The Sun Enters Capricorn:

The Sun Enters Capricorn:


On Saturday December 21st at 11:20 P.M. EST we enter the cardinal earth sign and officially begin winter. Capricorn and its ruler, Saturn, have a reputation of being restrictive and somewhat stoic or indifferent. As we travel through this sign there is a tendency to want to settle in and limit your events. And with Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto already in this earth sign the buildup of this energy will be hard to ignore. But with Venus in square to Uranus tomorrow and the Sun in trine to that erratic planet on Tuesday I think it will be a few days before we all hanker down for the winter. Once the next New Moon in Capricorn hits the day after Christmas we will all feel a strong desire to put up boundaries and set limitations of all sorts to accommodate the huge surge that the Great Capricorn Alignment will create over the coming weeks. This is a very family oriented sign, and along with its opposite sign of Cancer has much to do with the past and with our history, both personally and collectively. Spend the coming month looking back at what you have chosen and examine your connections to the people in your life, as well as to the projects and goals you have set for yourself. This can be a very useful endeavor every year at this time, and with so many planets in transit here now and for the coming month it will be especially productive.