May 4th 3:09 A.M.
May 5th 10:31 P.M. – May 6th 3:05 A.M.
May 7th 10:39 P.M. – May 8th 3:15 A.M.
May 10th 2:11 P.M. – 5:39 A.M.
May 12th 6:30 A.M. – 11:39 A.M.
May 14th 10:03 A.M. – 9:24 P.M. ***Moon is void 11 hours
May 17th 3:59 A.M. – 9:36 A.M.
May 19th 4:33 P.M. – 10:10 P.M.
May 22nd 4:01 A.M. – 9:36 A.M.
May 24th 7:09 A.M. – 7:09 P.M. ***Moon is void 12 hours
May 26th 9:06 P.M. – May 27th 2:33 A.M.
May 28th 9:30 A.M. – May 29th 7:40 A.M. ***Moon is void 22 hours
April 2020
New York City
Copyright 2020
All Rights Reserved
Mitchell, Thank you for all your insight and important information. I look forward to hearing your music.
Marty Wereski
Hi Mitchell. I was on the zoom at ASP. I recall your saying that the Chinese Communist Party will not survive because of China’s middle class. And that the party won’t fall due to a revolution. Curious to know your thoughts on how it will happen because of the middle class. And a timeline. Also is there a chart for the Chinese Communist Party? Thank you.