On Wednesday March 4th at 10:07 A.M. EST until Friday April 3rd at 1:11 P.M. EDT Venus enters this sign of rulership. This is a very good placement for this planet and it often represents a settling down of some issues, especially in personal relationships and finances. While nothing will solve an unsolvable problem, and if something has become too stale or unacceptable this will not suddenly make it all right. But there is a tendency to want to find a solution and to work within a structure rather than tear it down. Taurus wants stability and continuity and it will go to extremes to keep a strong foundation. With Venus traveling here until the beginning of April anything that is erratic or unstable will not sit well with many of us. While I still believe we will see violent ups and downs in the equities we may begin to see some degree of steadiness at least for a few weeks. If the stock markets are still volatile in April and there is no answer to the Coronavirus or other unsettling issues there will be even greater instability when Venus enters mutable Gemini. For now we should try to seek loyal and constant connections that we can rely upon. Reach out to old friends and things that make us feel comfortable. But beware. With Venus about to conjunct unpredictable Uranus in a few days right before the Virgo Full Moon whatever foundation you attempt to create will be tested. Don’t expect miracles but do seek a steady and concise perspective.