This is a sad time; a time of reflection and reevaluation as we try to find our footing while we stand on quicksand floundering in the muck of a dissolving reality. My deepest condolences go out to all who have lost a loved one to this pandemic. A silent, invisible enemy stealing our most precious commodity – those we love, with no remorse and no compassion. And my prayers for the rest of us who are living through the beginning of what may be a great recession, or depression, as we enter a period of instability that is exposing the weakness in our foundation and the blatantly terrible inequities that we have allowed to infect our way of life. Most Americans didn’t have $500 in the bank when this started. Now they are behind in their rent, bills, and throughout our great country thousands wait on line for ten hours to get food to feed their children, often to find once they reach the front of the line that there is nothing left. How could we let this happen in the richest, most powerful country on the planet? When did our priorities become so jaded that we allowed a class distinction of such magnitude to infect how capitalism is practiced? We have enough resources to ensure that no Americans lose their homes, their health insurance or starve during this disaster. But one half of our Senate has rejected any attempts to do little more than put a band aid on a gushing enormous wound. How bad could it get? A lot depends on how this is handled by those in power. In this country we are seeing a massive redirection occurring that is allowing the handoff of a trillion dollars once again to the corporations and the richest among us, while the neediest and the hard working middle class are left with crumbs. This cannot continue much longer. We are going to see a vivid change in leadership and philosophy that has long been needed. But what a price to pay!


THERE’S A BIG, GUSHING, BLUE WAVE A COMIN’… Can’t you just feel it?

I have made this prediction in my lectures, in interviews and on my recent appearance on Coast to Coast. Trump will not be reelected. Barring some unforeseen event that will change the participants, Joe Biden will be the next president of the United States. This is based on the astrology surrounding the election, not on my personal opinion. There are many charts I have used to come to this conclusion.


My interpretation is based on the combination of transits we will see over the coming year include Saturn’s entrance into Aquarius, its square to Uranus, the conjunct of Jupiter and Saturn, the beginning of our Pluto Return, and the reflection of those transits on the charts of America, the stock market and the candidates. On a bigger scale they represent a paradigm shift in the energy the world is experiencing and the direction we are heading.


As I said above, I’m putting together a webinar to explain all of the charts I use to make this prediction. It will be available on my website soon. I’ll send out an announcement when it’s completed. It will be followed by videos on the economy, the pandemic and the depression.

It is heartening to think Trump will not be elected, but CORPORATE JOE is not a paradigm shift.