On Tuesday April 21st at 3:00 A.M. EDT this difficult square will demand that we all look at our path and objectives in a realistic and honest fashion. Things that seem wanting and counterproductive will be severely tested and those that are no longer valid should be discarded. This includes projects, attitudes and relationships. One of the hardest things to do for many people is to let go of the past. We tend to cling to our familiar patterns and people, and because change is so hard for most of us we can’t seem to readily prune our garden of the weeds to allow for new growth. The ability to point that out is one of Saturn’s greatest strengths. Because this coincides with the Sun’s square to Pluto and Jupiter, and because it occurs right on the Dark of the Moon this is a time to clear the decks and get ready for new beginnings in a few days.


This can be a low energy day, and again, since it occurs right on the Dark of the Moon, also a low energy aspect, this could be a few days when we just don’t have our usual oomph. Of course with the current draconian situation we are experiencing this transit may just feel like more of the same. But there is another layer of unconscious activity occurring through this trio of squares and you are being asked some serious questions that must be considered. But it would also be wise to take some time and find something fun to do. We need a break from our solitude and fears, and it’s very important to remember that life is wonderful, even in the midst of such a terrible time. And there are many things to be thankful for, including the people, pets, art and beauty that surrounds you. So take a moment to cherish the things you are often too busy to notice. And smile. That will not only lighten your heart, but the hearts of those you pass. I’ve painted a smile on my face masks. Hey, how else are they supposed to know?


This may be another bad period for the equity markets. They don’t usually do well on hard Saturn aspects, and if there are underlying issues that have not been priced into the markets they may have a harsh reaction. Of course, with the Feds pumping huge amounts of money into the stocks it could go unnoticed. But the problems are just being brushed aside, not corrected. In your personal life don’t plan too strenuous a schedule. This is a time to reflect and look over your projects and objectives, not to initiate new plans. That should be left for after the coming New Moon when the aspects will be lighter and more growth oriented. This is a time when you will be examining your ongoing relationships, schemes and long-term plans. In each of those areas if something isn’t working out you may find that it’s time to let it go. You will feel much lighter once you do.