Sun Squares Uranus:

Sun Squares Uranus:


On Thursday January 23rd at 1:54 A.M. EST this powerful and at times dangerous square demands that we pay close attention to what’s happening around us and avoid mistakes, miscommunications and accidents. There’s no reason to assume that anything bad will happen to you. If this sets off your chart you may be more susceptible to an unpredictable event or incident, possibly an accident, but if you pay attention and keep a close eye on you environment there shouldn’t be any problems. Just “stay in the moment” and you will be fine.

With the impeachment in full swing and the power struggle reaching its highest point there may be some surprises. Changes in loyalty and some explosive moments are to be expected. This is, after all, a time in history when we are about to define just what path our nation walks along, and the differences in choice are as stark as we’ve ever seen. We could see some actions on the world stage anywhere at any time this week, but we don’t have control over that. Only over what we do and how we respond to what’s going on. Use caution, stay alert and use common sense. But as an old friend of mine used to say: “Common sense is not that common”. Look for unusual things. Try a new restaurant, go to the Museum of Modern Art, a movie you might not usually attend, or just stay open-minded to new ideas and people. You may be quite surprised by what you encounter. Caution is certainly called for, especially while traveling. But you could just as easily drop something on your foot in the kitchen. Eyes wide open…