The New Moon falls on Frisday January 24th at 4:42 P.M. EST at 4 degrees Aquarius 22 minutes. All New Moons offer us an opportunity for a new start, a refresh of the projects, relationships and ideas we have been working through. Of course, just because this monthly lunar aspect occurs doesn’t mean that we will suddenly change our basic nature, or be able to leap into a new life. It’s not that easy. Real change takes time and begins within our consciousness and then manifests in the outside world. So don’t expect massive alterations in your nature. But miracles come to us often, if we’re able and willing to see them as such. I consider astrology a phenomenon and marvel of sorts. The fact that I can look at a piece of paper and tell someone I have never met thousands of miles away what is going on in their life, or where their medical issues originate and how best to approach the healing process is, in my opinion, nothing short of a miracle. As I said, we see all sorts of wonders in our world. But we have become jaded and inundated with so much input in a life filled with artificial spectacles and unrealistic expectations that much of the wonder of life has been lost in our modern world.

Of all the New Moons the Aquarian may be the most wondrous of them all. This is a chance to explore new ideas even more so than on most New Moons. It’s a bit erratic and unpredictable (a word astrologers hate, by the way) and it offers us a different perspective. It’s a time to consider changing your direction or taking a new path forward. Often this will begin in the unconscious and then manifest in weeks or even months. But if you look back you will realize that is was on this energy that you made the choice.

Because this is such a radical and changeable moment we may be shocked at some of the events that occur this month. This may manifest in your own life, or in the political and world stage. I expect that we will be some surprises in this impeachment trial. I don’t expect the Republicans to suddenly throw themselves on the sword, but there could be cracks in the wall that will eventually lead to a few discovering their conscience. Only time will tell. The stock markets are insane at the moment, and they are ready for a big correction. But that will only be a tease to what I expect next year. I’ve been lecturing anywhere I can and warning that we are heading for a serious crash. This month we may get just a taste of what’s to come. But it will be enough to convince some that I’m not out of my mind and to consider a more cautious approach to investing. Let’s see what happens.

Also I think that Trump is finally stepping over some lines that can no longer be tolerated no matter what party you are affiliated with. His destruction of the EPA and the rollback of most of Obama’s restrictions on pollution are dangerous and stupid, and much of the country will suffer as their stream, rivers, lakes and wetlands are destroyed beyond repair. I don’t care how much you like the DOW numbers (as manipulated as they are), what the hell good will your 401K do you if you are drinking polluted water and can’t go to your favorite vacation spot because this guy has decided that the coal, oil and BIG AG companies have more rights than the citizens of our nation. Enough is enough!!! And the fact that he has made this announcement now simply shows his disdain for public opinion and his feeling that he is a dictator and needs answer to no one. God help our nation and our children.

I hope this new moon is wondrous. My dear friend is in such a muddle. Having
had a freeky accident several months ago, she wascharged with a felony and her
pain clinic took her off the rolls and now her physician is about todo the same thing,
The case drags out and it may be a couple more months before it’s resolved. In the
meantime she can’t get her meds. So you see why I hope it’s a wondrous moon,