On Saturday December 28th at 11:55 P.M. EST until January 16th at 1:31 P.M. EST the planet of communication and thought will join the many heavenly bodies currently traveling through this earth sign. This placement tends to make us all a bit more realistic and conservative in our thinking. I don’t mean that word in a political sense, but in a human and functional way. The desire is to ensure that our thinking is clear and focused on the most important issues. There can be a tendency to overanalyze things, and it would be smart to let go of anything that is no longer valid. Capricorn has much to so with the pruning of our ideas, plans and relationships. When its energy is used properly you can simplify your life and aim your attention at the core values you hold without too much distraction. But if you allow this Saturn-ruled sign to restrict your thinking too much you may not be able to accept new ideas and you can get caught up in a circle without a solution. If you’re prone to negative thinking or depression you may feel this as an oppressive energy, but it has a positive purpose as do all transits. As with many things in life, balance is the answer. Find a place for your old and secure values, but allow for the cleaning out of the garden so there is room for new growth.