On Tuesday April 14th at 7:04 A.M. EDT this difficult square will create some tension that must be addressed or it will come out in unconscious ways. This is followed by the Sun in square to Jupiter and Saturn, and this will be an intense week with lots of ups and downs. But let’s look at each of these separately. This first square needs our attention. Pluto is all about power struggles. In our personal lives anything that has been ignored or is festering under the surface may come out with great force over the next few days as this and the following squares complete. The square to Pluto implies a deep rooted need to expose whatever is buried and to fundamentally change the way that it is handled. Because of Jupiter’s influence now there is a strong chance that this could be blown out of proportion and even a minor power struggle could become a big brouhaha so try to keep it in perspective. We may see some problems in the collective (what else is new?) as we continue to deal with the issues of the virus and the economy. I expect that our political situation will be a mess now and may turn into even more infighting and separation of tribes. There will be some more shenanigans and underhanded tricks. Some secrets may be revealed, but you must be careful to separate the truth from the lies. Any way this energy can be used to distort the facts will be tried. Remember, this is about power, not honor.