Mercury Conjuncts Jupiter in Capricorn:

Mercury Conjuncts Jupiter in Capricorn:


On Thursday January 2nd at 11:42 A.M. EST this very optimistic and outgoing conjunct will make us all more chatty and gregarious. This is a very social transit. This is a good day to communicate and to reach out to those you may have lost contact with. Because this takes place in Capricorn it won’t be terribly explosive and there may not be the usual excitement that this conjunct can create in other signs. But it will expand your consciousness, especially in those areas where Capricorn is most comfortable; including financial matters, family issues and anything dealing with the past. This may be a good day to examine your history and see what lessons can still be learned. Mercury rules our thinking process and Jupiter rules higher education and philosophy. This combination offers us an opportunity to expand our consciousness and allow for new information. Take advantage of it any way you can. The Moon will square all the Capricorn energy over the next two days – Jupiter, Mercury, the Sun, Saturn & Pluto. This will be an intense few days. All the more reason to embrace this Mercury – Jupiter conjunct and feel some hope and confidence. It’s not going to last too long and won’t change your life all that much. But sometimes all it takes is a few hours to rejuvenate us enough to move onto the next challenge.