On Wednesday March 4th at 6:08 A.M. until Monday March 16th at 3:43 A.M. EDT Mercury will travel through this sign of its exaltation. This is a very good placement for Mercury. It does well in this air sign and many of us will find our minds moving quickly and fluidly. If there are some ideas or plans that have become stuck or unproductive you may be able to drag them out of the bog and come up with a new way of looking at an old problem. This will be a few weeks of high expectations and fast moving ideas. Expect some unusual solutions and unexpected situations to come up. Yesterday’s surprising Biden victories on Super Tuesday set this transit in motion. Things are changing radically and you can expect more surprises and changes in direction. The stock markets will be even more erratic with violent ups and downs as the world begins to see everything in a different and unpredictable light. Use this energy to your advantage. Take off the blinders and look for unexpected solutions and opportunities.

You are absolutely correct, I have been getting shocking unexpected news and events all week… I glad that I read this post…