The Markets Shake:

The Markets Shake:

I posted thus on Tuesday.

“With Venus also conjunct Neptune I would expect a bad week for the markets.”

The DOW dropped more than 600 points today. Those who follow my work know that I expect a serious correction in the markets this year, followed by a major crash in early 2021. The Coronavirus is just one of the issues we face. But when this market starts to go, look out. They will move quickly and panic could set in. Expect the tech stocks, which have led this bull run “melt up” to lead on the way down. I would suggest taking your profits, especially in the tech sector. Then if they bottom out you can buy it back at a discount price.

Where do you see the Economy going this year as well as next year? Is trump going to get reelected? How far down do you see stocks going down this year as well as next?