On Sunday March 8th at 8:24 A.M. EDT this confusing, low-energy aspect will challenge us all to keep our eyes open and our thoughts clear. Do not expect to have your usual oomph today, especially in the early hours. This will be a period of misdirection and low vitality. This is often a very bad aspect for the equity markets, and with Venus conjunct Uranus later today and the Full Moon hitting tomorrow I wouldn’t be surprised by another very volatile few days in the stocks. They could go either way, but I’m betting that they will continue their recent downward trend as we move further into a bear market.


Neptune rules infectious diseases and with the Sun-Moon opposition (Full Moon) tomorrow in Virgo/Pisces we are seeing an alarming increase in reported cases of the Coronavirus. Neptune can also bring fear, often irrational and it’s very important to keep things in perspective and not let your imagination control you. We are all upset by what’s happening and we simply must keep some common sense. It’s already impossible to get Purell hand sanitizer anywhere, even through Amazon. Face masks are nowhere to be found. How realistic are these fears? Truthfully nobody knows. We will find out more as the weeks pass. But for the next few days use caution and try not to let your fears control you. In personal relationships it’s very important to be concise and explain what you mean. Mercury is stationing and going direct tomorrow as well, and this is a time when much can be misunderstood and mistakes will abound.