The New Moon falls on Wednesday April 22nd at 10:26 P.M. EDT at 3 degrees Taurus 24 minutes. What is real and what is an illusion? That’s the question for this month, and how you answer that question will have a lot to do with how well your projects work out. This is an opportunity to lay down a strong foundation beneath your plans. Taurus is the fixed earth sign, and as such represents the most stable and secure energy of the zodiac. Capricorn is a close second. This sign is all about worldly security. Taurus tends to be materialistic and always prefers a financially sound existence. While it can be as spiritual as any of the signs it tends to focus more on the world and less on the ethereal. The issues we are seeing come to the surface in our society are very much of a material source: A crashing economy; Protests over the shut-in, a powerful desire to get the economy moving forward again, and how to balance that with the ongoing concerns about the virus. Those are all subjects that have a deeply Taurus-like sense and require nuts and bolts answers, not illusions or wish fulfillments. Practical and sensible decisions must be made to ensure our survival both physically and economically. Taurus is nothing if not realistic, but with two sides so diametrically opposed in their thinking the stubbornness of this sign will also most likely lead to more confrontations. This is truly a moment of an immovable object meeting an irresistible force. In nature that creates tension and often the destruction of both. Let’s hope that we can avoid that result. But if it occurs I believe it will lead to a tremendous shift in our society that will embolden the type of changes we have needed for a generation, and it has the potential to rebalance the levers of power and finances. Now just having a New Moon in Taurus is not sufficient to alter our universe. But coming as it does in the midst of our current situation it is a moment in time when we are being forced to see the truth about many things. And this is the point at which our reality becomes obvious and the path we must choose becomes clear. We are just entering a massive recession that will not go away quickly. Values and objectives will be scrutinized and some changes must be made or we will keep falling back into the quicksand from which we are trying to extricate ourselves.

In our personal lives it’s very important to try and remain flexible. We will all feel this unbending energy and tend to embrace a willful pigheadedness, which can limit growth and not allow for the changes that the moment demands. Keep an open mind and try to listen to the other guy’s opinion. You can still disagree but if you reject it out of hand you aren’t learning anything. This period is a test of our patience and fortitude and how well we handle it will say much about our character. Be as strong as the bull and as gentle as the lamb and you will encompass the best of human nature.