On Sunday April 19th at 10:46 A.M. EDT we enter the fixed earth sign. Taurus is known for its stubbornness, a well-documented trait. They can be dogged and tenacious and difficult to influence, once they make up their minds, just like the bull we use to represent this sign. But they are also loyal and persistent. You won’t a more stalwart friend or partner. They can be counted on to do what they promise and to stick with a project until it is completed or shows its ultimate futility. And even then they may be apt to keep trying to resolve the unresolvable. This makes Taurus a good person to have in the room when making long-term plans. They won’t be flighty like the mutable signs, or unfocused like a few of their neighbors. Whenever I put together a new band I often found that having a Taurus member could lend a much needed voice of continuity and longevity to the project. While the Sun moves through this sign we will all feel some of that stability and steadiness. Try to use that to your advantage and look at the bigger picture when making plans. But don’t give in to the unbending side of the bull. “A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds”…Emerson. A wise observation. Stay flexible while still aiming your attention on your final goals and you will use this Taurus energy best. This is a good time to work arduously on any project or task you face. You will have more focus and a better ability to stay on track. In your personal lives and relationships try not to be so unyielding that it results in serious problems. Remember, the willow bends with the wind and can survive the harshest gusts. An oak will break as the force increases. Be the willow and the project, relationship or situation will survive for another, better day.