This month’s lunar peak occurs on Tuesday April 7th at 10:35 P.M. EDT at 18 degrees Libra 44 minutes. This sign has much to do with one-on-one relationships and as with any Full Moon there is a buildup of tension that needs to be released. Any difficulties in an intimate relationship or a close friendship may have to be dealt with now. That isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Sometimes we need to confront issues that have been ignored or release the pent up tension that we all feel. This is an opportunity to face those issues and fixed what is broken. Clearing the air can sometimes bring a new beginning to a situation that has become stale. If something truly has reached a point where it is no longer valid that may become obvious now as well, and you may be better off ending it. It’s better to admit that a relationship has become counterproductive than to continue on a path of destructive behavior. But make sure that is the case and don’t overreact to a minor problem.


Libra is the sign of the scales, and that is true in all issues. With our society extremely unbalanced at the moment this may offer us a small respite or a different perspective that will allow us to move in a new direction. The Lunar aspects, even the New and Full Moons can only do so much. We look more towards the outer planets and their force upon the collective to move our society. And they do. Look at the Saturn – Pluto in January for the astrological seed of this pandemic. But these quicker moving aspects do bring us a chance to redirect our energy and to give the world a shove back in to a lane on the highway that we may have drifted from.