On Saturday April 4th at 10:14 P.M. EDT this very important transit completes for the first of three passes. It will return in June and November. This is a combination of our desire for control over our lives and a need for a deeper understanding and an expansion of our consciousness. This transit holds promise for positive results as long as things are kept within a realistic foundation. Pluto is all about power struggles, and with Jupiter’s craving to enlarge whatever it comes in contact with we are seeing some difficult situations come to a head. The buildup of copious amounts of Capricorn energy that started in late 2019 and began to peak in January is continuing and expanding with the addition of Jupiter into the mix. By now we are all aware that this pandemic will continue to grow for some time as one would expect with this combination of planetary influences. But there are other issues that are also in play. This is offering us a chance to make deep and profound changes in our society and to reevaluate the direction in which our nation and the world are heading. It’s up to us how we handle it. This is not a time to sit idly by and hope for the best. It’s a time when you must stand up and demand those changes. Push against these who would subject you to the lies and manipulation and use fear to distract you from what is really going on. Any aspect can manifest in a number of ways. Free will decides just what results we get.


With the election hopefully coming in November (all things being equal) this will certainly be a severe and challenging contest between the two philosophies in America. The last pass of this aspect hits just as the election occurs, and it will be a final resolution to this question. This aspect clearly represents that power struggle and shows just how important the decisions we make in the coming election will be, and how long the effects will last. The 2020 presidential contest will set the pace for our nation certainly for the rest of my life. How the federal courts and especially the Supreme Court are defined will have profound power over what America looks like in the coming decades. Will we return to a saner approach to the environment or continue on the current path of destruction in the name of economic growth? Will the poor, the working class, the disengaged and the middle class – essentially the definition of America – be subjugated to serfdom and struggle, with no health care, no financial security and no faith in the future, or will the collective finally come to its senses and take back some of the power they have given without consciousness to those who would rule with an iron hand? November will tell. And Jupiter – Pluto will be the aspect that defines us.


In your personal life this conjunct may bring up some issues in relationships and in your own search for power that will require your close scrutiny. Jupiter’s strong desire to push past boundaries could blow things out of proportion and escalate an already oversized problem. Because this aspect will continue throughout 2020 this is only the first pass and is setting up the circumstances. But there will be 2 other times when we will have to come to terms with the situation and make choices. If you have a situation that is obviously vital but you don’t know exactly how to go about dealing with it, you will have a chance in June and again in November to work through it to a satisfactory solution.