MARCH 2020
Note: All aspects are most powerful and effective as they apply. Once the transit has completed, its force is lessened. The further it separates the weaker it becomes.
Those of you who follow my work know that in my lectures, webinars, media appearances and writings I have been predicting a weakened stock market in 2020 and a crash in early 2021. We are already seeing some of the causes as the markets respond with volatility to the Coronavirus, the economic slowdown in Germany, Japan, China, and the unsureness of the coming election. Because I believe that the real crash occurs after the election, the question becomes: Will this be a result of the election? In other words, will Sanders win the White House and will the markets react extremely bearishly? That is one possibility. But because I use astrology as my main trading tool (along with decades of studying the markets and many other devises for prognosticating) I think that no matter who wins the election, whether it’s a Democrat or another term for Trump we are heading for a crash and a long recession. But certainly it’s very possible that Trump loses reelection and the stock markets respond in panic to the thought of a Sanders presidency.
As time passes I can more readily understand the attraction many disenfranchised Americans had to Trump. Many people want change, and not just a subtle reissuing of the same old crap. They want radical and unconventionally new opportunities and ideas, and they felt that Trump offered just that. As to whether he has given them with the kind of changes they had hoped for, that’s for them to decide, and if you view a Trump rally you will see that many feel that he has. Most Americans still want a radical and eccentric alteration to our way of life. A Bernie Sanders presidency will certainly offer that as well. Will it be the change we hope for, a turn to the left that will leave this nation more vibrant, more equitable with opportunities for more Americans to share in that once mighty dream? Or will it be a massive disillusionment not dissimilar to the one many are experiencing now? Only time will tell. But remember, all things are temporary and with a 78 year old president it is just a matter of time before the mantle will be passed on to another, younger generation. For now all we can do is watch as we struggle with the choices before us. I applaud Sanders for his directness, his honesty and perhaps most of all for his complete disregard for convention and for his ability to shrug off disappointment, failure and doomsday prophets who long ago wrote off his chance of ever achieving the highest office in the land. I am not endorsing him nor am I predicting that he will win. I’m just expressing my admiration for his gumption and for his refusal to give up. I wish him Godspeed and good health. Just maybe he or someone else can pull this country together even under the most curiously inauspicious circumstances.
The DOW closed down more than 1,000 points today mostly on the fear of the expanding cases of the Coronavirus. Those who follow my work know I’ve been warning of the potential for a market crash for some time. While I still believe that the worst economic problems will happen in late 2020 or early 2021 this is a serious harbinger of what’s coming. The fear of this infection is certainly the button being pushed, and the potential disruption to world markets, global travel and international trade is very real. But there are many underlying problems in our economy that have been ignored by these markets and could create the foundation for a collapse and long-term recession. This panic is rapidly deconstructing the open markets that the European Union has spent decades creating in the hopes of a unified Europe and a financial powerhouse to equal America and China’s economic prowess. With the Coronavirus spreading through some European nations at an intensified rate there is a strong push to close borders and limit free access, the very foundation of that Union. International trade in general is one of the driving forces behind the exploding stock markets, and no matter what you may think of “globalization” it is the ability to move products and people around the globe that fuels much of our collective financial markets. As that slows down, so will the collective growth.
But there are other issues involved in this situation that will play an important part in the future of our economic health. For one thing this stock market is insanely overbought. We are in the middle of what is called a “melt-up”, a phenomenon that occurs frequently before a market collapses. It happened in the stocks before many crashes, including in the “roaring twenties”, followed, as we know by the Great Depression of the 1930s. It happened n the oil markets, the Dot-Com bubble, even as far back as the Tulip Bulb bubble and the South Sea bubble of 1711. So any bad news is apt to have an overblown reaction where people will take profits and essentially run for the hills. When this happens finally and there is no recovery millions of Americans will be at risk of losing their security, retirement funds and basic foundation. America (and other nations around the world) has artificially lowered interest rates to the point where buying US bonds won’t bring you enough return to offset inflation, let alone add to the security that bonds have often been used for. This is a foolish approach to investments selling off our long-term protection for a stock bubble that will eventually burst. Of course this is nothing more than adding enormous debt to an already risky balance sheet that was seriously damaged by the trillion and a half tax cut Trump pushed through the Republican Senate. But then he has always proudly referred to himself as “the king of debt”. In essence Trump is running the US treasury the same way he ran every business he ever owned. He runs up debt, grabs the cash, doesn’t pay anyone and then tells his creditors to sue him.
So while this “correction” in the stock markets was triggered by the threat of a pandemic, the underlying foundation is so weak and dishonest that it won’t take much to pop the bubble once and for all. And if that happens, and it will, lord help us and our children, for it will take a generation to recover from this unconscionable mishandling of the collective wealth.
Today the DOW closed down another 860 points. For those not keeping track that’s almost 2,000 points in 2 days. And I think it will continue until it is oversold. While the Coronavirus is the immediate impetus and reason for this action as I wrote a few days ago it is only the button being pushed that is exposing the underlying serious issues that Wall Street has ignored for the past number of years. This is not a normal market. It is a melt-up with little regard for reality or the usual checks and balances that keep our economy afloat. We are drowning in a sea of debt that will soon become a tsunami. Interest rates are artificially being kept low. The bonds are at an historic low, so there is no way to make any money except in the stock markets. And the world has lost faith in America’s ability to support and lead in times of crisis. On top of this many in the financial markets are horrified at the thought of President Bernie. They probably honestly believe that he would strip the flesh off of the financial world and create a radical socialist society. He won’t. The congress wouldn’t let him. He would try very hard to redistribute some of the remarkable wealth we have created and perhaps do something as radical as ensure health insurance for all Americans, something that virtually every modern nation in the world has achieved.
No matter what the outcome of the Democratic process, and no matter whether this virus does become a worldwide pandemic or not, as big as these problems are the issues are much bigger and insidious and are rooted in the very structure of our society. And that is what needs to be addressed or we will return over and over again to times like this when fear and anger push us to the limit. America’s Pluto Return has begun. And Pluto rules the elimination of waste in the body, the home and the collective consciousness. And if you thought we could go through this aspect without some pain and disturbing events you had your head up your… I mean in the sand. Strap on your seatbelts kids. It’s going to be a bumpy ride.
The New Moon falls on Sunday February 23rd at 10:32 A.M. EST at 4 degrees Pisces 29 minutes. This is the last New Moon of the astrological year and as such represents the end of some issues. For the coming month we all should be looking at the projects, relationships and ideas that have been lingering for some time, especially those that feel like they’re in a kind of limbo. Anything that has outlived its usefulness must be let go. That doesn’t mean that you “throw out the baby with the bathwater”. Some things may just be in a state of hibernation awaiting new energy that may occur as the New Year begins, so try to be clear about what is and isn’t working out. But wasting too much time or energy on worn out concepts will only frustrate you and distract you from directing your force into new and expansive projects. Remember, all gardens must be pruned and the old growth uprooted to make way for new sprouts. As we end this zodiac year we are putting the finishing touch on some things in preparation for a new beginning. Prepare and don’t be afraid to look ahead at the untapped potential. All New Moons offer us an opportunity to begin a new cycle, and while this Pisces New Moon does represent the closure of certain issues, it is still a time of fresh beginnings and a chance to take a step onto a new path. Be optimistic and farsighted and don’t be afraid of the unknown.
Many people are scared of the Coronavirus and don’t quite know how to deal with that fear. Pisces has much to do with illness and healing, the two sides of the same coin. While Neptune, Pisces’ ruler controls infections and the undercurrent of our basic health, it also rules drugs, medicine, doctors and the elimination of those infections. When this energy is activated we often encounter problems with contagious diseases. With Neptune now transiting its ruling sign of Pisces and the Sun, New Moon and retrograde Mercury also in that sign we are confronted with the Coronavirus and the panic that is ensuing. Is this the next worldwide pandemic, or just a passing phase? Only time will tell. The early reports are quite frightening and of course the world is on edge. While efforts to contain this disease seem to be failing rather dramatically, we won’t know for some time how widespread or how virulent it really is. To put things in perspective, it’s estimated that the flu infects about 42 million people and kills more than 600,000 a year. So far it is confirmed that the Coronavirus has killed about 2,400. Of course that number could be very unrealistic and it could explode at any moment, and if this is a true pandemic it could be a worldwide catastrophe. Again, only time will tell.
For now we are all on edge waiting to see just what this will turn into. Is it frightening? Of course. Only a fool wouldn’t feel some trepidation. It’s impossible to find face masks in any CVS or Walgreen’s. Even the stock markets have begun to react negatively. Is this the destructive promise of the Saturn-Pluto-Jupiter-Mars conjunct in Capricorn creating a massive stellium that will test the very foundation of our society and resources? Will this be the moment in history that astrologers in the future will look back upon and in the coming decades lecture to students of the celestial arts pointing to the unheard of numbers of victims as devastating as the Spanish Flu of 1918-19? Or will this be another passing fright similar to SARS and Ebola? I know there are some who are hoping for some colossal event that will turn humanity on its head. But believe me – you don’t want to live through a World War, a complete financial collapse or a plague, no matter how angry you may be or what your circumstances are. It would be ugly and painful beyond your imagination. So as we continue through this time of uncertainty I wish for us all a calm and clear focus and a secure future so we may deal with our self-important crises of family, love, career and the disappointments that come along with our personal struggles. With this huge buildup of restrictive Capricorn energy, and the Sun, Moon and Neptune all transiting Pisces with Mercury having just retrograded in Pisces with all of its confusion we are all holding our collective breath. Try to have a little faith and let’s see how this plays out. And always remember to love one another. That may be the best medicine there is. Love to you all. Mitch.
On Sunday February 23rd at 11:59 A.M. EST this very positive square gives us a day or two of exuberance and some excitement on a personal and emotional level. It comes with a clear warning though. Venus has much to do with pleasures both of passion and physical desires. You may be tempted to eat too many cupcakes, drink too much wine or perhaps engage in frivolous romantic encounters. This is a very pleasure-oriented aspect and if you can use a little restraint try to enjoy the day. But if you wake up with a hangover and can’t find your pants, don’t blame astrology.
On Monday February 24th at 9:06 P.M. EST this energetic and directed sextile will give us all a chance to project our egos and to push forward with some projects that may have become stuck. This isn’t a long lasting transit, but it’s a day or so when we can all push that rock up the hill just a bit further. Of course it will eventually come tumbling down (read your Greek mythology. As Sisyphus learned, hubris can be a costly endeavor.
On Tuesday February 25th at 8:45 P.M. EST this frequent conjunct brings out the willfulness is us all. This is a good day for getting your mental work done and for communicating your ideas. But be careful not to act too arrogantly or to push your ideas onto others. They will be apt to push back and then you will have a fight on your hands. If something is really worth the struggle, then go for it. But often this results in useless and unproductive disagreements. Get your paperwork done and answer those emails and other communications. Because of the aspects we will encounter in the coming days you may not be able to avoid all confrontations. Try to pick and choose your battles and don’t waste your time on frivolous arguments.
On Wednesday February 26th at 12:59 A.M. EST we will continue to have a lot of mental energy and, while this is a positive aspect and will allow us to say what’s on our minds, it still requires a certain amount of restraint. This is a good day to communicate and get your point across. You should be feeling quite assertive and able to say what you may have had difficulty expressing. But Mars rules the ego and when it’s in aspect to Mercury it’s easy to let our self-image overwhelm our common sense. Try to tone down your voice and focus your thoughts on what’s most important.
On Friday February 28th at 5:06 P.M. EST this intense square will complete followed in a few days by the Venus square Saturn. The combination will give us all a few days when it may be difficult to find compromise and common ground in personal relationships. These squares can certainly produce some animosity and you may find that it’s quite hard to settle disputes. Either you or the other person may be apt to stick to your guns and not budge from your point of view. Forewarned, and all that, I would try to look for a solution that at least temporarily smooths things over. Once these aspects pass you can find a more permanent resolution to the problem. If something has been building up in a relationship and has reached a point of impasse you may have no choice but to deal directly with it.
On Tuesday March 3rd at 11:44 A.M. EST the second phase of these Venus squares completes. This will be a day of low energy and perhaps discourse. At the very least you can expect to find it hard to express your feelings or maybe to even enjoy the simple pleasures of life. This passes quickly so I wouldn’t make too much of it. But if you find that you are tired or unenthusiastic about many things, just leave it be. Tomorrow when Mercury enters energetic Aquarius and Venus enters Taurus, the sign of its rulership the energy will change radically and it will be easier to move forward.
On Wednesday March 4th at 6:08 A.M. until Monday March 16th at 3:43 A.M. EDT Mercury will travel through this sign of its exaltation. This is a very good placement for Mercury. It does well in this air sign and many of us will find our minds moving quickly and fluidly. If there are some ideas or plans that have become stuck or unproductive you may be able to drag them out of the bog and come up with a new way of looking at an old problem. This will be a few weeks of high expectations and fast moving ideas. Expect some unusual solutions and unexpected situations to come up.
On Wednesday March 4th at 10:07 A.M. EST until Friday April 3rd at 1:11 P.M. EDT Venus enters this sign of rulership. This is a very good placement for this planet and it often represents a settling down of some issues, especially in personal relationships. While nothing will solve an unsolvable problem, and if something has become too stale or unacceptable this will not suddenly make it all right. But there is a tendency to want to find a solution and to work within a structure rather than tear it down. Taurus wants stability and continuity and it will go to extremes to keep a strong foundation. With Venus traveling here until the beginning of April anything that is erratic or unstable will not sit well with many of us. If the stock markets are still volatile and there is no answer to the Coronavirus or other unsettling issues there will be an underlying sense of dread as we attempt to put a solid bottom down and move back to a secure structure.
On Sunday March 8th at 8:24 A.M. EDT this confusing, low-energy and at times debilitating aspect will challenge us all to keep our eyes open and our thoughts clear. Do not expect to have your usual oomph today, especially in the early hours. This will be a period of misdirection and low vitality. Don’t expect to have your usual oomph. This is often a very bad aspect for the equity markets, and with Venus conjunct Uranus later today and the Full Moon hitting tomorrow I wouldn’t be surprised by a very volatile few days in the stocks. They could go either way, but I’m betting that they will continue their recent downward trend as we move further into a bear market.
On Sunday March 8th at 3:37 P.M. EDT the energy of the day will change as this exciting and adventurous conjunct gives us all a jolt of excitement. This is not a day to follow your usual routine. Get out and explore the world. Try something new and adventurous. Uranus wants new and stimulating events, ideas and people. Use this aspect to stroll through the world and see what it offers. If you go to the Museum of Modern Art (a very Uranus place) and meet someone new I wouldn’t rush into a relationship until you see who that person really is. The audaciousness you’re feeling may not last, and the connection might be unstable. But do have some fun and take a ride on life’s roller coaster.
This month’s lunar peak occurs on Monday March 9th at 1:48 P.M. EDT at 19 degrees Virgo 37 minutes. This is a time when we will wish to get to the heart of the matter. Virgo has a powerful desire to dig into the details of any issue that arises. This can be a very positive time as long as you don’t get bogged down in the small things and lose sight of the bigger picture. This sign has much to do with health and the healing professions. With the Coronavirus still making headlines and pushing our society into uncomfortable areas we need to keep a close watch on our health, but also on the fears that this can produce. This is not a time to panic. But it is a moment to recognize just what we are facing and to try and fine a viable solution.
On Monday March 9th at 11:49 P.M. EDT Mercury will finally turn around. It begins its forward motion in the sign of Aquarius but will shortly reenter Pisces where much of the retrograde took place. While all reversals of planetary activity are important, this one has a larger than usual significance. Because of three areas of vital interest in our culture at the moment the effects of this transit will be felt throughout the world. These issues are: The Coronavirus; The stock market; and the American election cycle. Each of these is interactive of course. The fear of a pandemic has hit the markets quite severely. And the markets have much to do with the coming election. As those who study astrology know, when Mercury changes direction there are often secrets revealed and important information released. We can expect to hear some news on all of those fronts. Some hopefully will be a relief, but some may be quite disturbing. We will probably see a few of the Democratic candidates drop out of the race. We may see some reversals in the ongoing battle between those still active in seeking the White House. And there is most likely going to be some news on the world stage regarding the ongoing health concerns and the economic backlash. We will also see some conflicting reports about how our government is handling these issues. I expect that we are about to see some important decisions handed down by the courts, especially the Supreme Court. So be prepared for the unexpected.
On Wednesday March 11th at 8:27 A.M. EDT this very positive and optimistic aspect will give us all a day or so of some hope and enthusiasm. This isn’t a powerful enough transit to change the world, nor will it suddenly reverse any ongoing major issues, but it will be a day or so when we can all take a breath and perhaps sit outside at a café and enjoy the pleasures of life. Sometimes all it takes is a few hours in the fresh air to rejuvenate and prepare for the next struggle.
On Monday March 16th at 3:43 A.M. until Saturday April 11th at 12:48 A.M. EDT Mercury reenters this mutable water sign. Confusion and misdirection will abound, and information will not be terribly clear or concise. We are going into a period of even more than usual questionable news and incomplete reports. There may be disinformation, or even downright lies that we cannot see around. Don’t trust everything you hear, but don’t allow your fears or indecision to cripple you. Take things with a grain of salt, or as Lot did, with a pillar of salt, and move ahead. We have no control over what happens on the world stage, so don’t worry about what is outside of your potential. Try your best to clarify things in your own life. That’s the best we can hope for. As with all thing Piscean this will be a time when many will need a hand and whatever you can spare, whether it’s money, aid, or just a friendly smile, how generous we are we will reap that much more.
On Thursday March 19th at 11:50 P.M. EDT we begin a new our journey through the zodiac. While I enjoy January 1st (and the night before) and will celebrate that pagan Roman holiday, this is what I have always considered the start of the New Year. This is a time to reaffirm your ongoing projects or to begin some new ones. If something still has validity then by all means continue to pursue it. You may choose to look at the continuing efforts from a new perspective, or you may finally recognize that one or more of your projects isn’t worth the effort. In any case take the blinders off and open your eyes to what’s happening around you. If you waste time dragging something old and worn out into this new cycle it will prevent you from trying something new and exciting. Be clear and honest with yourself about what’s worth your time.
On Friday March 20th at 7:35 A.M. EDT we have a few days of almost limitless energy and potential. This is a very outgoing and enthusiastic aspect that will give us all a jolt of electricity and possibilities. Use this energy to your advantage. Take on some projects that you may not have felt up to tackling and move them towards fruition. Reach out to others. This is a very sociable transit and most people will want to gout and play. But it does come with a warning. Just don’t overdo things. Both of these planets tend to push the envelope and ignore boundaries and limitations. If you push too hard you may find it difficult to pull back. Overextending and not paying attention to sensible restrictions can result in problems. This is a very physical combination and you will want to use your body. But don’t get overly exuberant. Muscle strains or accidents are possible, especially if you let your ego get the better of you. You won’t be apt to stay within the boundaries you usually set up, but with a little self-control you should be able to accomplish much and keep things in perspective.
On Saturday March 21st at 11:57 P.M. EDT this most important transit will begin. Saturn has been in stogy old Capricorn, the sign it rules for more than 2 years. That has had a very powerful effect on our society and on us as individuals. Many of us have felt restricted and unable to move out of our comfort zone. Interestingly enough the stock markets have fared very well under this influence and may not continue to do so as Saturn enters this unpredictable sign. And while Saturn will retrograde back into Capricorn for a time between July and December 2020, this first step into explosive and changeable Aquarius is vital to the potential redirection our society needs to explore. For the next few months as this planet sits in the fixed air sign we will begin to see some radical and impulsive changes begin. Our political direction will start to show some fascinating energy. At the time I am writing this we don’t know who will be the Democratic candidate, though it is looking rather positive for Bernie Sanders, a very Uranian individual. It would make sense if he were to face off against Trump, another intense Uranian soul, and with Saturn, the planet of stability, foundation and support changing signs one would expect the outward manifestations to represent the complexity of the times and, I believe a radical change in our path.
On Monday March 23rd at 1:16 A.M. EDT this intense aspect will complete. This is a few days when we may not be able to regulate the things we are used to controlling. Sometimes with this combination there are power struggles without a clear resolution. Relationships may become deeper and require that we delve into the undercurrent and perhaps face some uncomfortable issues. You can’t hide from this aspect. You will be forced to face the reality that comes to the surface. Do it and you will find a clear path. Try and avoid a direct confrontation and you will lose.
The next New Moon falls on Tuesday March 24th at 5:28 A.M. EDT at 4 degrees Aries 12 minutes. The day or two leading up to it will be a particularly low energy period. If you tend to be emotional this may be a very trying time each month. I have found that people with prominent moons or a Cancer Sun, Moon or ascendant respond to the lunar cycles more intensely than others. Spend this time finishing up anything that is incomplete, don’t try to initiate new projects on a waning moon, it just won’t work out. Once the New Moon hits you begin new projects or attempt a new approach to an existing problem. If you have been living in a situation or involved in a relationship that is intolerable or has outlived its usefulness this would be the proper time to move on with your life. If you have been working on a project that is almost complete but you seem to lack the energy for the finality, you must push during these low energy days to end the matter once and for all. If you don’t, when the New Moon arrives it will bring this “dead” energy along with it and conflict with the newer force being presented. Each month we are offered a chance to clean house, so to speak.
Below is a list of times this month when the Moon is Void of Course and neither important decisions nor purchases should be made during these periods. The Void of Course Moon is a time when we should try to center ourselves and deal with spiritual matters not materialistic ones. Any decisions made on the VC Moon will not turn out the way we had expected.
The Moon is Void of Course from the time it makes its last major aspect in a sign until it enters the next sign. For example, if the Moon squares Mars at 27 degrees Aries and then has no more aspects until it enters Taurus it will be Void of Course for three degrees or about 6 hours. The aspects used are the conjunction, sextile, square, trine, and opposition. All times are Eastern Daylight Time:
February 25th 9:12 A.M. – 1:47 P.M.
February 27th 10:25 P.M. – February 28th 2:30 A.M.
March 1st 10:52 A.M. – 2:22 P.M.
March 3rd 9:20 P.M. – 11:25 P.M.
March 6th 2:11 A.M. – 4:29 A.M.
March 8th 4:13 A.M. – 6:47 A.M.
March 10th 4:32 A.M. – 6:03 A.M.
March 12th 4:12 A.M. – 5:28 A.M.
March 14th 6:06 A.M. – 7:09 A.M.
March 16th 5:34 A.M. – 12:25 P.M.
March 18th 8:48 P.M. – 9:16 P.M.
March 20th 5:00 A.M. – March 21st 8:33 A.M. ***Moon is void 21 hours
March 23rd 10:51 A.M. – 8:58 P.M. ***Moon is void 9 hours
March 26th 3:16 A.M. – 9:37 A.M.
March 28th 7:05 P.M. – 9:38 P.M.
March 30th 11:11 A.M. – March 31st 7:43 A.M. ***Moon is void 20 hours
Febuary 2020
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Mitchell Scott Lewis,