Venus Enters Pisces:

Venus Enters Pisces:

On Monday January 13th at 1:39 P.M. EST until February 7th at 3:02 P.M. EST there will be a more compassionate undercurrent to many relationships. This transit can go a long way towards settling down the tension many are feeling with the more powerful Capricorn energy that abounds at the moment. Try to find the gentle voice within, and use that compassion not only for others, but for yourself as well. You have the best chance of healing the inside, and we all have the capacity to do so.
On another more mundane level when dealing with others especially in any intimate connection you should use some caution. While this placement is very empathetic and can reach a place of deep feeling, it can also manifest as misdirection, confusion and possibly deception. How it is displayed will have much to do with how you approach it. Pisces doesn’t always see reality the way the other signs do, and that can lead to some difficulties. By being honest and direct and bringing all issues into the light you can avoid most complications. Don’t be afraid to say what’s on your mind, even if you think the other person won’t accept or understand your point of view. That’s better than misleading or hiding your true feelings and allowing things to fester. While Pisces rules the healing professions, it also rules all infections. Are you going to heal a rift or make it worse? That is entirely up to you and how you approach things. Also, remember that Venus rules the 2nd house of money and we are entering a period when financial matters can also be quite fogy or deceptive, both on a personal level and in the collective. Don’t believe everything you hear about our economy. And do be careful. We are in a period of great manipulation and subterfuge. Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain…