The New Moon falls on Thursday December 26th at 12:13 A.M. EST at 4 degrees Capricorn 07 minutes and it’s a Solar Eclipse! We are entering an Eclipse Season with this New Moon Solar Eclipse in Capricorn. As with all New Moons we should look at this with hope and optimism. It’s a chance for a new beginning and to redirect our energy onto a fresh path. The New Moon in this sign is always of some importance as this begins the building of a new foundation for the coming year. But this one is even more prominent for several reasons. For one thing all eclipses are powerful and project their influence for a long time. There are several ways of looking at this. In the short run the impact can last for about 6 months. Often it will be rerouted by the next eclipse when the energy will take on the characteristics of whatever sign that falls in. But there is a different perspective when dealing with eclipses. They have an underlying projection that can last for many years. We can look back at world events and identify the turning point to a pair of eclipses. With the world in such disarray at the moment this could be a point of transition we will examine for many years to come.


The other reason that this is a very important Solar Eclipse is because of the enormous buildup of Capricorn energy we have been discussing for the past year. We will see the completion of the Saturn-Pluto conjunct on January 12th, which I discuss later in this newsletter. But we also have the Sun, Jupiter, New Moon in this earth sign, and Mercury will be joining them on January 2nd. With so much energy in a single sign the influence is much more potent. It is the quicker moving heavenly bodies that act as a trigger to the more complex longer lasting aspects. In this case it is this eclipse that will set things in motion.


In general a Capricorn New Moon demands that we examine the foundation upon which we are planning our changes and growth in the coming year. This sign is very much involved with the past, just like its opposite sign of Cancer. This cardinal polarity is family oriented and directly connected to the ongoing continuity of our personal lives as well as the societal family. This is a time to review what we’ve done and to look ahead at our goals. This year because of the plethora of planetary activity in Capricorn we will feel this influence more powerfully and it’s vital that the decisions and plans you make are solidly based in reality and have a good chance of succeeding. Not all of your goals will be reached. That’s not the point. Some will come to fruition and some will be out of reach. But the underlying purpose is to lay a strong foundation and to grasp at life in a clear and functional manner. Happy holidays to you all and may you wish for what you need and get what you wish for.