Mercury Squares Uranus:

Mercury Squares Uranus:


On Saturday January 18th at 3:32 A.M. EST we will see a day or two of erratic thinking and sudden events. With the following energy of Aquarius and Uranus this is a week when you must pay close attention to what you’re doing and how you’re interacting with others. There is a lot of electricity in the air and you need to stay grounded. Pay close attention to how you speak to others. There is a tendency to talk first and think later with this placement. Arguments are common and it’s just too easy to get upset and overreact to some small slight, or to jump the gun before you have all the necessary information. Don’t assume anything. Take a few moments and get your facts straight. You also must be very careful while traveling. This can be an accident waiting to happen. Don’t let it happen to you. Use caution and keep your eyes open.


This is an explosive example of the changes I expect to see over the coming months as more planets enter this erratic sign. Information and secrets will be revealed. Don’t be surprised by what comes out. I have been saying for a few weeks to expect some reversals and changes of loyalties. Surprises and unexpected events are coming. Will the impeachment go as smoothly as Mitch McConnell believes? I don’t think so. While we are a long way from any real resolution to these issues, Mercury leaving Capricorn and entering surprising Aquarius, then squaring Uranus implies that nothing will be as it seems. When push comes to shove you may find that a few Senators will finally look themselves in the mirror or in their children’s eyes, and do something that even they will be shock by. Who knows? Time will tell…