This month’s lunar peak occurs on Monday March 9th at 1:48 P.M. EDT at 19 degrees Virgo 37 minutes. This is a time when we will wish to get to the heart of the matter. Virgo has a powerful desire to dig into the details of any issue that arises. This can be a very positive time as long as you don’t get bogged down in the small things and lose sight of the bigger picture. This can be a very positive aspect and may help you clear out some things that are no longer valid. The pruning of the garden is an ongoing process and at times the planets aid us in that endeavor. This can be one of those times. Try to use this energy to your advantage and clean up your life.

This sign and its opposite, Pisces have much to do with health and the healing professions. With the Coronavirus escalating and still making headlines pushing our society into uncomfortable areas, we need to keep a close watch on our health, but also on the fears that this can produce. This is not a time to panic. But it is a moment to recognize just what we are facing and to try and find a viable solution. Unless you have been to certain regions where infectious diseases are common and there have been outbreaks, most of us have never experienced a moment like this and do not know how to respond. This Full Moon may push us to the edge. With Mercury turning around tomorrow as well we will certainly get some news. It may be good – perhaps the infection has regressed, or it may not be. In either case we will know more very soon.

As I said above, Mercury will go direct tomorrow and we will experience a few days when information comes at an accelerated pace. Tempers are spiking. You can hear people raise their voices in stores as the fear factor increases. I was in Starbucks the other day and there was an altercation between a customer and the worker who was handling a coffee cup in a most inappropriate manner holding the cup on the edge from where the person would be sipping. It really is quite amazing that these companies do not teach their employees basic hygiene. I see people in Whole Foods who are wearing gloves they probably put on when they went on duty in the morning, have spent the day handling money, touching all sorts of things, and for all we know wiping their noses; then picking up a pastry with those gloves. And you wonder why tempers are flaring? There is no hand sanitizer anywhere. There’s a store on the Westside of Manhattan that is selling small jars of it that cost about $5.00 for $85. Price gouging in a crisis is the lowest form of theft and inhumanity. “What a piece of work is man…”