On Monday March 16th at 3:43 A.M. until Saturday April 11th at 12:48 A.M. EDT Mercury reenters this mutable water sign. Confusion and misdirection will abound, and information will not be terribly clear or concise. We are going into a period of even more than usual questionable news and incomplete reports. There may be disinformation, or even downright lies that we cannot see around. Don’t trust everything you hear, but don’t allow your fears or indecision to cripple you. Take things with a grain of salt, or as Lot did, with a pillar of salt, and move ahead. We have no control over what happens on the world stage, so don’t worry about what is outside of your potential. Try your best to clarify things in your own life. That’s the best we can hope for. As with all thing Piscean this will be a time when many will need a hand and whatever you can spare, whether it’s money, aid, or just a friendly smile, how generous we are we will reap that much more. This is a time to give what you can. And remember, everyone is scared and angry right now. Try to forgive and sidestep their bad moods and find a positive place for your own. We need each other more than ever. Be there for those who need you, loved ones or strangers. That’s how we rise above all that’s going on.