On Tuesday April 7th at 2:49 P.M. EDT we will experience a sudden jolt of energy that can work for or against you. This explosive and sometimes dangerous aspect must be respected. You need to use caution for a day or so. Tempers will flair and considering the pressure we are all under, especially in places like New York where we are basically in lockdown. I would tread lightly and try not to get into unnecessary disputes. Everyone is on edge with this pandemic and the littlest thing could set someone off. We will see a spike in cases and deaths from Covid-19, a sad, relentless reminder of our vulnerability.


This is a very high energy aspect, and as with all transits it’s up to you as to how you use it. If you can control it you will find that you have an exorbitant amount of force running through you. Expunge it through physical activity or arduous mental tasks and you will be able to handle whatever it brings. But if you aren’t paying attention and just go about your usual routine you may get into some difficult situations. This can be a forceful, and even violent moment, so don’t let a minor disagreement or small slight set you off. Sidestep any confrontations you can and find ways to direct this power where it can do you some good.