The Sun Enters Aquarius:

The Sun Enters Aquarius:


On Monday January 20th at 9:55 A.M. EST we enter the fixed part of winter. This and the square to Uranus, ruler of Aquarius mentioned below are a continuation and buildup of this erratic energy. While this sign is considered the place of genius, as I mentioned earlier in this newsletter, it is also the sign of strange and uncontrolled behavior. There is a thin line between genius and lunacy, try not to step on the wrong side of that line. But do explore new and unusual ideas, events and people. This is a chance to try some adventurous and exciting things and you shouldn’t limit yourself, except where safety is a concern. Uranus rules all elected officials and has much to do with the unveiling of the truth. As the Sun leaves Capricorn and joins Mercury in this sign we will begin to feel a subtle shift in the underlying energy. We are slowly separating from the great buildup of Capricorn and moving forward into this unusual and changeable sign. Expect the unexpected and be prepared for some changes in direction. It might be very exciting.