Newsletter: January 2020

Newsletter: January 2020

ISSUE # 246

January 2020

Note: All aspects are most powerful and effective as they apply. Once the transit has completed, its force is lessened. The further it separates the weaker it becomes.

The response to my holiday sale has been so overwhelming I can’t possibly fit everyone in. I’m extending the sale price through January.

 Following my talks in New York, Boston, Connecticut, Philadelphia, Upstate NY, etc., I’m taking a break from my lecture tour until after the New Year. I haven’t been available much for sessions the past few months, so to thank my loyal readers I will be having a holiday sale. If you book a session between now and February 1st the price will be $200 for a 90 minute reading.

 If you are interested please contact me at and you must let me know that you have seen this offer.

 Wishing you all Happy Holidays, peace and prosperity.



This is a month of some intensity. There are a lot of energetic and important aspects completing. Perhaps the most significant is the Saturn-Pluto conjunct on January 12th. This is the culmination of a year or more when this energy was applying. Now that it is completing we can move ahead towards some solutions. I discuss it more at length on that date below. Mercury and the Sun will conjunct this aspect creating an even more forceful few days. We shall see the results of this conjunct over the coming year. This has much to do with the impeachment, the disarray in the Democratic Party, the explosiveness throughout the world – Hong Kong, North Korea, South America, etc. And as we head into 2020 we can expect some of these issues to come to a head. Hopefully the world will begin to regain its footing. I’m guardedly optimistic that a more balanced approach to things will prevail, but I’m also very realistic and realize that there is a great divide in our society that will not suddenly heal. It will take a long time and many events to finally point us in a direction that will feel comfortable to a majority of the population. While much of our attention is on America’s situation, and we are heading towards our Pluto Return, there are a number of hot spots in the world, any of which could explode and set off a series of problems. I’m going into this New Year with hope and confidence that we have the wherewithal to make the right decisions.

We also will see Uranus go direct, and Mercury & the Sun in square to that planet. This is a month that requires our attention. If you are careful you can avoid most problems. But if you aren’t watching out or are acting in an erratic behavior you could get into difficulties. So in general this is a time to walk carefully and be aware of what’s going on around us.



The New Moon falls on Thursday December 26th at 12:13 A.M. EST at 4 degrees Capricorn 07 minutes and it’s a Solar Eclipse! We are entering an Eclipse Season with this New Moon Solar Eclipse in Capricorn. As with all New Moons we should look at this with hope and optimism. It’s a chance for a new beginning and to redirect our energy onto a fresh path. The New Moon in this sign is always of some importance as this begins the building of a new foundation for the coming year. But this one is even more prominent for several reasons. For one thing all eclipses are powerful and project their influence for a long time. There are several ways of looking at this. In the short run the impact can last for about 6 months. Often it will be rerouted by the next eclipse when the energy will take on the characteristics of whatever sign that falls in. But there is a different perspective when dealing with eclipses. They have an underlying projection that can last for many years. We can look back at world events and identify the turning point to a pair of eclipses. With the world in such disarray at the moment this could be a point of transition we will examine for many years to come.

The other reason that this is a very important Solar Eclipse is because of the enormous buildup of Capricorn energy we have been discussing for the past year. We will see the completion of the Saturn-Pluto conjunct on January 12th, which I discuss later in this newsletter. But we also have the Sun, Jupiter, New Moon in this earth sign, and Mercury will be joining them on January 2nd. With so much energy in a single sign the influence is much more potent. It is the quicker moving heavenly bodies that act as a trigger to the more complex longer lasting aspects. In this case it is this eclipse that will set things in motion.

In general a Capricorn New Moon demands that we examine the foundation upon which we are planning our changes and growth in the coming year. This sign is very much involved with the past, just like its opposite sign of Cancer. This cardinal polarity is family oriented and directly connected to the ongoing continuity of our personal lives as well as the societal family. This is a time to review what we’ve done and to look ahead at our goals. This year because of the plethora of planetary activity in Capricorn we will feel this influence more powerfully and it’s vital that the decisions and plans you make are solidly based in reality and have a good chance of succeeding. Not all of your goals will be reached. That’s not the point. Some will come to fruition and some will be out of reach. But the underlying purpose is to lay a strong foundation and to grasp at life in a clear and functional manner. Happy holidays to you all and may you wish for what you need and get what you wish for.



On Friday December 27th at 1:26 P.M. EST this marvelous transit will give us all a few days of optimism and hope, even as we deal with the applying Saturn-Pluto conjunct. We call Jupiter the greater benefic, and it can be just that – offering an expansive and positive perspective and a boundless sense of growth. For a few days we will all experience confidence and faith that things will work out. This is very important under any circumstances, but with the current state of things and the unsureness many are feeling this year it’s essential that we have moments of assurance and confidence that it will all work out in the end. That is the great gift that Jupiter offers. It isn’t a promise that all of your wishes will come true, but rather the power for us to believe in ourselves and in the collective, so matter how shaky the foundation might seem we can still wake up with the promise of a better tomorrow. This is a good day for any socializing. Spend time with your close friends and share in the joy of the season. It’s also a good day for any travel. If you can get away for a few hours, take a Zipcar and have an adventure. If not, then take a long walk and let your mind do the traveling. It only matters that you allow yourself a chance to believe. In Miracle on 34th Street, one of my favorite holiday movies there’s a line that says: “Faith is believing in something when common sense tells you not to.” That should be Jupiter’s motto. And the adage for our times. As we enter 2020 with all of the trepidation surrounding this year, I hope we can all grab hold of that ideal and embrace it as if it were a long lost friend, or the last chance for love. It may very well be that faith is our ultimate salvation.


On Saturday December 28th at 11:55 P.M. EST until January 16th at 1:31 P.M. EST the planet of communication and thought will join the many heavenly bodies currently traveling through this earth sign. This placement tends to make us all a bit more realistic and conservative in our thinking. I don’t mean that word in a political sense, but in a human and functional way. The desire is to ensure that our thinking is clear and focused on the most important issues. There can be a tendency to overanalyze things, and it would be smart to let go of anything that is no longer valid. Capricorn has much to so with the pruning of our ideas, plans and relationships. When its energy is used properly you can simplify your life and aim your attention at the core values you hold without too much distraction. But if you allow this Saturn-ruled sign to restrict your thinking too much you may not be able to accept new ideas and you can get caught up in a circle without a solution. If you’re prone to negative thinking or depression you may feel this as an oppressive energy, but it has a positive purpose as do all transits. As with many things in life, balance is the answer. Find a place for your old and secure values, but allow for the cleaning out of the garden so there is room for new growth.


On Monday December 30th at 5:21 P.M. EST there will be an increase in the scope and speed of our thoughts and ideas. This trine will allow us all a chance to examine things from a new perspective and to experiment with concepts that may have seemed unrealistic. Because Mercury is traveling through restrictive Capricorn it’s important to take a moment now and see our world through a less repressive spectrum. Don’t be afraid to look beyond your normal ideals or to stretch your imagination. This is an opportunity to consider new and innovative things.



On Thursday January 2nd at 11:42 A.M. EST this very optimistic and outgoing conjunct will make us all more chatty and gregarious. This is a very social transit. This is a good day to communicate and to reach out to those you may have lost contact with. Because this takes place in Capricorn it won’t be terribly explosive and there may not be the usual excitement that this conjunct can create in other signs. But it will expand your consciousness, especially in those areas where Capricorn is most comfortable; including financial matters, family issues and anything dealing with the past. This may be a good day to examine your history and see what lessons can still be learned. Mercury rules our thinking process and Jupiter rules higher education and philosophy. This combination offers us an opportunity to expand our consciousness and allow for new information. Take advantage of it any way you can.



On Friday January 3rd at 4:37 A.M. EST until February 16th at 6:33 A.M. EST the ego enters this boundless sign. This can give us a jolt of fresh energy and a strong desire to express our individuality. While that is a positive and exciting concept it does come with a word of warning. It’s easy to overdo things in this Jupiter-ruled sign, and Mars has little regard for limitations under any circumstances. So it would be wise to keep an eye on your ego and how you express it. If you use this energy properly you can accomplish a great deal in a few weeks. You won’t feel the usual restrictions and may be more willing to take some chances and step outside the box. But if you ignore all limitations you may find that others push back against your efforts and that can lead to problems. Find a good balance between your desire for new ideas and horizons, and respect for other people’s boundaries and this will be a very successful and growth-oriented period.


On Tuesday January 7th at 1:21 A.M. EST & Wednesday January 8th at 8:03 A.M. EST this pair of calm and compassionate sextiles will give us all a brief recess from the intensity we may be feeling. These aren’t all that powerful on the world’s stage; they tend to respond better internally. Try to engage in the gentle and empathetic energy they emit and calm down for a day or so. This may be best used by relaxing and enjoying the simple things in life. There will be plenty of opportunities for excitement and radical redirection. Now just put your feet up and listen to the birds.



On Friday January 10th at 10:19 A.M. EST this common transit will complete. This occurs several times a year, but the sign that it falls in and the surrounding transit will decide just how it can be best used to your advantage. Being in Capricorn with the plethora of other planets traveling in that earth sign now as well, the best use of this conjunct is to solidify your personal goals and ideas, and to remove any thoughts, plans or relationships that are no longer valid in your life. Obviously you can’t do that all in a single day, but this will give you the impetus to begin the process. Take a few hours to examine your life and your values and see which are still growth-oriented and which have become deadened in winter’s chill. Those are the ones that should be weeded out.



This month’s lunar peak occurs on Friday January 10th at 2:21 P.M. EST at 20 degrees Cancer 00 minutes and it’s a Lunar Eclipse! Eclipses come in pairs. I guess they’re afraid to travel alone. LOL. This is the second one of this month, and it falls at 20 degrees Cancer. This eclipse will severely move some issues our society has been dealing with. We may see a powerful change in the political process both nationally and internationally. Over the coming weeks there may be a shifting of loyalties, some news revealed that could be quite intense involving a candidate for president (from either party) or there could be an international problem that arises and demands our attention. With eclipses it’s difficult to know just where its influence will be most felt. Of course if this sets off someone’s chart in a direct way it will be much more powerful. Check your own chart to see how this is affecting you. I am examining the charts of a number of prominent people for the same reason, and I will post whatever I discover. In any case, use some caution and remember that Cancer is one of the most emotional of the signs, and there could be a strong reaction in your own life to any personal situation, especially involving family, close friends, or issues from the past.


On Friday January 10th at 8:49 P.M. EST this most explosive and unpredictable planet reverses direction. This is part of the paradigm shift the world is experiencing at the moment. Uranus rules elected officials, and I expect that there will be some shifting of power, loyalty and some events that may alter our political map. With North Korea once again rattling its sabers and our national conversation still at a massive roadblock I suspect that we are in for a rather bumpy ride over the coming months. Obviously the 2020 election is on most of our minds, no matter how apolitical you may try to be. This isn’t something we can ignore. And Uranus changing direction will certainly add fuel to the fire. This is a month of serious changes in our direction, and the reversal of this planet heralds that change as much as anything.


On Sunday January 12th at 5:14 A.M. EST & 11:59 A.M. Mercury will set off that Saturn-Pluto conjunct that completes is a matter of hours. This is a few days when the tension we have all been feeling will come to a head. That doesn’t mean that there must be radical events or an explosive situation right now. A transit announces the energy it holds, and the events can take place weeks before or after. Still, I suggest we all take a deep breath and try not to get into useless arguments or allow our feelings to get the better of us. We are all feeling the power of these transits and how well we can circumvent them will decide what their influence in our lives will be. Be careful how you talk to each other. Mercury is all about communication and with both Saturn and Pluto pressing heavily upon it even the slightest and must innocent conversation could be blown out of proportion and become a major to-do. Also use caution when traveling.



On Sunday January 12th at 11:59 A.M. EST this conjunct that we have been discussing for more than a year finally completes. This is a profound moment in human history and a time when many issues will come to a head. We can easily see how this energy has been building up in the political arena. I mean, we’re in the middle of an impeachment for gods-sake, for only the 3rd time in our history. Because this hits America’s chart profoundly it is having a dynamic effect on our culture and political stage. And while that event is the most overwhelming issue in America, remember that there is a big world out there and other nations are having their problems and challenges as well. This conjunct has much to do with the unrest in many parts of the world including Hong Kong, South America, North Korea, parts of Europe, and, as always, the Middle East with Syria as the flash point. We will feel the aftermath of this aspect for years to come. It won’t suddenly clear up in a few weeks or months.

The events that this harbinger announces will change the direction of the world in many ways that we can’t yet see. But just looking back over the past few years as this applied we can see some of the redirection and the underlying animosity that has been released. I will continue to examine and comment on this conjunct as we approach America’s Pluto Return that completes in 2023. So understand that while this is a great buildup of stress and tension, and its completion hopefully will go a long way towards releasing some of that pent up energy, the cycle will not complete for at least another 3 years. What takes place over the coming few years will obviously have much to do with what path we choose and how this all plays out. Like any serious moment in our lives, the anticipation if often more difficult that the actual event. Therapists call that “anticipatory anxiety”. So let’s be glad that at least this part of the drama is coming to a close. The events of 2020, including the election, impeachment and the coming economic downturn are all being fueled by this massive buildup of Capricorn energy. Much has occurred in the shadows and cannot be readily seen. Have faith and hope, and always look towards the light.


On Monday January 13th at 8:21 A.M. EST & 10:15 A.M. EST the Sun will now conjunct that massive Saturn-Pluto combination. This is a continuation of the force we are dealing with as we engage more fully in the Great Capricorn Build-up. There could be events this week that reflect the powerful energy of this massive conjunct, or they may occur in the coming months. For now I suggest we all take a deep breath and think before we speak or act. Once something has been said you cannot unsay it. We are all feeling some stress now and it’s vital that we do what we can to sidestep any unnecessary disputes or illogical actions. Be safe and find a way towards peace. With Venus entering gentle Pisces today as well, we will have a new energy coming in that can be passive and healing if we look towards it with open eyes.



On Monday January 13th at 1:39 P.M. EST until February 7th at 3:02 P.M. EST there will be a more compassionate undercurrent to many relationships. This transit can go a long way towards settling down the tension many are feeling with the more powerful Capricorn energy that abounds at the moment. Try to find the gentle voice within, and use that compassion not only for others, but for yourself as well. You have the best chance of healing the inside, and we all have the capacity to do so.

On another more mundane level when dealing with others especially in any intimate connection you should use some caution. While this placement is very empathetic and can reach a place of deep feeling, it can also manifest as misdirection and confusion. How it is displayed will have much to do with how you approach it. Pisces doesn’t always see reality the way the other signs do, and that can lead to some difficulties. By being honest and direct and bringing all issues into the light you can avoid most complications. Don’t be afraid to say what’s on your mind, even if you think the other person won’t accept or understand your point of view. That’s better than deceiving or hiding your true feelings and allowing things to fester. While Pisces rules the healing professions, it also rules all infections. Are you going to heal a rift or make it worse? That is entirely up to you and how you approach things.


On Thursday January 16th at 1:31 P.M. EST until February 3rd at 6:37 A.M. EST we will experience a few weeks when our thoughts and tongues move very quickly. This combination can bring out the genius in us all, but of course it will be more powerful if it falls in your natal chart. For the next period we will all find that information and ideas are flowing rapidly and without the usual restrictions. With mercury about to square Aquarius ruler, Uranus in two days, you should hold on to your hats and expect the unexpected. The Sun is also about to enter Aquarius and will then square Uranus. This is all part of a serious shift in energy away from Capricorn and into the more erratic and unpredictable energy of Aquarius.



On Saturday January 18th at 3:32 A.M. EST we will see a day or two of erratic thinking and sudden events. With the following energy of Aquarius and Uranus this is a week when you must pay close attention to what you’re doing and how you’re interacting with others. There is a lot of electricity in the air and you need to stay grounded. Pay close attention to how you speak to others. There is a tendency to talk first and think later with this placement. Arguments are common and it’s just too easy to get upset and overreact to some small slight, or to jump the gun before you have all the necessary information. Don’t assume anything. Take a few moments and get your facts straight. You also must be very careful while traveling. This can be an accident waiting to happen. Don’t let it happen to you.



On Monday January 20th at 9:55 A.M. EST we enter the fixed part of winter. This and the square to Uranus mentioned below if a continuation and buildup of this erratic energy. While this sign is considered the place of genius, as I mentioned earlier in this newsletter, it is also the sign of strange an uncontrolled behavior. There is a thin line between genius and lunacy, try not to step on the wrong side of that line. But do explore new and unusual ideas, events and people. This is a chance to try some adventurous and exciting things and you shouldn’t limit yourself, except where safety is a concern.



On Thursday January 23rd at 1:54 A.M. EST this powerful and at times dangerous square demands that we pay close attention to what’s happening around us and void mistakes, miscommunications and accidents. There’s no reason to assume that anything bad will happen to you. If this sets off your chart you may be more susceptible to an unpredictable event or incident, but if you pay attention and keep a close eye on you environment there shouldn’t be any problems. We could see some actions on the world stage at any time this week, but we don’t have control over that. Only over what we do and how we respond to what’s going on. Use caution, stay alert and use common sense. But as an old friend of mine used to say: “Common sense is not that common”. Look for unusual things. Try a new restaurant, go to the Museum of Modern Art, a movie you might not usually attend, or just stay open-minded to new ideas and people. You may be quite surprised by what you encounter.


On Thursday January 23rd at 8:07 A.M. EST this lovely and gentle transit will allow us a few hours of respite in the middle of these rather intense few days of Uranus and Aquarius energy. While this isn’t powerful enough to offset all of what’s going on, if you can focus on it you may find that you are able to relax and refresh yourself. This is a very sociable and outgoing aspect, though at times it can be rather lethargic. With the Sun Uranus square occurring today as well I somehow doubt that will be a problem.


The next New Moon falls on Friday January 24th at 4:42 P.M. EST at 4 degrees Aquarius 21 minutes. The day or two leading up to it will be a particularly low energy period. If you tend to be emotional this may be a very trying time each month. I have found that people with prominent moons or a Cancer Sun, Moon or ascendant respond to the lunar cycles more intensely than others. Spend this time finishing up anything that is incomplete, don’t try to initiate new projects on a waning moon, it just won’t work out. Once the New Moon hits you begin new projects or attempt a new approach to an existing problem. If you have been living in a situation or involved in a relationship that is intolerable or has outlived its usefulness this would be the proper time to move on with your life. If you have been working on a project that is almost complete but you seem to lack the energy for the finality, you must push during these low energy days to end the matter once and for all. If you don’t, when the New Moon arrives it will bring this “dead” energy along with it and conflict with the newer force being presented. Each month we are offered a chance to clean house, so to speak.

Below is a list of times this month when the Moon is Void of Course and neither important decisions nor purchases should be made during these periods. The Void of Course Moon is a time when we should try to center ourselves and deal with spiritual matters not materialistic ones. Any decisions made on the VC Moon will not turn out the way we had expected.

The Moon is Void of Course from the time it makes its last major aspect in a sign until it enters the next sign. For example, if the Moon squares Mars at 27 degrees Aries and then has no more aspects until it enters Taurus it will be Void of Course for three degrees or about 6 hours. The aspects used are the conjunction, sextile, square, trine, and opposition. All times are Eastern Daylight Time:

December 27th 4:03 P.M. – December 28th 12:21 A.M.

December 30th 5:24 A.M. – 10:41 A.M.

January 1st 9:14 P.M. – 11:00 P.M.

January 3rd 8:18 P.M. – January 4th 11:15 A.M. ***Moon is void 15 hours

January 6th 7:08 A.M. – 9:11 P.M. ***Moon is void 14 hours

January 8th 5:16 P.M. – January 9th 3:43 A.M. ***Moon is void 10 hours

January 10th 6:58 P.M. – January 11th 7:16 A.M. ***Moon is void 12 hours

January 13th 8:42 A.M. – 9:06 A.M.

January 15th 7:12 A.M. – 10:43 A.M.

January 17th 7:58 A.M. – 1:20 P.M.

January 19th 4:22 P.M. – 5:41 P.M.

January 20th 11:46 P.M. – January 22nd 12:00 A.M. ***Moon is void 24 hours

January 23rd 9:08 P.M. – January 24th 8:20 A.M. ***Moon is void 11 hours

January 25th 2:06 P.M. – January 26th 6:44 P.M. ***Moon is void 28 hours

January 28th 8:08 P.M. – January 29th 6:51 A.M. ***Moon is void 11 hours

January 31st 10:10 A.M. – 7:28 P.M. ***Moon is void 10 hours

December 2019

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