This month’s lunar peak occurs on Sunday February 9th at 2:33 A.M. EST at 20 degrees Leo 00 minutes. The Leo Full Moons are notorious for their showiness. We have had some serious snowstorms on this aspect in the past number of years. Whether we have one this year or not, you can expect that there will be a grand show put on by the world. Leo rules the stage and acting in general. And as some obscure guy once said: “All the world’s a stage and all the men and women merely players…”

Has that ever been truer than right now? We have a world where the president of the U.S. is a half-baked reality TV star. Zelensky, the president of Ukraine was a TV actor before being elected in a landslide. But this isn’t something new. Here are just a few of the dozens of show biz people who have held office just in America. Ronald Reagan, Al Franken, Shirley Temple Black, Sonny Bono, Clint Eastwood, George Murphy, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and so on. The list is extensive. Americans often have a hard time distinguishing between reality and illusion. This is a roundabout way of saying that we are in the midst of a grand comedy in Washington, though the underlying issues are all too serious. We may see some explosive event or confrontation around this lunar aspect. But I wouldn’t turn away. You’re seeing history in the making no matter what the outcome. As Trump’s post-impeachment rage is unleashed upon the world you will see him continue to explode in fury at all those he believes are his enemies. Considering the number he should be quite busy for some time.

Oh, and by the way, the Oscars are Sunday night, right on the Leo Full Moon. What could be more appropriate? It should be a lively show. Expect a few surprises.

Do use some caution for a few days. On this Full Moon you can also expect some histrionics on a personal level as the more dramatic side of many personalities come out. Keep that in mind as you approach your close relationships and don’t get caught up in the action or take things too seriously. Let the actors play their roles but don’t take it too much to heart until the final curtain. All Full Moons are over the top, and they each have their personality. Leos don’t back down. They stand like the king of the jungle and roar their disapproval while stalking their prey. Be the lion when it’s appropriate, and the lamb when you must; and you will survive whatever is in your way.