On Sunday February 16th at 6:34 A.M. EST until March 30th at 3:44 P.M. EST Mars enters this Saturn-ruled sign. Many students of astrology are surprised to learn that Mars is exalted here. It can seem antithetic, as Mars prefers to move without restriction, and Capricorn is the most restrictive of the signs. But it is often found in astrological studies that the combination of conflicting energies can sometimes work best together. Mars in this sign there will be a strong desire to build things, make a strong foundation or base or slowdown that Martian enthusiasm to avoid mistakes. Through the 6 weeks or so that Mars is here try to secure the support for your projects or ideas. This will be true in your most important relationships as well. Capricorn doesn’t like to rush things. It prefers to move in a slow and meticulous fashion. Take your time making decisions and once you’re sure of what you want and need, then you can move towards the finish line. Mars doesn’t like to be slowed down, but when it works well with the Saturn energy of this sign you can be sure that the foundation you are building will be strong and last a long time. Many blunders are a result of rushing things. Patience will allow you an opportunity to double check everything and avoid errors.