Thank you Bernie Sanders.

Thank you Bernie Sanders.

Thank you Bernie Sanders.
Thank you for a lifetime of service as you tried unflinchingly to help all people and bring them dignity and a champion. As you struggled, often a lone voice in the wilderness howling at the moon, at times seemingly unheard and ignored. You weren’t unheeded, nor were your efforts in vain. You have done amazing work forcing us all to look at the imperfect society we have built and to see where it was failing us, and offering choices that could improve it. And thank you for recognizing when it was time to hang up the six-shooters and put your support behind the new sheriff. You are a mensch and so much more. I salute you for all you have done for us all, and I hope and pray that you will have a strong place in the coming years and continue to be our Jiminy Cricket and to ensure that those in power hear the voice of the common man. If you will pardon the populous cliché, “live long and prosper”. And keep up the great work. We need you more now than ever. Happy Passover. May we finally reach the promised land. Mitch Lewis

Excellent words of appreciation to our brother the menche Bernie! Couldnt have said it better Mitch thank you for all YOU do for us your followers and fans
Paul Gross

Although I wasn’t going to vote for Bernie for obvious reasons “No Black Agenda” #ADOS, I love this kind gesture and your writing is superb. Thanks Again, Mitch.
Ascendant Pisces/ Sun Virgo/ Moon Taurus 2nd
Tony and Danny/ Astrology Meetup

That was beautifully stated, Mitch. I wholeheartedly agree with your sentiments. Thank you for writing such profoundly insightful and inspiring words, now and always in your brilliant posts. ~ Namaste