On Tuesday March 31st at 2:31 P.M. EDT we will have a brief moment when we can control the wild horses we are hitched to. Normally this combination can be a dour and unexciting day or two when our energy level seems to be restricted, and you may feel that to some extent now. Saturn will suppress Mars’ usual enthusiasm and you might be prone to just give into this repressed attitude. But because this is happening in volatile Aquarius there will be an underlying sense that if we can just get off the couch there may be something out there that will be interesting. With the current lockdown in many places (New York is a ghost town) a little adventure is just what many of us need. Even if you’re stuck inside, a very saturnine situation, Mars will give you a jolt of power as it gets situated in this Uranus ruled air sign that will be ongoing for many weeks. Today we are just required to face the limitations of this combination, but not to let it depress our zeal. This is a quick moving transit so just learn its lesson and use it positively.


If you use this conjunct properly you can accomplish a great deal in a short time. Saturn wants control and focus, and when it combines with Mars it allows us to use that Martian force in measured and meticulous fashion. Take any project that has been giving you difficulty or seems to be stuck, and dig in. You may be surprised by how much you can accomplish today. Because many of us are under quarantine there isn’t that much we can do anyway. So try to use this aspect to focus your ideas and your energy into a positive and useful direction.