APRIL 2020
Note: All aspects are most powerful and effective as they apply. Once the transit has completed, its force is lessened. The further it separates the weaker it becomes.
So, here we are, sitting in a Twilight Zone episode, or if you prefer a Steven King novel. Either way it’s frightening as hell. New York City is, for the moment, the epicenter of this pandemic. But it could be New Orleans, or Miami, or your city tomorrow. If you’re not scared, I would worry. It’s normal to feel out of place when things aren’t normal. And this is about as abnormal as it gets. So what do we do? Because of the ongoing circumstances with the pandemic that we are all experiencing on one level or another, the aspects we will encounter this month are going to have a different effect than usual. You must approach things with a clear and open mind and don’t assume that the world is going to return to normal any time soon. It isn’t. We will get over this and this crisis will pass, but until it does we all must have a realistic and empathetic attitude.
As always, while I appreciate my readers input and am willing to see different points of view, if you don’t share my beliefs or perspective I ask you to be civil and open-minded.
First of all, take a deep breath. You’re not doing yourself or anyone else any good by panicking. People are scared, and angry, and tempers are frayed. So try to have a little patience with each other. As I said, this will pass. How long it takes and how bad it can get is the question that nobody can answer. I have posted a brief summary of the 1918 influenza pandemic to give you an idea of the worst case scenario. But that’s just what it is; the worst case. This isn’t 1918 and we have much more knowledge and modern techniques. There’s a chance that this could burn itself out. And hopefully the draconian measures being taken will mitigate the direst consequences. But acting like a Pollyanna is no solution, and complacence can be extremely dangerous, as we’ve seen.
This is the most frightening and dangerous thing we have faced in a century. And I was in #2 World Trade Center the day before 9/11 by the cotton pit. I had just moved back to NY from Miami and didn’t have an apartment yet. I was crashing on St. Mark’s Place half a mile from ground zero with my dear friend Jenny Lynch and decided not to go to the Mercantile Exchange that day. When the attack was taking place Jenny and I filmed the second tower coming down from the roof of her building. New York was put on martial law. I had to carry her electric bill to prove that I lived in lower Manhattan or the National Guard wouldn’t let me below 14th Street. Credit cards didn’t work, and trucks weren’t allowed on Manhattan Island, so there was little food. That was surreal and we didn’t know if there would be another attack. But in many ways this is worse, much worse. The chance of infection from the simplest of actions hangs in your head from the moment you leave your house.
Besides the obvious effects of this, including the crashed economy, the tension and stress, and the isolation so many of are feeling, there will be other long-term effects that we can’t see clearly now. It’s human nature to want to get past something like this as quickly as possible and move on, often forgetting as much of it as possible. But that’s what apparently happened after 1918. The pandemic was rarely mentioned in our schooling, and if it was at all it was in a quick passing reference. Following that disease this nation jumped right into the “roaring twenties”, I’m sure to a large extent as a result of the horrors of the First World War and so many deaths in such a short time from the flu. People will need time to recover from this. Some may feel shock or disorientation for a long time. We may lose people we love. Some may not recover from the trauma. And the world may never be quite the same again. That evolution, as difficult as it can be at times. Most people do not change until they are in pain. And the collective sometimes needs an unimaginable jolt to get off its fat communal ass before it will change direction. Just like back then, once this subsides there will be a ragging rally in the stock markets and a flush of activity that will likely overwhelm the restaurants and stores. And that’s a good thing for the short term. But there are many issues that will still need to be addressed. More about that later.
The fact that this is an election year just adds to the tension. 1918 was also an election year, although it was midterms that took place, and not a presidential contest. They had the election on the Tuesday in November as the Constitution specifies. And so should we. Now we have perhaps one of the most important decisions to make that America has ever faced. Do we stay on this path or change horses and turn at the crossroads up ahead?
So what about this stimulus package, the biggest ever processed in history? We do need to stimulate the economy and to help the citizenry who actually own the collective wealth of this and any nation. But in typical fashion, while many of the industrialized nations are ensuring the survival of its citizens as the primary form of aid, giving ongoing payments to guarantee that nobody is evicted or starves, the people running America are back to their old tricks by giving most of the support to corporations and the wealthy. Precious little is going to the working person. What exactly does this administration think a one-time $1,200 check is going to do for people who need $4,000 or $5,000 a month to pay their mortgage, bills and put food on the table? Unemployment will help, but only so much. Other countries are giving their citizens thousands a month for the foreseeable future, until this stabilizes. And where is this 4 or 5 trillion dollars they will eventually dole out coming from? Why, from you and me, obviously. Imagine you have a credit card with a very large credit limit and you lose your job. You then decide to live off that credit card until things get better. Once you do find a job, you still owe that money and someway you must figure out how to repay it. That’s what’s happening here. We were already in a debt ridden society and are only adding an enormous amount to that debt that will be inherited by our children. Tell me why Boeing, under pressure because of its criminal negligence with the 737 jets that resulted in hundreds of deaths should be getting a bailout? It’s infuriating that our values are so twisted and convoluted that our collective believes that it’s more important to use the power of the purse to shore up corporations that have been bailed out time and time again, and have used that money to buy their stocks and give huge bonuses to their already rich CEOs while the people who are risking their lives everyday helping to keep out society functioning will face bankruptcy and ruin.
In my lectures and writings I’ve said many times that the economic collapse would be a two-prong event. In 2020 we would see violent swings in the equity markets. Once the virus is contained and this shut-in ends there will be a vicious rally in the markets. I did not know that a pandemic would be the cause. Frankly I wasn’t looking for it. But the astrology told me the stocks would act this way. Then, I believe in 2021 we will see the 2nd crash and an extended recession that will be debt-fueled and undermine the stability of our currency and bonds. That will be the result of all of this. Can we prevent that 2nd fall? Possibly. But only if we are willing to make certain changes and sacrifices that this administration will most certainly not make. By propping up the middle class in a much more realistic manner than doling out a few bucks we could prevent that deep recession. But instead they choose to bail out businesses that are worth many billions of dollars and will never, NEVER repay what they are taking, no matter what restrictions the Democrats put into this or the following bills. As Einstein said: “Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results in the definition of insane.” We have watched this play over and over again in our history and it always results in the same thing. The split in philosophy between the party of the working person and the party of big business has never found common ground, and between the bail out from the Great Recession of 2008, and the Great Tax Theft of 2017 there has been more money stolen from the common pot by the rich than all of the wealth accumulated in human history. So you expect this to change? I have a bridge I’d like to sell you. And no, I won’t take a check or credit card.
Saturn is entering Aquarius and beginning its square to Uranus. In 2008 – 10 we had Saturn in opposition to Uranus. That is what caused the complete breakdown in our system, and why I accurately predicted that crash. The opposition sat exactly on the NYSE Mars. Now as these planets come into square to each other, we are being tested to see how well we handled that opposition .This is what happens in astrology. A recurring or similar aspect will set up a test to see if we have learned our lessons from the energy of those planets. That square alone is sufficient to ensure a down market, but with the surrounding circumstances it represents the collapse of American economy. And since we are all in this together, it will be a worldwide depression. So, do you think we did learn something? Have we shored up our middle class? Provided health care for all Americans? Leveled the playing field so everyone has a chance? Demanded that corporations pay their fair share of taxes? Financed education, humanities, the arts, rebuilt our infrastructure, taken care of our poor, homeless, handicapped, indigent, and veterans? What do you think?
Will this crisis result in a change of government, or will the fear and confusion that it instills lead us to continue on the path of least resistance? In crises people are loath to make serious changes. They tend to follow whoever is in charge, no matter the circumstances. How else do you explain the Germans still solidly behind Hitler as their cities were bombed into dust? I don’t know how this all turns out, although because of my astrological studies I have predicted that the Democrats would win the White House and most likely the Senate, in several places, including on Coast to Coast. I could be wrong. I’m not infallible (but don’t quote that lol). Let’s see if my astrological interpretation is correct. And which party controls this country will most certainly decide that outcome. If there had been no stock market crash in 1929 and the Great Depression hadn’t begun I doubt that F.D.R. would have been elected. And what would our nation look like today if Hoover had been given a 2nd term as the depression begun? There’s a book in there about alternative history for some author to explore.
The New Moon falls on Tuesday March 24th at 5:28 A.M. EDT at 4 degrees Aries 12 minutes. This is the first New Moon of the New Year. Aries is the sign most associated with initiating beginnings and restarting whatever has been stalled. That may mean that we will see some turnaround in our current situation. It looks like congress will finally agree upon a stimulus package and that may be good news for the markets and somewhat for many Americans. But I’m not convinced that it is a magic bullet and will cure all our ills in the short run. We could jump start this market crash and see the equities rise rapidly in what we would call a bear market rally. Is it really going to be a complete reversal and the end of our economic turmoil? I think that’s a bit overly optimistic and unrealistic.
We are still in the midst of a worldwide recession that isn’t going away just because the rich nations print more money. And let’s face it, that’s exactly what this will be. We are added trillions of dollars to our nation debt, as is Europe, England, Japan, China etc.: Spending money on our credit cards that will have to be repaid at some point. There are long-term underlying issues that have not been addressed as we have been consumed with the problem of contending with the virus. It’s mankind’s nature to move past any serious problem and want to return to normalcy as quickly as possible. But with the astrology showing another problem, or an extension of the same one occurring in 2021, I question whether that philosophy will work this time. But we should be hopeful nonetheless, just not complacent or fool hearted.
On a personal level this is a good time to begin a new project or take an ongoing one to a new level. Aries energy does tend to be optimistic and forward moving, and if you weaned your garden of those issue that had outlived their usefulness as the Pisces period ended, you should have the time, energy and resources to try something new and innovative now. So don’t ignore the problems that still exist, try to find new solutions and fix them, or they will come back to haunt you another day. But let’s be optimistic, open-minded, resourceful, and look ahead to what we can do. It’s one thing to look over your shoulder at the past, it’s quite another to step back into the quicksand you just got out of. Try to find the balance between the two. This is a New Year, astrologically speaking, and we should approach it with an open heart and a positive attitude.
On Saturday March 28th at 12:24 A.M. & 10:52 P.M. EDT this very nice combination will give us a day of ease and pleasantry while still having a meaningful purpose. The trine to Jupiter is as good as it gets. Most people will be sociable and easy-going and it sets the pace for the day. Because it completes right after midnight we will feel it most effectively on Friday night. Normally this would be a great night for a get-together, but with the shut in still in place that will be very limited. Still, you can video conference and have a virtual party, or just enjoy yourself and your family in the restrictions imposed.
The trine to Pluto later Saturday night is more intense and will offer us an opportunity to examine our relationships and our goals without the usual confrontation that our far away from often brings. The trines are easier to manifest and more user-friendly, but still we will experience that Pluto energy and be asked to delve deeply into conversations and examinations. You won’t be happy with superficial answers, but you may find it easier to shrug off any confrontation that arises.
On Monday March 30th at 3:44 P.M. EDT until May 13th at 9:17 P.M. EDT the god of war enters this erratic sign. Because of the ongoing circumstances with the pandemic that we are all experiencing on one level or another, the aspects we will encounter this month are going to have a different effect than usual. This is a period when many people will be a bit feistier than usual. You can expect some unexpected events and a few confrontations over the next 6 weeks. Try your best to sidestep the useless arguments, but be prepared to deal with the important issues that may arise. If something has been ignored and left unsaid, you may have to face it now. While Mars was in Capricorn it was easier to restrain your temper and to put your energy into projects with a good focus. That’s why Mars is exalted in Capricorn. Here we will experience the Mars – Uranus combination that is well-known for its aggressiveness and erratic reactions. That’s why it’s so important to keep your balance and center yourself. This can be a very exciting transit, and things certainly won’t be boring. If you can direct this excessive amount of force into useful projects and activities you may enjoy this period and find some unusual and adventurous things to occupy your overly active ego. All transits are just energy spewing out into the universe. What we do with that energy decides how they will affect us. So use this to your advantage by being open-minded and bold while still keeping control over your inner self. Mars will conjunct Saturn tomorrow and give us a good example of how to take this power in hand and direct it where we wish it to go.
On Tuesday March 31st at 2:31 P.M. EDT we will have a brief moment when we can control the wild horses we are hitched to. Normally this combination can be a dour and unexciting day or two when our energy level seems to be restricted, and you may feel that to some extent now. Saturn will suppress Mars’ usual enthusiasm and you might be prone to just give into this repressed attitude. But because this is happening in volatile Aquarius there will be an underlying sense that if we can just get off the couch there may be something out there that will be interesting. With the current lockdown in many places (New York is a ghost town) a little adventure is just what many of us need. Even if you’re stuck inside, a very saturnine situation, Mars will give you a jolt of power as it gets situated in this Uranus ruled air sign that will be ongoing for many weeks. Today we are just required to face the limitations of this combination, but not to let it depress our zeal. This is a quick moving transit so just learn its lesson and use it positively.
If you use this conjunct properly you can accomplish a great deal in a short time. Saturn wants control and focus, and when it combines with Mars it allows us to use that Martian force in measured and meticulous fashion. Take any project that has been giving you difficulty or seems to be stuck, and dig in. You may be surprised by how much you can accomplish today. Because many of us are under quarantine there isn’t that much we can do anyway. So try to use this aspect to focus your ideas and your energy into a positive and useful direction.
On Friday April 3rd at 1:11 P.M. EDT until August 8th the goddess of love and money enters this sign of duality. Because it will retrograde May 13th at 2:45 A.M EDT Venus will spend a very long time in this sign. This will be a period when the mind will rule the emotions. If you want to reach someone you’ll have a better chance through communication and logic than hearts and flowers. Try poetry as seduction. It worked okay for centuries. Though in the era of texts I don’t know how romantic one can be in 10 words or less.
On Friday April 3rd at 9:15 P.M. EDT we will all have a day of confusion and misunderstandings. You need to be vigilant and make sure that your thoughts are expressed in a clear and concise manner. It’s easy to misinterpret things and to make mistakes. There will be plenty of miscues and lies perpetrated through the media and it’s important always to check your facts. But this is especially true when these two planets are in contact.
On Saturday April 4th at 10:14 P.M. EDT this very important transit completes for the first of three passes. It will return in June and November. This is a combination of our desire for deeper understanding and a need to expand our consciousness. Pluto is all about power struggles, and with Jupiter’s desire to enlarge whatever it comes in contact with we can expect some difficult situations to come to light this year. With the election hopefully coming in November (all things being equal) this will certainly be a severe and challenging contest between the two philosophies in America. The last pass of this aspect hits just as the election occurs, and it will be a final resolution to this question. This aspect clearly represents that power struggle and shows just how important the decisions we make in the coming election will be, and how long the effects will last. The 2020 presidential contest will set the pace for our nation certainly for the rest of my life. How the federal courts and especially the Supreme Court are defined will have profound power over what America looks like in the coming decades. Will we return to a saner approach to the environment or continue on the current path of destruction in the name of economic growth? Will the poor, the working class, the disengaged and the middle class – essentially the definition of America – be subjugated to serfdom and struggle, with no health care, no financial security and no faith in the future, or will the collective finally come to its senses and take back some of the power they have given without consciousness to those who would rule with an iron hand? November will tell. And Jupiter – Pluto will be the aspect that defines us.
In your personal life this conjunct may bring up some issues in relationships and in your own search for power that will require your close scrutiny. Jupiter’s strong desire to push past boundaries could blow things out of proportion and might create an oversized problem. Because this aspect will continue throughout 2020 this is only the first pass and is setting up the circumstances. But there will be 2 other times when we will have to come to terms with the situation and make choices. If you have a situation that is obviously vital but you don’t know exactly how to go about dealing with it, you will have a chance in June and again in November to work through it to a satisfactory solution.
On Tuesday April 7th at 2:49 P.M. EDT this explosive and sometimes dangerous aspect completes. You need to use caution for a day or so. Tempers will flair and considering the pressure we are all under I would tread lightly and try not to get into unnecessary disputes. Everyone is on edge and the littlest thing could set someone off.
This is a very high energy aspect, and as with all transits it’s up to you as to how you use it. If you can control it you will find that you have an exorbitant amount of force running through you. Expunge it through physical activity or arduous mental tasks and you will be able to handle whatever it brings. But if you aren’t paying attention and just go about your usual routine you may get into some difficult situations. This can be a forceful, and even violent moment, so sidestep any confrontations you can and find ways to direct this power where it can do you come good.
On Tuesday April 7th at 5:25 P.M. & 10:20 P.M. EDT we will all be thinking and communicating from a place of depth and understanding. Pluto wants us to dig deeply in any subject we consider, and Jupiter wants us to expand our point of view. The combination may blow some things out of proportion and make some issues seem more important than they really are. But don’t be afraid to look at the situation with an open mind. Because these are positive sextiles you can approach them without trepidation. Whatever you uncover can be handled in a productive way. It’s a very good day for any important conversation or just for contacting those with whom you may have lost touch.
This month’s lunar peak occurs on Tuesday April 7th at 10:35 P.M. EDT at 18 degrees Libra 44 minutes. This sign has much to do with one-on-one relationships and as with any Full Moon there is a buildup of tension that needs to be released. Any difficulties in an intimate relationship or a close friendship may have to be dealt with now. That isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Sometimes we need to confront issues that have been ignored or release the pent up tension that we all feel. This is an opportunity to face those issues and fixed what is broken. Clearing the air can sometimes bring a new beginning to a situation that has become stale. If something truly has reached a point where it is no longer valid that may become obvious now as well, and you may be better off ending it. It’s better to admit that a relationship has become counterproductive than to continue on a path of destructive behavior. But make sure that is the case and don’t overreact to a minor problem.
Libra is the sign of the scales, and that is true in all issues. With our society extremely unbalanced at the moment this may offer us a small respite or a different perspective that will allow us to move in a new direction. The Lunar aspects, even the New and Full Moons can only do so much. We look more towards the outer planets and their force upon the collective to move our society. And they do. Look at the Saturn – Pluto in January for the astrological seed of this pandemic. But these quicker moving aspects do bring us a chance to redirect our energy and to give the world a shove back in to a lane on the highway that we may have drifted from.
On Saturday April 11th at 12:48 A.M. EDT until April 27th at 3:53 P.M. EDT the planet of thought and speech will cross the World Axis and enter the first sign. For the next few weeks people will tend to be a bit overly assertive in their communications. Try to be aware and don’t overreact. The world is on edge now and many people are holding in a great deal of stress. While Mercury was in Pisces some of them were better able to keep their feelings in that Pisces 12 house place and internalize it. Now you may find that tempers are hot and tongues may not have much control. If you someone else speaks without thinking give them a pass and try to work through it. An apology and some kind words can go a long way towards healing the rift. You or the other person may not mean what you say, or you may be reacting to your own anger and fears. Aries isn’t known for being terribly patient and it often responds to the moment without thinking things through. I always describe Aries as someone who jumps off the diving board and on the way down looks to see if there’s water.
The more productive side of this transit is that it will tend to get you moving and set your mind on high gear. If you can handle the assertive energy it produces this will be a very productive time. You will get projects started and say what’s on your mind. As long as you pay heed to what I said above and don’t allow your aggressions to overwhelm your common sense this can be a fulfilling period and a good chance to initiate some new plans or reboot those that have felt stuck.
On Tuesday April 14th at 7:04 A.M. EDT this difficult square will create some tension that must be addressed or it will come out in unconscious ways. This is followed by the Sun in square to Jupiter and Saturn this week. Pluto is all about power struggles. In our personal lives anything that has been ignored or is festering under the surface may come out with great force over the next few days as this and the following squares complete. But let’s look at each of these separately. The square to Pluto implies a deep rooted need to expose whatever is buried and to fundamentally change the way that it is handled. Because of Jupiter’s influence now there is a strong chance that this could be blown out of proportion and even a minor power struggle could become a big brouhaha so try to keep it in perspective. We may see some problems in the collective (what else is new?) as we continue to deal with the issues of the virus and the economy. I expect that our political situation will be a mess now and may turn into even more infighting and separation of tribes.
On Wednesday April 15th at 6:59 A.M. EDT this aspect completes. Normally this would be a benign or even positive square that would bring optimism and a desire for growth and expansion. But because Jupiter is conjunct Pluto and Saturn, and all three are being squared by the Sun this week it may just exacerbate any problems that arise. Jupiter is known for its ability to expand beyond the limitations one would usually expect. It can overdo things or create an unrealistic attitude that may distract you from what you need to focus on. Still, I’m optimistic that there will be an underlying sense of hope and far-sightedness that may mitigate any difficulties. With all of the planets still in Capricorn we are in the middle of a period of severe testing and self-examination. Of course you don’t need an astrologer to tell you that. The isolation and limitations we are experiencing correlate to the sign of Capricorn and its ruler, Saturn.
On Sunday April 19th at 10:46 A.M. EDT we enter the fixed earth sign. Taurus is known for its stubbornness, a well-documented trait. They can be dogged and tenacious and difficult to influence, once they make up their minds just like the bull we use to represent this sign. But they are also loyal and persistent. You won’t a more stalwart friend or partner. They can be counted on to do what they promise and to stick with a project until it is completed or shows its ultimate futility. And even then they may be apt to keep trying to resolve the unresolvable. This makes Taurus a good person to have in the room when making long-term plans. They won’t be flighty like the mutable signs, or unfocused like a few of their neighbors. Whenever I put together a new band I often found that having a Taurus member could lend a much needed voice of continuity and longevity to the project. While the Sun moves through this sign we will all feel some of that stability and steadiness. Try to use that to your advantage and look at the bigger picture when making plans. But don’t give into the unbending side of the bull. “A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds”…Emerson. A wise observation. Stay flexible while still aiming your attention on your final goals and you will use this Taurus energy best.
On Tuesday April 21st at 3:00 A.M. EDT this difficult square will demand that we all look at our path and objectives in a realistic and honest fashion. Things that seem wanting and counterproductive will be severely tested and those that are no longer valid should be discarded. This includes projects, attitudes and relationships. One of the hardest things to do for many people is to let go of the past. We tend to cling to our familiar patterns and people and because change is so hard for most of us we can’t seem to readily prune our garden of the weeds to allow for new growth. The ability to point that out is one of Saturn’s greatest strengths. Because this coincides with the Sun’s square to Pluto and Jupiter, and because it occurs right on the Dark of the Moon this is a time to clear the decks and get ready for new beginnings in a few days.
This can be a low energy day, and again, since it occurs right on the Dark of the Moon, also a low energy aspect, this could be a few days when we just don’t have our usual oomph. Of course with the current draconian situation we are experiencing this transit may just feel like more of the same. But there is another layer of unconscious activity occurring this this trio of squares and you are being asked some serious questions that must be considered. But it would also be wise to take some time and find something fun to do. We need a break from our solitude and fears, and it’s very important to remember that life is wonderful, even in the midst of such a terrible time. And there are many things to be thankful for, including the people, pet, art and beauty that surrounds you. So take a moment to cherish the things you are often too busy to notice. And smile. That will not only lighten your heart, but the hearts of those you pass.
This may be another bad period for the equity markets. They don’t usually do well on hard Saturn aspects, and if there are underlying issues that have not been priced into the markets they may have a harsh reaction. In your personal life don’t plan too strenuous a schedule. This is a time to reflect and look over your projects and objectives, not to initiate new plans. That should be left for after the coming New Moon when the aspects will be lighter and more growth oriented. This is a time when you will be examining your ongoing relationships, schemes and long-term plans. In each of those areas if something isn’t working out you may find that it’s time to let it go.
The next New Moon falls on Wednesday April 22nd at 10:26 P.M. EDT at 3 degrees Taurus 24 minutes. The day or two leading up to it will be a particularly low energy period. If you tend to be emotional this may be a very trying time each month. I have found that people with prominent moons or a Cancer Sun, Moon or ascendant respond to the lunar cycles more intensely than others. Spend this time finishing up anything that is incomplete, don’t try to initiate new projects on a waning moon, it just won’t work out. Once the New Moon hits you begin new projects or attempt a new approach to an existing problem. If you have been living in a situation or involved in a relationship that is intolerable or has outlived its usefulness this would be the proper time to move on with your life. If you have been working on a project that is almost complete but you seem to lack the energy for the finality, you must push during these low energy days to end the matter once and for all. If you don’t, when the New Moon arrives it will bring this “dead” energy along with it and conflict with the newer force being presented. Each month we are offered a chance to clean house, so to speak.
For information regarding personal readings please contact me at: mitchastro@aol.com.
Below is a list of times this month when the Moon is Void of Course and neither important decisions nor purchases should be made during these periods. The Void of Course Moon is a time when we should try to center ourselves and deal with spiritual matters not materialistic ones. Any decisions made on the VC Moon will not turn out the way we had expected.
The Moon is Void of Course from the time it makes its last major aspect in a sign until it enters the next sign. For example, if the Moon squares Mars at 27 degrees Aries and then has no more aspects until it enters Taurus it will be Void of Course for three degrees or about 6 hours. The aspects used are the conjunction, sextile, square, trine, and opposition. All times are Eastern Daylight Time:
March 26th 3:16 A.M. – 9:37 A.M.
March 28th 7:05 P.M. – 9:38 P.M.
March 30th 11:11 A.M. – March 31st 7:43 A.M. ***Moon is void 20 hours
April 2nd 12:49 P.M. – 2:26 P.M.
April 3rd 3:29 P.M. – April 4th 5:18 P.M.
April 6th 9:29 A.M. – 5:16 P.M. ***Moon is void 8 hours
April 8th 8:50 A.M. – 4:17 P.M. ***Moon is void 7 hours
April 10th 3:35 P.M. – 4:35 P.M.
April 12th 7:46 A.M. – 8:05 P.M. ***Moon is void 12 hours
April 14th 7:47 P.M. – April 15th 3:37 A.M.
April 17th 10:34 A.M. – 2:29 P.M.
April 19th 7:31 P.M. – April 20th 3:01 A.M. ***Moon is void 8 hours
April 22nd 8:32 A.M. – 3:36 P.M. ***Moon is void 7 hours
April 24th 8:43 P.M. – April 25th 3:20 A.M.
April 27th 1:00 P.M. – 1:28 P.M.
April 29th 3:29 P.M. – 9:06 P.M.
April 2020
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