Full Moon Eclipse in Cancer:

Full Moon Eclipse in Cancer:

This month’s lunar peak occurs on Friday January 10th at 2:21 P.M. EST at 20 degrees Cancer 00 minutes and it’s a Lunar Eclipse! Eclipses come in pairs. I guess they’re afraid to travel alone. LOL This is the second one of this month, and it falls at 20 degrees Cancer. By itself this eclipse will exude a powerful force to be reckoned with. But this occurs on the same day that Uranus begins its direct motion, and even more to the point, two days before the powerful conjunct of Saturn and Pluto. That conjunct completes at 22 degrees Capricorn, so this Full Moon is 2 degrees away and is essentially conjunct. This Full Moon will, in effect, be the trigger for that tremendous buildup of energy that we have been discussing for some time. That doesn’t mean that we will see an event exactly on this aspect. While I do think that this eclipse and the concurring Saturn-Pluto will severely move some issues our society has been dealing with, any action that occurs now could be a release of the tension we have been living under and ultimately be quite positive. We may see a powerful change in the political process both nationally and internationally, and it may effectively redirect the conversation radically. We will know soon enough exactly what course our society is taking.
This “new crisis” in the Middle East is, of course, another distraction from Trump in an attempt to misdirect our attention away from impeachment. That’s hardly a surprise and something that many have been expecting for some time. But with the Saturn-Pluto conjunct completing just two days after this eclipse, if cooler heads do not prevail things could easily get out of hand. The buildup of tension is becoming overbearing and many people are expressing overload. It’s so very important that we keep our wits about us and neither overreact nor stick those heads in the sand. Clarity and focus are vital at a time like this. As uncomfortable as it may be, I feel it’s necessary to express our feelings and to find release for that stress. So while caution is called for there is no reason to assume that worst. This might be the popping of the pimple, sp tp speak, and the release of that pressure.
Over the coming weeks there may be a shifting of loyalties, some news revealed that could be quite intense involving a candidate for president (from either party) or there could be an international problem that arises and demands our attention. Obviously we are all looking towards Iran and what actions they may take. But there are a number of places in the world that are ready to boil over, and truthfully, while the Middle East is a hotbed and could explode at any moment, the truth is that Iran wouldn’t last long against the might of the American military if push came to shove, and they know it. With eclipses it’s difficult to know just where its influence will be most felt.
On a personal level if this sets off someone’s chart in a direct way it will be much more powerful. Check your own horoscope to see how this is affecting you. I am examining the charts of a number of prominent people for the same reason, and I will post whatever I discover. In any case, use some caution and remember that Cancer is one of the most emotional of the signs, and there could be a strong reaction in your own life to any personal situation, especially involving family, close friends, or issues from the past. Try not to over react and keep things in perspective.